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Drone Attack: Avaliable options

actually... just right now.. I heard Pakistan is allowing U.S to carry on drone attacks... heres a link : US, Pakistan to jointly carry out drone missions

We've seen these kinds of newspaper reports before.

This is quoting Los Angeles Times, but assuming it's true, there's two problems associated with it.

Problem 1 - Quote from Rand
If it's true that Pakistan is actually controlling some of these drones, that undermines the concerns (Pakistanis express) about the attacks.

Problem 2 - Some academic
The key is you've got to have the approval of the host government. If you do not, you cross over the line of invading the territorial sovereignty of another country.

It depends how much control has been given Pakistan. The public will see it as full control, and anti Pakistan elements can therefore blame errors on the Pakistani government. It is best to say no attack unless there's 100% certainty that an Al Q figure is there. With any true control, the number of drone attacks will significantly diminish I would think
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Pakistan Drone Strikes: the CIA’s Secret War

The number of drone strikes in Pakistan, believed to be led by the CIA, has doubled under the Obama administration in 2010 – leading to hundreds of deaths.
In the last 12 months there have been at least 113 attacks by secret US drones in Pakistan’s mountainous Waziristan region....

Pakistan Drone Strikes: the CIA’s Secret War | PK ARTICLES HUB
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