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DRDO's AEW&C: Salient features of the indigenous warning system

Ministry of Defence
11-August, 2017 15:04 IST
Funds to DRDO

Details of funds allocated to the Department of Defence Research & Development during the last three years are given below:-

Allocation of funds
(Rs. in crore)




2017-18(Budget Estimates)

There is shortage of funds only in revenue part, due to which projects and other ongoing activities are re-prioritized. Government is making all possible efforts to meet the budgetary requirements of DRDO, within the available resource, so that its flagship programmes do not suffer due to lack of funds.

This information was given by Defence Minister Shri Arun Jaitley in a written reply to Shri Sunil Kumar Mondal in Lok Sabha today.


Ministry of Defence
11-August, 2017 15:02 IST
Scientists of DRDO

There is no noteworthy increase in number of scientists leaving DRDO. The details of the scientists (excluding superannuation) who have left DRDO during the last three years is given below:

No. of Scientists left DRDO




2017(till July 2017)

The reason for leaving DRDO is primarily cited as “Personal Grounds” which is less than the 1%.

Government has introduced a comprehensive ‘Incentive Scheme for DRDO Scientists’, details are given below:-

Incentive Scheme for DRDO Scientists’

I. Financial Incentives:

· Additional Increments: Two additional increments are given to Scientists C, D, E & F.

· Professional Update Allowance: Scientist ‘B’, ‘C’ & ‘D’ are granted Rs. 15, 000 p.a., Scientists ‘E’ & ‘F’ Rs. 30,000 p.a. and Scientists ‘G’ & above Rs. 45, 000 p.a. as Professional Update Allowance.

· Variable Increments: Up to maximum of six increments are granted to deserving Scientists at the time of promotion under FCS depending upon merit.

II. Growth related Incentives:

To give better growth and promotional avenues to the Scientists in DRDO, Merit based Flexible Complementing Scheme (FCS) is in place, where promotions are based on assessment and not on available vacancies. Under the FCS, Scientist recruited at the level of Sc ‘B’ in the lowest rung of Gp ‘A’ can move up to the level of Scientist ‘H’ in Level 15 Higher Administrative Grade (HAG) scale and thereafter, the level of Distinguished Scientist in the Level 16 (HAG+ scale ) achievable on personal up-gradation basis.

III. Proposed Incentives:

As regards Performance Related Incentive Scheme (PRIS) it may be mentioned that 7th CPC has not recommended PRIS for DRDO although the same is in operation in Department of Space & Department of Atomic Energy.

IV. Qualification/Skill Improvement:

Scientists in DRDO are being sponsored for M.E./M.Tech programmes at Indian Institute of Technologies (IITs), Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and other reputed institutes under the Research & Training Scheme at Government expense so that they can up-grade their knowledge and skills. Further, scientists are also encouraged to complete Ph.D. in their respective field, for which necessary assistance is provided.

This information was given by Defence Minister Shri Arun Jaitley in a written reply to Dr. Swami Sakshiji Maharaj in Lok Sabha today.
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