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Drinking Liquor Without Getting Drunk Not Sinful: Islamic Scholar

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As far as I have read Islam

Drinking is forbidden because it takes you near evil. As far as I understand... not only evil acts are haram but anything that takes you towards evil is also haram

One of the signs of the final times is when a charlatan like this man claim to be a scholar.

Folks will know that when ayahs were revealed there was, most of the time a corresponding history, which was later revealed in hadith. The ayats relating to drinking were revealed in the following order;

They ask you about intoxicants and games of chance. Say: In both of them there is a great sin and means of profit for men, and their sin is greater than their profit. And they ask you as to what they should spend. Say: What you can spare. Thus does Allah make clear to you the communications, that you may ponder (Surah Al Baqarah 2:219)

This was after the Rasool(saws) had arrived in Medina and saw the decadence gambling and alcohol were causing amongst Muslims. When the companions(ra) enquired further, the verse above was revealed.

However many Muslims still took this as a light admonishment and continued to drink. This led to a very famous incident, where Hazrat Abdur-Rahman Ibn Auf(ra) had consumed alcohol with some of the companions and then they went about reading their congregational Magrib salat. The Imam, in his drunken state made an error reciting a surah, which then triggered the second revelation.

O you who believe! Do not go near prayer when you are intoxicated until you know (well) what you say (Surah Nisa 4:43)

Yet again people subjectively interoperated the verse and many drank in-between their prayers. During one such session, the men gathered, reciting poetry and drinking wine. One of the great sahabah Hazrat Saad Ibn Abi Waqqas recited some poetry which upset the Ansar of Medina, which nearly led to a serious confrontation. The Ansar prayed and asked the Rasool for help, upon which the final verse was revealed;

O you who believe! intoxicants and games of chance and (sacrificing to) stones set up and (dividing by)arrows are only an uncleanness, the Shaitan's work; shun it therefore that you may be successful. The Shaitan only desires to cause enmity and hatred to spring in your midst by means of intoxicants and games of chance, and to keep you off from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. Will you then desist? (Surah Maida 5:90-91).

Upon hearing this, the companions and the people of Medina all smashed their wine jars, vessels, holding tanks and the wine literally flowed to ankle level in Medina . This is well documented in Seerah and hadith.

This moron should also take heed of hadith. Take a look my brothers and sisters;

Anas said that the Messenger of Allah cursed ten people in connection with wine: the wine-presser, the one who has it pressed, the one who drinks it, the one who conveys it, the one to whom it is conveyed, the one who serves it, the one who sells it, the one who benefits from the price paid for it, the one who buys it, and the one for whom it is bought. [Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah]

So the Rasool(saws) has cursed anyone associated with wine, yet he says you can drink it without sinning, as you are not intoxicated.

'Abdullah ibn 'Umar reported Allah's Messenger as saying, "If anyone drinks wine God will not accept prayer from him for forty days, but if he repents God will forgive him. If he repeats the offence God will not accept prayer from him for forty days, but if he repents God will forgive him. If he again repeats the offence God will not accept prayer from him for forty days, but if he repents God will forgive him. If he repeats it a fourth time God will not accept prayer from him for forty days, and if he repents God will not forgive him, but will give him to drink of the river of the fluid flowing from the inhabitants of Hell." [At-Tirmidhi]

Your prayers are not accepted for 40 days, yet he says you can drink it.

Be careful who you take your deen from.
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