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Dr subramanian swamy's open challenge to pakistan on kashmir

a toned down version of zaid hamid
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I have had a class under him at Harvard. I tell you he is very opinionated and stubborn to the point that he would skew his stats to make his point through. During the class I countered him on the same, his reply to that was 'Are you a Pakistani?'. I answered him, 'I don't need to be a Pakistani to counter your baseless and outdated stats'. He gave me a A grade though. The course was about India and China economic development.
I have had a class under him at Harvard. I tell you he is very opinionated and stubborn to the point that he would skew his stats to make his point through. During the class I countered him on the same, his reply to that was 'Are you a Pakistani?'. I answered him, 'I don't need to be a Pakistani to counter your baseless and outdated stats'. He gave me a A grade though. The course was about India and China economic development.

So, are you a Pakistani? :D
option for plebiscite was open to pakistan till shimla agreement.... Pakistan did not comply on any of the pre reqs for plebiscite from 1947 to 1972 shimla agreement, all indo-pak issues have no scope for third party arbitration, including UNSC....

If pakistan ever took UNSC resolution seriously, it wouldn't have repeatedly breached it in 65, 71 and 99... Ball was in pakistan's court for 6 decades, with it's tacit counter-productive actions towards kashmir, it has left very few constitutional avenues for negotiations with india on kashmir.
If pakistan is willing, it can still evacuate kashmir and see what pan's out...
option for plebiscite was open to pakistan till shimla agreement.... Pakistan did not comply on any of the pre reqs for plebiscite from 1947 to 1972 shimla agreement, all indo-pak issues have no scope for third party arbitration, including UNSC.

Unless BOTH parties (India and Pakistan) agree to such third party arbitration.
Now can we seriously think that we can have a working relation with indians when their leader of a major political party is doing this?
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