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Dr Qadir - A national hero or traitor


May 21, 2006
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In his interview, he said, Pakistan supplied centrifuge rods to North Korea with the approval of President of Pakistan in 2000, with the help of security forces.
Its Mushi and Army ?.
Govt denied.

North Korea received centrifuges from Pakistan with Musharraf's consent: Dr A.Q. Khan ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, July 4 (AP) - North Korea received centrifuges from Pakistan in a 2000 shipment supervised by the army during the rule of President Pervez Musharraf, nuclear scientist Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan claimed Friday. He told The Associated Press in a telephone interview that the uranium enrichment equipment was sent from Pakistan in a North Korean plane that was loaded under the supervision of Pakistani security officials. Dr Khan said the army had “complete knowledge” of the shipment of used P-1 centrifuges to North Korea and that it must have been sent with the consent of Musharraf, the then-army chief who took power in a 1999 coup. “It was a North Korean plane, and the army had complete knowledge about it and the equipment,” he said. “It must have gone with his (Musharraf's) consent.” Pakistan Army and Foreign Ministry spokesmen declined to give immediate comment Friday. Musharraf's spokesman said he would respond to Dr Khan's allegations after speaking to the president. After his 2004 confession and televised statement of contrition, Dr Khan was pardoned by Musharraf but has been kept under virtual house arrest at his spacious villa in Islamabad.Asked why he had taken sole responsibility for the nuclear proliferation, Dr Khan said he had been persuaded that it was in the national interest by friends including Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain, the president of the then ruling Pakistan Muslim League (Q). In return, he said, he had been promised complete freedom, but “those promises were not honored.” Khan also said that he had traveled to North Korea in 1999 with a Pakistan army general to buy shoulder-launched missiles from Pyonyang. Khan's wife this week petitioned the Islamabad High Court for an end to the restrictions on her husband's movements and for his freedom to speak to the media. Also Friday, a lawyer for Khan alleged that listening devices had been planted in the scientist's tightly guarded home. (Posted @ 21:06 PST)

i think he is right, how can he alone did all this...General R hameed Gul also supported his argument..that this all was done under proper plan and contracts...we gave them nuke and got missiles...what our leaders are doing with A.Q khan is absolutely pathatic..with apology what India did with their Nuke scientist, they simply made him the president...i am not sure but i read in many news papers that Indian Scientists was also involved in this case but their moves were to protect their Nuke Scientist...and we what we did we simply put sanction on him...this is not good..he is our hero he provide us with a simply, cheap and advanced technology and make Pakistan stronger but our leaders are making him weaker and weaker...he is our hero and as a Pakistani we all should support his efforts.
Haider, what proof does he give that Pak supplied these centrifuges to NK?

He didn't say he was involved in that exchange, he is just quoting hearsay.
But his every word bring Pakistan nuclear plan close to UN investigation. Once West done with Iran. Next will be Pakistan and Indian will fully support in any move made by UN. May be he is victim of mega conspiracy or fall guy, but for wider benefit of Pakistan, he must keep quite or when he watching all this nuclear proliferation and was part of it, he should have distant himself from job.
If he is innocent then why every country pointing finger at Qadir Khan ring.
"...and we what we did we simply put sanction on him...this is not good..he is our hero he provide us with a simply, cheap and advanced technology and make Pakistan stronger but our leaders are making him weaker and weaker...he is our hero and as a Pakistani we all should support his efforts."
oh i see...is it patriotic to champion this man's actions even as our inflation rate (20%) spirals out of control, putting more ppl at risk of disease and malnutrition, our exports continue to suffer because our technologies cannot compete on the world markets, and our electricity is not sufficient for the exporters to produce their goods. Did i mention the degradation of our environment, and especially our staggering illiteracy rates...this man has made Pakistan stronger? i don't think so. Advanced technology is only good when it empowers the ppl and lifts them out of poverty.
How many times has it got to be said. AQ Khan was no hero. He contributed to a nuke program by taking centrifuge designs from another country. Pakistan would have got nukes without him. Many other Pak scientists made bigger contributions to the nuke program than him, but he stole all the glory. He was a mediocre metallurgist. Overrated.
oh i see...is it patriotic to champion this man's actions even as our inflation rate (20%) spirals out of control, putting more ppl at risk of disease and malnutrition, our exports continue to suffer because our technologies cannot compete on the world markets, and our electricity is not sufficient for the exporters to produce their goods. Did i mention the degradation of our environment, and especially our staggering illiteracy rates...this man has made Pakistan stronger? i don't think so. Advanced technology is only good when it empowers the ppl and lifts them out of poverty.

Alright, Ms. for your information when India tested its nukes in 1974, it became dagerous for our sovergnity...and again it tested in 1998, my uncle in airforce told me that all air bases were at high alert that day when india tested nukes and a great attack was expected in dust next day...but Pakistan tested nukes and told indians that we are not week. Ms. tell me if we didn't test nukes and india got the chance to attack Pakistan then tell me where would be your people or where would be the other developements. moreover i agree that other scientists were involved in this effort may be they have much more contribution than A.Q khan but tell me who initiat this, who provide technology, according to A.Q khan our technology is much cheaper and cost 20 to 25 million dollars that time none in this world has such low cost technology this shows that he has much contribution. we consider Mr. Jinnah as our leader our hero but we also know that there are many people who may have much contribution in making Pakistan but dear who initiat this effort who give two nation theory...A.Q. khan is hero as he took intiatives and i know he gave this technology to others, i think there is no nation who don't have copied technology even USA has a copied nukes. we are here in this world safe and sound because no country has a courage to attack nuclear capable country even USA could not do this directly thats why they are searching for indirect paths...why only our nukes are the target of USA why don't Indians because we are the only muslim country who have this tech.
^^The USA has sanctioned both India and Pakistan more or less equally. True they slapped sanctions after the Pakistan test, but they also did for India also.
i repeat the same thing here ROAD RUNNER that they made their scientist president although he is Muslim this was to protect him.
i repeat the same thing here ROAD RUNNER that they made their scientist president although he is Muslim this was to protect him.

So what? You think they did it as gratitude? The Indian President is the first excuse Indians on these forums jump to when trying to demonstrate how secular, and Muslim tolerant India is - when in fact there's been persecution in many areas of Muslims. This is irrelevant.

The point is this. AQ Khan did not contribute much to the Pakistani nuke program except to being over some ideas for Uranium purification, which Pakistan had achieved anyway with Plutonium. There were many other Pakistani scientists that achieved bigger steps in the nuke program than AQ Khan, though he was not irrelevant either. If you're going to worship one man, at least have the courtesy to realize who were the important nuke scientists, and which ones were just metallurgists.
i repeat the same thing here ROAD RUNNER that they made their scientist president although he is Muslim this was to protect him.

APJ Abdul Kalam is a truly eminent scientist and educationist. Please don't compare him with "other scientists".
APJ Abdul Kalam is a truly eminent scientist and educationist. Please don't compare him with "other scientists".

Not true Sly Assassin. Abdul Kalam was and is pretty dense. He's being used as a toy and doesn't even realize it. His achievements in the nuke field, were microscopic. No one man is responsible for the Indian nuke program either (which is also based on 60 year old technology that has been copied from elsewhere).
I only know that he took initiatives for nukes....Every one is against him USA, India or some of our own people it shows that there is something in him which threaten USA, India or what else. Before him no one talked about Nuclear Pakistan.
Not true Sly Assassin. Abdul Kalam was and is pretty dense. He's being used as a toy and doesn't even realize it. His achievements in the nuke field, were microscopic. No one man is responsible for the Indian nuke program either (which is also based on 60 year old technology that has been copied from elsewhere).

Ah, I see.
thanks atleast you can see lolz......don't mind just kidding.
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