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Dragon At Gwadar

Funny, I also started with an "IF", read my post #17 to validate your #88 post:cool:.
If China sees a terrorist separatist leader in a 90 year old monk then India has enough reason to recognize Chinese land grabbing attitude as a threat to its sovereignty. Do not just blame Mr.Anthony,your CCP leaders are no better.

By the way,my "IF" was a response to a "SHOULD", not to your "IF":lol:
Dragon's presence at Gwadar will make sure that next war India have to fight would be a 3 front war instead of 2 as it conceived.

With Chinese influence in Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Bangladesh on the other-hand is just enough to keep India mindful of the 4th front.

Thats the thing...leaders in Pakistan are not true & honest otherwise Pakistan would be a developed country uptil now. On the other hand indian polititions are true & honest with their awam & do their best to develop india.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

man, just tune in to Indian news channel.....all u will be able to find is news of corruption....
This gwadar is master stroke by both china & PAK and chankyans can't do anything about it rather then helplessly whine and harp. A win win scenario for both countries if the full potential of this Gwadar port and PAK-china relation is harnessed. Chinese can develop westchina at berserk pace while PAK can ask china to investment in different industries along with the boom it would have in trade & commerce. PAK intl trade traffic would rise astonishingly and PAK must take full advantage of it and develop their tourism, communication, transport, petrochemical, shipbuilding industries etc. While china would establish itself as the undisputed leader in IOR and subsequently a global superpower of a bipolar world. It would also help PAK counter the insurgency in Baluchistan and fend off against chanakyan designs better. :)
This gwadar is master stroke by both china & PAK and chankyans can't do anything about it rather then helplessly whine and harp. A win win scenario for both countries if the full potential of this Gwadar port and PAK-china relation is harnessed. Chinese can develop westchina at berserk pace while PAK can ask china to investment in different industries along with the boom it would have in trade & commerce. PAK intl trade traffic would rise astonishingly and PAK must take full advantage of it and develop their tourism, communication, transport, petrochemical, shipbuilding industries etc. While china would establish itself as the undisputed leader in IOR and subsequently a global superpower of a bipolar world. It would also help PAK counter the insurgency in Baluchistan and fend off against chanakyan designs better. :)

Your RAWAMI govt will help us don't worry
India does have some involvement in it same with Qatar and the UAE.

I've heard of some of those Gulf nations getting involved in the BLA insurgency. Why would they do that?

@Hu Songshan @Kiss_of_the_Dragon

India understands only one language, known as power. After 2014 a significant geopolitical shift will occur in our region, it is time for the ISI and MSS to setup a joint cell, dedicated to support liberation movements in India's south, in the same ways they are doing in Balochistan and Afghanistan.

India has supported terrorist proxies from Bangladesh, to Srilanka, from Afghanistan to Pakistan, from Nepal to Burma and Chinese tibet. Its time when India is contained by the countries it wishes to bully into submission.

Both govts should formulate a policy to establish a neutral political approach towards,nations and states seeking freedom from Indian rule, backed by active logistical support for them. This is high time, India's turn to taste its own medicine is upon us, we shall only have india back off from SinoPak interests when its integrity is threatened in return for their systematic destabilization of Balochistan and Afghanistan.

They are playing with fire and this is what they should get in return. All regional countries like Sri Lanka, BD, Maldives should participate in the string of pearls project, if they wish to break free from the Indian bullying.


@Icarus @Irfan Baloch

Or in other words: "The strong do what they have power to do; the weak accept what they have to accept."
-Thucydides (460-395)

Very dangerous games they are playing indeed.

Your RAWAMI govt will help us don't worry

Yeah, and it's going to fail miserably.

Stay tuned.
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In the future two front war, with Chinese assistance Paksitan to create airbase close to Gwadar port, combine with long range patrol fighter such J11b, Destroyers and submerines, Pakistan will be able to set blockade of any Indian cargo ship at the exit of strait of Hormuz for over a month, than Indian economy will be collapse.

As the GB infrastructure improve, China can supply quicker Pakistan with better air defense and more offensive weapon to protect Karakoram highway and any of our energy supply road, And to give India something to remember, China can open two more fronts to squeeze Indian north east chicken neck. As Asai Chin, we can pound New delhi with long range rocket and bombarding India occupied Kashmire...your two front war is just totally at our mercy if you ever dare to try.

Too patriotic....I respect that......but wars r not won by patriotism alone.

ur destroyers and submarines at Gwadar will be destroyed on day 1 of any conflict by joint action of Indian Airforce and Navy....we r not that dumb not to ensure that step..........

And if u argue that ur destroyers and subs r some kind invincible, unsinkable flotilla.....then debating with u is pure waste of time....

And to b serious PN does not hv that kind of guts nor capability to block st. of hormuz, if we consider 1:1 destruction of IN & PN naval assets in case of a conflict.

Squeeze India's chicken's neck ??? :lol: how exactly u plan to achieve that??? cyber warriors like us only think of armies attacking each other......ever wondered about logistical challenges, supply routes........have u ever been to the ur side of the Sikkim border??? do u know what kind of terrain Sikkim has.......an 1km stretch of our own roads destroyed near Nathula can put ur army in waiting mode for over an week......

And offcourse in Aksai chin border our armies will just watch u guys launching rockets and do nothing just as u hv planned right???? :lol:
I've heard of some of those Gulf nations getting involved in the BLA insurgency. Why would they do that?

Or in other words: "The strong do what they have power to do; the weak accept what they have to accept."
-Thucydides (460-395)

Very dangerous games they are playing indeed.

Yeah, and it's going to fail miserably.

Stay tuned.

Are you challenging the GOB
I've heard of some of those Gulf nations getting involved in the BLA insurgency. Why would they do that?

From what I have observed the port threatens the interests of the UAE same with Qatar, and they hold a baloch population, during the Iraq-Iran war the UAE baloch population use to fund an insurgency hoping they could gain independence.
Too patriotic....I respect that......but wars r not won by patriotism alone.

ur destroyers and submarines at Gwadar will be destroyed on day 1 of any conflict by joint action of Indian Airforce and Navy....we r not that dumb not to ensure that step..........

And if u argue that ur destroyers and subs r some kind invincible, unsinkable flotilla.....then debating with u is pure waste of time....

And to b serious PN does not hv that kind of guts nor capability to block st. of hormuz, if we consider 1:1 destruction of IN & PN naval assets in case of a conflict.

Squeeze India's chicken's neck ??? :lol: how exactly u plan to achieve that??? cyber warriors like us only think of armies attacking each other......ever wondered about logistical challenges, supply routes........have u ever been to the ur side of the Sikkim border??? do u know what kind of terrain Sikkim has.......an 1km stretch of our own roads destroyed near Nathula can put ur army in waiting mode for over an week......

And offcourse in Aksai chin border our armies will just watch u guys launching rockets and do nothing just as u hv planned right???? :lol:

Don't talk like you Indian Navy is far superior than us, you might be the dominance force in the region but once PLA Navy set the foot on IOR, you will have to rewrite the rule of the game. As for your chicken neck and Asai Chin, it is too complicate as so many things will get involve such airplanes, army...artilleries hence I will let our generals to validate your strategist's two front war theory :azn:
Indian military is no match for the PLA. Anyone thinking otherwise is delusional.
Indian military was much closer to the PLA in the 1962 war. Now the gap is massive. India cannot produce their own weapons with their own components. They only have the weapons they imported. Our industry is massive with manufacturing know how and efficiency. In a full scale war, our industrial might will be a great advantage to us. Once India runs out of their imported weapons, it's game over since they cannot make their own weapons.

India is making the same mistake it made in 1962, it thought it was powerful enough to take down China and it went into their head. This made Nehru do his forward policy which backfired badly. India thinks too highly of itself, as much progress as they have made, they are still a little boy trying to play with the big boys.

Overrating their capabilities got them a severe beating 50 years ago, and the same will happen now but on a much larger scale.

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