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Dont Help Pakistan they dont deserve it

Darth Vader

Jun 19, 2011
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United Kingdom

I came across this video on youtube and needless to say, it hit the mark. Of course the message is not a new one; help Pakistanis in their hour of need. But the way this message was portrayed here is just brilliant.In addition to making a strong statement; this video does what many of us failed to do when we took to the streets and damaged public property during one of our “peaceful protests’. Though, i can go on forever on how this was a brilliant idea; we must focus on some of the questions raised in this video.
The few lines that really stood out for me were “Its not your responsibility to help” “Its only 20 Million people.” As human beings we really should start thinking about our responsibilities towards other human beings. The geographical boundaries that divide us were made by humans, but humans themselves were made one by God, Mother Nature, Earth or whatever your faith asks you to believe. Our indifference to the woes of people on the other side of the world must end.
“Be the generation that let this country collapse.” If it was possible to cause physical pain through youtube, this one would have killed me. This statement alone should be enough to galvanize our entire generation into action, but maybe that’s hoping for too much.
“Your government failed, your leader failed, you failed!” There is only one solution to this: Wake up, volunteer, donate and DON’T fail yourselves.
“Don’t stand united and be ashamed of yourself.” Because this is indeed what will happen next. Ethnic and cultural differences divide us, and so people with sons and daughters and brothers and sisters perish as a consequence of our division. If humanity fails now- no one will give you credit for being ashamed of yourself.
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The video is from the 2010 flooding. People gave record funding, Imran Khan actually collected more funds than the Prime Minister who had forced every single government servant's salary to be deducted and deposited into the PM's flood victims account.

Shows you how much people gave - generosity exceeding the government's loot capacity.
All donations and funding in Pakistan goes to talibans and other terrorists...thats a fact.
pakistanis don;t deserve help, they are a pathetic race who don;t know how to get what they want, they elect a pathetic government over and over, their cricket team performs worst then amateurs and they let it go on and sing "tum jeeto ya haaro" i ******* hate your pathetic *****.

It is about time the ex-pats should stop all financial help and donations to pakistan. The ex pats must also stop portraying a better image of pakistan than it actually is.

Pakistanis don't need our help---they have made the decision that the expats bring nothing but trouble to their life style.
one should be very carful while donating.. never donate on street.... donate to a known charity or safest is to donate to govt

I say don't give it to anyone without actually seeing their work with your own eyes. when JuD came to me i went to swat with them myself to see their work. they are undoubtedly the best organization in South Asia :pakistan: !!!

never give donations to the govt. :disagree:
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