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Dr.Chisti's arrival and PTI's selfishness and PPP and MQM's dedication

Look all the politicians in Pakistan are corrupt & are only living & working for themselves & themselves only. No politician in Pakistan is capable of running Pakistan. Yai qaum danday waly qaum hai in ko danda do sidha chalain gain yai politicians ki bas ki baat nahi hai to put the people on right track these politicians don't even know the main cause of why our young generation is off track.
Imran Khan has always said he does not visit publicity events just to come in the eyes of the cameras. He didn't go to Siachen for the same reason.

MQM and PPP are used to cheap point scoring on the political arena. That is why they visited. PTI doesn't need to be in the limelight to show its support. Whats the point of going to such events just to take medias attention away from the problem at hand to political personalities with hundreds of guards following them.

Cheap publicity is not one of Imran Khan's strongpoints. Hassan Nisar has said so earlier and it is absolutely true. Imran Khan is a very simple minded man who only speaks the truth. This is why every political party tries to attack him.

People want the same corruption, loadshedding, crime, karachi and quetta burning, killings, terrorism, drone strikes, corruption and intolerance. Thus these fools will keep voting for the same people and won't give change a chance.
I do believe Bibi's vision was much better than this, lets not insult her in her grave..

You mean the vision we saw during the 90's? Of diamond necklaces, Surrey Palaces, properties in Dubai, America and England? The accounts in Cayman's, Switzerland etc.? What vision my friend? Bhutto had a vision, a real one but even he had flaws, top flaw was his arrogance.
SO, is Pakistan now going to be run on BB's vision, and the nation is going to be held hostage to it?

Shaheed BB ka vision, Shaheed ZAB ka vision, and all that. Is this some kind of monarchy.

Had the vision really been tangible and good, we could have tagged along.

BTW, what really is The vision?

Is the vision to keep on doing corruption, keep on looting the country, keep on doing double standards, keep on playing politics at the expense of the country (Karachi, and the whole nation), keep on ruining Railways, steel mill etc.

Oh wait, as Fawad Chaudhary put it, 'pakistan main kiya masla ai? Aap media walay bhi to....load shedding kay ilawa koi masla nhn hai mulk main'.

So that is how the PPP sees it, must be a very nice view from where PPP is sitting.

Loll..this is really the best post..
Yea, i really want to know the vision..Well, let me think

1) Dont care, if the country is disintegrated...just care for ur own greed of power, and u being the PM (ZAB)

2)Ruin the economy by nationalisation policy

3)Hand over your sensitive intelligence documents/list to India, also willing to compromise on Kashmir issue( BB)

4)Doing lots of corruption, Surrey Mehel etc etc(BB)

5)For Zardari, the list is endless...the most sensitive one being the treasonous memo issue, willing to handover your nukes to America(WOWW....what a vision I must say)

6)Do I need to mention other blunders of Zardari, i-e Karachi being held hostage to the ruling alliance of PPP/MQM/ANP.. Have we anywhere else, seen or heard ruling coalition partners involved in killing each other?

7)Other numerous corruption scandals, & ruining of PIA, Steel Mills, Railways etc etc

8)Always playing victim card, doing politics of graves, so called Siasi Shaheed.. Well, I have just mentioned few karnaamey of those so called Siasi "Shaheeds"

Do we want this vision to be implemented again and again? :no:
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