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Dozens killed in Lebanon air raid

Bull said:
Good post.

But my point was that there is no need for a ceasefire as the warring factions havnt called for it.

Exactly, i disagreed with how you were potraying the combatants, never with the idea that a ceasfire can't be implemented with ongoing fighting.
Bull said:
let the bombing continue till they melt in southern lebonon.

For anyone in their right mind to say such a thing is absolutely shocking...

Thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians are dying - these happen to be li'l babies, old men, women, grandmas, expecting women..you name it.

Israel needs to stop - everyone knows it!!!They've taken it too far, way too far. There's a WAR and then there's terrorism. If they were involved in a full scale war against Lebanese and Palestinians, it'd have been understandable - there's no reason for them to destroy millions of ppl's lives by killing random civilians, separating families, making them homeless and outright killing them!! Nothing justifies this kind of cruelty.

Imagine if something like this were to hit close to your home - would you have the same opinion?

At first – I was happy that Israel was retaliating – something that the Indian government does not have the balls to do so – but there’s a limit. I don’t know what they’re trying to achieve. If they think that bombing and killing will eliminate the problem, they’re dead wrong. This will only create more terrorists. Those who’ve lost their loved ones will become terrorists to take revenge.
JSK said:
Those who’ve lost their loved ones will become terrorists to take revenge.

Exactly, they will made perfect candidates for Al-qida.
Bush calls for deployment of multinational forces in Lebanon

MIAMI: US President George W. Bush said Monday that the United States was working "urgently" to end the Middle East conflict, but resisted calls for an immediate ceasefire and avoided criticism of Israel.

Bush also laid out what he said were "clear objectives" for a lasting peace in the area -- including the deployment of a multinational force to ease humanitarian aid to southern Lebanon and an end of Syrian and Iranian support for groups that target Israel.

"Lebanon's democratic government must be empowered to exercise sole authority over its territory. A multinational force must be dispatched to Lebanon quickly so we can help speed the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Lebanese people," he said.

"We're going to work with our allies, to bring before the United Nations Security Council a resolution that will end the violence and lay the groundwork for lasting peace in the Middle East," said Bush.

"As we work with friends and allies, it's important to remember this crisis began with Hezbollah's unprovoked terrorist attack against Israel. Israel is exercising it's right to defend itself and we mourn the loss of innocent life, both in Lebanon and in Israel," the president said.

Bush said he was monitoring the situation "very closely" and stressed: "We are determined to deliver relief to those who suffer, we're determined to work to resolve this crisis."
No idea of calling for this or that. Its time for action.

Every day counts to stop the bloodshed on both sides.

However, the crisis will not be solved.
The only solution is to solve Palestine problem and to make in independant from Israel including economic independance.
Closing jewish settlemets on occupied territories would be a good start.
Neo said:
Closing jewish settlemets on occupied territories would be a good start.

Didnt they do that unilaterlally before..what more do u want.
JSK said:
For anyone in their right mind to say such a thing is absolutely shocking...

u misquoted me or did i say something like that.

JSK said:
Thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians are dying - these happen to be li'l babies, old men, women, grandmas, expecting women..you name it.

thousand upon thousands..its just 700 in 19 days man.There are more than that dying in iraq.Why is the arab world not bothered abt it?

Do you have any idea how many they could have killed if Israelis aim was to kill innocents?In 19 days they could have bombed Lebonon to stone age if they wanted.Only 700 dead in 19 days shows controlled bombing.

JSK said:
Israel needs to stop - everyone knows it!!!They've taken it too far, way too far. There's a WAR and then there's terrorism. If they were involved in a full scale war against Lebanese and Palestinians, it'd have been understandable - there's no reason for them to destroy millions of ppl's lives by killing random civilians, separating families, making them homeless and outright killing them!! Nothing justifies this kind of cruelty.

This is war and this is what happens in a war.What did u expect war is sneaking in and killing a few soldiers and kidnapping another few?They thought they could get away with it,Israel says they wont and they are proving that point.

6yrs..thats the period Leboneese govt had to move in and disarm Hizmullah,they didnt .So let Israel do it now the way they know.

JSK said:
Imagine if something like this were to hit close to your home - would you have the same opinion?

If my country harbours armed guriellas who attack neighbouring country on their will,then i deserve it.
Neo said:
No, not all of them were were dismantled.

But then soemwhere,right?You dotn expect anybody to give up everything one fine day right.it has to be step by step.And that first step hasnt changed anything sadly.
Bull said:
But then soemwhere,right?You dotn expect anybody to give up everything one fine day right.it has to be step by step.And that first step hasnt changed anything sadly.


Despite reaching agreement called the 'Roadmap', Israel built the controvercial fence on Palestinian territory and authorised new settlements!
Israel rejects pressure to end Lebanon war

BEIRUT (August 01 2006): Israel on Monday rejected pressure to end Lebanon war and carried out new attacks on Lebanon and entered Aita al-Shaab town as civilians fled battered villages in southern Lebanon after Israel said Israel rejects pressure to end Lebanon warit had agreed partially to halt air strikes for 48 hours, Aaj TV special corespondent, Batool Fatima, reported from Beirut.

Earlier, Israel had announced it was giving a 24-hour window to > from page 1allow aid workers to reach worst-hit areas and residents to flee, but its jets continued bombardment of Lebanese towns and villages. There were reports of heavy fighting from Aita al-Shaab area, which started at noon and was continuing till last reports came in. An air strike on a Lebanese army vehicle killed one soldier in Tayba town.

Hizbullah continued its attack against Israel and wounded three Israeli soldiers when a rocket hit an Israeli tank. Hizbollah also fired shells into Israeli town of Kiryat Shmona, but no reports of casualty or injury were reported. Meanwhile, Lebanon observed a Day of Mourning on Monday to mourn the deaths in Qana.

A visit to Al-Ghaziyah town on Monday by the Aaj correspondent after getting permission from Hizbollah revealed destroyed buildings and burnt out vehicles, and people were seen fleeing the area. Only Hizbullah fighters and World Food Programme or relief agencies were left in the town. People, taking advantage of temporary truce, fled toward Beirut.
There is no ceasefire now, nor in coming days: Olmert

Tel Aviv: Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert insisted on Monday that in spite of the 48-hour cessation of air-strikes that the government had announced, "there is no ceasefire and there will be no ceasefire in the coming days."

Speaking before an audience of northern regional council heads in Karmiel, he said that the IDF was fighting at those very moments by land and by sea against Hizbullah's terrorist infrastructure in Lebanon.

He stated that the government knew that Israel would pay the heaviest price of all - loss of human lives, property, daily routine and the joy of living - and decided to fight back against Hizbullah anyway, in order to return the three kidnapped soldiers and ensure the safety of Israeli citizens.

Olmert said the government could not allow Hizbullah to get stronger, lest their attack on Israel would have completely devastated the state.

The prime minister also addressed international criticism, saying that no other nations could teach Israel morality. He insisted that Israel was operating according to the most basic moral principles that have been part of the Jewish heritage for millennia.

Turning to the citizens of Lebanon, Olmert insisted that Israel's fight was not against them but against the terrorists who operate for amongst them.
Bull said:
1. Do you have any idea how many they could have killed if Israelis aim was to kill innocents?In 19 days they could have bombed Lebonon to stone age if they wanted.Only 700 dead in 19 days shows controlled bombing.

2. This is war and this is what happens in a war.What did u expect war is sneaking in and killing a few soldiers and kidnapping another few?They thought they could get away with it,Israel says they wont and they are proving that point.

1. Why arent they? It is not from the goodness of their heart, it is because the entire region will become inflamed in war. It is killing the max. no. of civilians it can within the constraints it faces.

2. Israel is killing civilians over and above that which should occur in the normal course of war. It is engaging in collective punishment because it is unable to destroy Hezbolla, it is as simple as that. Israel is proving nothing but their frustration at inability to deal a crippling blow to Hezbolla.
sigatoka said:
1. Why arent they? It is not from the goodness of their heart, it is because the entire region will become inflamed in war. It is killing the max. no. of civilians it can within the constraints it faces.

Constraints?They continued their bombings after the UN observer post was hit ,u still believe they have constraints.

sigatoka said:
2. Israel is killing civilians over and above that which should occur in the normal course of war. It is engaging in collective punishment because it is unable to destroy Hezbolla, it is as simple as that. Israel is proving nothing but their frustration at inability to deal a crippling blow to Hezbolla.

Hizmullah is not like PA or IA that there are hard targets like bunkers or radar instalations or tank regiments to aim at.they are foot soldiers with highly mobile rocket launchers.israel dont want to risk its footsoldiers by sending them in and so the only way out is to attack by air.And this is best they could do.

The only reason u have to say hizbullah hasnt crippled is bcioz the rocket attacks have continued.But it doesnt require that many living hizmullah soldiers to fire those also.
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