There is little doubt that that she is a very strong Al-Qaida sympathizer. What greater proof of this can be that she divorced her husband and married a cousin of Ramzi Yusuf & Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, both well-known Al Qaida activists?
For the record Dr Afia Siddiqui was not captured in Pakistan and “SOLD” to Americans. She was captured in Afghanistan. Have you ever asked yourself; what a Pakistani female was doing in Ghazni - Afghanistan in the first place?
It is difficult to say whether Dr Afia Siddiqui is guilty or not of the crimes she is accused of and I am really sorry as her children, who were clearly innocent; have suffered because of her. I am convinced that Pak Gov’t agencies are aware of her relationship with the Al Qaida terrorists that is why they did not try too hard to get her release.
Of course if one thinks that Al Qaida is not a terrorist organization and her activists are innocent of all crimes, this is another matter.
Dr Afia’s jail sentence however, does not mean permission of rape. If true it is very sad indeed. Pak Gov’t should do their best to investigate the rumours and offer to provide for her medical care. If the rumours are found to be correct, Pak Gov’t should arrange for a team of lawyers to convict the prison authorities or whosoever is responsible.