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Dr. Afia: Atomic Bomb Informations About Dr. Afia, Dr. Amjad(Afia's Husband) reveals


Oct 17, 2008
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Right Wing Media only plays with the our Emotional Nation and keep them hostage on bases of this emotions

Dr. Amjad is the first Husband of Dr. Afia.

Finally he released the complete Truth about Afia.

His biography is being published in Ummat Newspaper (which is itself extremist Jamat Newspaper and itself published a lot bakwas about Dr. Afia being daughter of Nation and Musharraf handed over this daughter to US bla bla bla)

First Part

Second Part

Third Part

Fourth Part

..... Continuing, but most of the Truth has already been revealed.

I believe End time is coming not only for Taliban, but also for this Right Wing Media and People of Pakistan has started recongnizing their True Face.

its seems great post to me!:tup:
good work , lieutenant:tup::agree::pakistan:
Something smells like fish around here...
every thing is fishy , cause its called the sea.;):lol::tup::pakistan:
im readin the first part and it does sound quite dramatic. its like a page out of bollywood
im readin the first part and it does sound quite dramatic. its like a page out of bollywood

It looks more like a star plus khandani political soap lol :D
still reading :pop:
Why is all this truth written without any references? or is the entire article found and written by one person who got all the information first hand?
Why is all this truth written without any references? or is the entire article found and written by one person who got all the information first hand?

no. this article was written by this Dr. Amjad. he then posted it and it was published as it is
everybody lies to benefit and harm others.
it seems Dr afia and family intentionally misled and lied to promote alqueda
and damage USA image.
may allah expose everyone who wants to harm our motherland and also give us courage to do so
There is so much mis-information that it is hard to judge what is right and what is wrong :S. Is this article really true?
The only gripe I have with this whole sorry affair was that we handed over a Muslim woman with her children to a foreign agency who then subsequently tortured her brutally. This in my view is Beghairty of the highest order. It is against every principle that we have ever been taught. If Dr Afia is guilty, or we have proof , why not try her in Pakistan and punish her on being proven guilty. Have our morals stooped so low that we not only handed her over but kept it under the wraps till Yvonne Ridley raised a hue and cry about it in UK.
Don’t know what the real truth is. Each one looks at the truth from his/her view point. I was certain that Dr Afia had some links with the terrorists else she won’t have been on the wanted list of FBI. How strong these links were is any body’s guess.

Regardless of what is true. IMO FBI should either charge her for anti state activities if they have concrete proof or let her go. I am against any one being held prisoner without being tried and proven guilty, especially the women.
Don’t know what the real truth is. Each one looks at the truth from his/her view point. I was certain that Dr Afia had some links with the terrorists else she won’t have been on the wanted list of FBI. How strong these links were is any body’s guess.

Regardless of what is true. IMO FBI should either charge her for anti state activities if they have concrete proof or let her go. I am against any one being held prisoner without being tried and proven guilty, especially the women.
I agree.Too many consipiracy therories in Pakistan sir.My teacher told me she was charged because she was working on a special nuclear bomb which Musharraf did not like as he is CIA Agent and America asked him to get her to USA because that bomb was capable of destroying America.:crazy:
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