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Donkeys are growing in Pakistan, the world's third largest in number! Potential for Bangladesh

The number of donkeys in Pakistan is increasing. Pakistan now ranks third in the world in terms of the number of donkeys. According to a recent Pakistan Economic Survey for 2021-22, the number of donkeys in the country has risen again.

This is according to a report in The Express Tribune, a Pakistani media outlet on Friday (June 10th).

According to the report, the number of donkeys in Pakistan has increased by about one lakh in the fiscal year 2020-21. As a result, the total number of donkeys in the country has now increased to 57 lakhs. Which was around 57 lakhs in the last financial year, before that it was 55 lakhs in 2019-20.

According to a report in The Print, not only donkeys but also other animals including buffalo, horse, goat, sheep, camel and mule have increased in Pakistan. The country has 4.36 crore buffaloes, 3.19 crore sheep and the same number of goats. There are also 11 lakh camels, 4 lakh horses and 2 lakh mules.

According to a recent survey released by Pakistan's Finance Minister Miftah Ismail, the country's GDP growth has exceeded the target set by the Imran Khan government. The country has set a GDP growth target of 5.96%. As the donkey population continues to grow, the debt-ridden country will now focus more on livestock exports than ever before.

According to the 2021-22 Economic Survey, the government is focusing on the livestock sector for economic growth, food security and poverty alleviation.

It is to be noted that Pakistan also exports donkeys abroad every year to meet its own needs. The main importer of the animal from Pakistan is China. Donkey skin is in great demand in China. Meanwhile, Pakistan is also earning a lot of foreign exchange by exporting this animal. Gelatin made from donkey skin has medicinal properties. It helps to increase blood circulation as well as increase immunity.

The demand for donkeys in China is so high that scientists fear that donkeys may one day become extinct in China. They even fear that the country could reduce the number of donkeys around the world.

Pakistan ranks third in the world in the number of donkeys. China is in the first place. The country still imports donkeys.

Bangladesh has seen incredible rise in livestock through out the decades. But in this case we are far behind. There's a sizeable number of donkey's in Bangladesh, but not enough to properly utilize in the economy. Hope we can improve in this sector in the future which will benefit us economically.
Since PPP and Noon have come to power the count has increased significantly
The special donkeys are the ones in power aka neutrals and the ones to follow are PDM that are nourishing many donkeys to grow, these donkeys are enough to feed Patwaris and thier sub dominions lol🤣🤣
The number of donkeys in Pakistan is increasing. Pakistan now ranks third in the world in terms of the number of donkeys. According to a recent Pakistan Economic Survey for 2021-22, the number of donkeys in the country has risen again.

This is according to a report in The Express Tribune, a Pakistani media outlet on Friday (June 10th).

According to the report, the number of donkeys in Pakistan has increased by about one lakh in the fiscal year 2020-21. As a result, the total number of donkeys in the country has now increased to 57 lakhs. Which was around 57 lakhs in the last financial year, before that it was 55 lakhs in 2019-20.

According to a report in The Print, not only donkeys but also other animals including buffalo, horse, goat, sheep, camel and mule have increased in Pakistan. The country has 4.36 crore buffaloes, 3.19 crore sheep and the same number of goats. There are also 11 lakh camels, 4 lakh horses and 2 lakh mules.

According to a recent survey released by Pakistan's Finance Minister Miftah Ismail, the country's GDP growth has exceeded the target set by the Imran Khan government. The country has set a GDP growth target of 5.96%. As the donkey population continues to grow, the debt-ridden country will now focus more on livestock exports than ever before.

According to the 2021-22 Economic Survey, the government is focusing on the livestock sector for economic growth, food security and poverty alleviation.

It is to be noted that Pakistan also exports donkeys abroad every year to meet its own needs. The main importer of the animal from Pakistan is China. Donkey skin is in great demand in China. Meanwhile, Pakistan is also earning a lot of foreign exchange by exporting this animal. Gelatin made from donkey skin has medicinal properties. It helps to increase blood circulation as well as increase immunity.

The demand for donkeys in China is so high that scientists fear that donkeys may one day become extinct in China. They even fear that the country could reduce the number of donkeys around the world.

Pakistan ranks third in the world in the number of donkeys. China is in the first place. The country still imports donkeys.

Bangladesh has seen incredible rise in livestock through out the decades. But in this case we are far behind. There's a sizeable number of donkey's in Bangladesh, but not enough to properly utilize in the economy. Hope we can improve in this sector in the future which will benefit us economically.

Have you seen any videos of our Parliament in action? We have more donkeys than we need, maybe even more donkeys than we deserve..
You shouldn't paint all Punjabis with same brush and propagate a stereotype.
Thats low, I never said 'punjabi's'.. my beef is with specifically to a treacherous 'party' that was breeded by the men in boots to rule in their stead. I do have disdain with those who support the former likewise with the rest of the PDM coalition of criminals. PLMN is not a representation of punjab, the latter have woken up.. if there was free and fair elections then we'd see said traitors wiped out of entire Pakistan with just a few pockets here and there in Punjab (so called 'strong' hold, of which PTI could even get a 3/4 majority given how bad they screwed up.. that's why Bajwa and his gang are doing their best to sabotage any hope for having free elections.. @Norwegian tell him *
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It looks like Bajwa has been busy breeding donkey's instead of fighting wars.😂
Congratulations Pakistan. Excellent source of foreign exchange and definitely contributes towards balancing the trade deficit you have with China. If this keeps up you guys will be the donkey powerhouse of the world.

The donkey is a better creature than your rulers.
I find it incredible that you can troll when many poor Indians can’t feed themselves and are in a worse state than Pakistan’s hungry folk.

What is the goal of these stupid threads?

There is an other one running on same issue.
The amount of SPECIESISM in this thread is disturbing

Pakistan can export processed donkey meat to non-Muslim countries to earn a hefty revenue.

Additionally we can also use donkey warfare against India if neutrals can't buy expensive petrol


Just imagine 57 lakh Bazooka armed trained donkeys against 10 lakh Indian army
The donkey is a better creature than your rulers.
I find it incredible that you can troll when many poor Indians can’t feed themselves and are in a worse state than Pakistan’s hungry folk.

This is actually an improvement compared to where their GHI score is. Right next to Afghanistan. No one cares about poor people in India.


I don't know about donkeys, but Pakistani cocks are really popular in Bangladesh

Rest in Peace the King's English....where do they find copywriters like these?
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The number of donkeys in Pakistan is increasing. Pakistan now ranks third in the world in terms of the number of donkeys. According to a recent Pakistan Economic Survey for 2021-22, the number of donkeys in the country has risen again.

This is according to a report in The Express Tribune, a Pakistani media outlet on Friday (June 10th).

According to the report, the number of donkeys in Pakistan has increased by about one lakh in the fiscal year 2020-21. As a result, the total number of donkeys in the country has now increased to 57 lakhs. Which was around 57 lakhs in the last financial year, before that it was 55 lakhs in 2019-20.

According to a report in The Print, not only donkeys but also other animals including buffalo, horse, goat, sheep, camel and mule have increased in Pakistan. The country has 4.36 crore buffaloes, 3.19 crore sheep and the same number of goats. There are also 11 lakh camels, 4 lakh horses and 2 lakh mules.

According to a recent survey released by Pakistan's Finance Minister Miftah Ismail, the country's GDP growth has exceeded the target set by the Imran Khan government. The country has set a GDP growth target of 5.96%. As the donkey population continues to grow, the debt-ridden country will now focus more on livestock exports than ever before.

According to the 2021-22 Economic Survey, the government is focusing on the livestock sector for economic growth, food security and poverty alleviation.

It is to be noted that Pakistan also exports donkeys abroad every year to meet its own needs. The main importer of the animal from Pakistan is China. Donkey skin is in great demand in China. Meanwhile, Pakistan is also earning a lot of foreign exchange by exporting this animal. Gelatin made from donkey skin has medicinal properties. It helps to increase blood circulation as well as increase immunity.

The demand for donkeys in China is so high that scientists fear that donkeys may one day become extinct in China. They even fear that the country could reduce the number of donkeys around the world.

Pakistan ranks third in the world in the number of donkeys. China is in the first place. The country still imports donkeys.

Bangladesh has seen incredible rise in livestock through out the decades. But in this case we are far behind. There's a sizeable number of donkey's in Bangladesh, but not enough to properly utilize in the economy. Hope we can improve in this sector in the future which will benefit us economically.

Was Bajwa ONE of the Donkeys as well???
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