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Double standards: Why fight ISIS in Iraq, not in Syria?

Arabian Legend

Mar 7, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
The West wholeheartedly rushed to rescue thousands of Yazidis in Northern Iraq. France rushed weapons to the Kurdish Peshmerga. The UK opened it depots for urgent delivery of ammunition and weapon systems to help the Kurds of Iraq. The U.S. sent military advisors after several air strikes on ISIS positions were launched from the George W Bush aircraft carrier positioned in the Gulf.

Observers cannot but be astonished. The West has rushed to help Iraqi minorities, Yazidis and Christians, and has left thousands of Syrians to face the butchery of the Assad regime, ISIS, Alawites, Hezbollah, and all sectarian Iraqi and Iranian imported militias who claim to be defending minorities’ rights in Syria.

The death of one Iraqi citizen should be taken as serious as a Syrian citizen targeted by ISIS, al-Nusra Front, the armed opposition or the Assad regime and its allies.

In Syria, three full years have passed and neither the U.N. nor the international community managed to provide substantial help to Syrians displaced within Syria (those are said to be in excess of 6 million as per U.N. figures) or Syrian refugees in neighboring countries such as Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey also a number estimated at 3 million plus.

The Syrian refugee crisis is by far the most serious the region and the world has witnessed for many decades, yet the stalled response by the international community is questionable if compared to the response seen in the last few days in Iraq.

Chasing ISIS

The Syrian opposition has been calling for many months the Friends of Syria Group to arm its brigade to bring down the Assad regime and stop the daily butchering and ethnic cleansing of Syrian civilians in various parts of the country. Fears that sophisticated weapons have reached the hands of extremists have prevented action, while Syrian regime aircraft kept pounding cities and villages outside the control of the regime with all kind of ammunition, and the list is long.

In Syria, three full years have passed and neither the U.N. nor the international community managed to provide substantial help to Syrians

An internationally protected safe haven in Syria was proposed on humanitarian grounds many times to house Syrian civilian inside the Syrian border only to be vetoed by Russia and China. Yet the international community was very active in scrambling U.S. fighter jets to pound ISIS positions close to the Iraqi Kurdish province, and for Iraqi and Kurdish forces to start receiving huge weapons shipment.

Double standards it maybe, but the life of Iraqis is as important as the life of human being anywhere and specially that of Syrians. And if the fight against ISIS and it's sisters and brothers is to succeed, the fight needs to threaten ISIS positions and bases in Syria too.

The new Security Council resolution unanimously adoptedunder chapter seven should prepare the ground to chase ISIS and other similar organizations across the Middle East, Europe and other hotbeds of extremism all over the world.

It is realistic to expect the Russian warning that the new U.N. resolution should be limited in its scope, but fighting ISIS means giving the British police extra powers to deal with returning foreign fighters as much as dealing with recruitment center up and down the country... In the same way fighting ISIS should extend to Syrian provinces where ISIS is recruiting and grooming new fighters who originate from marginalized communities in London, Sydney, Cairo, and Riyadh.

The devil worshipers rescuing the devil worshipers. It's not about humanity. If it was then this thing could have been finished with the red line crossing. But that was just what it was a drama and nothing more.

@HariPrasad u know how many Christians have been effected in Syria. Way more then the number in Iraq.
The devil worshipers rescuing the devil worshipers. It's not about humanity. If it was then this thing could have been finished with the red line crossing. But that was just what it was a drama and nothing more.

@HariPrasad u know how many Christians have been effected in Syria. Way more then the number in Iraq.

You may be right but the issue here is not getting affected but targeted. When there is an unrest in country all communities get affected but in Iraq, ISIS specifically targeted christian and made them to flee to mountain for their survival. Initially America refused to intervene but subsequently they attacked ISIS when Christians were made to leave their houses. This gives an impression that America might have done it in response to attack on christians. After all these are matters of guise and perceptions as the reason for attack is not declared officially.
Cause americans are stupid , they don't know anything about syria , they know few things about iraq...
Everyone forgot about Russia protection for Assad?

Russian couldn't protect their ally in Ukraine .... if it wasn't for Veto right , no one really would cared about them in ME ...
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