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Done deal: Why nuclear agreement with Japan is good for India

Read the agreement when you get the time. That particular clause is not for nuclear fuel nor any unitary parts, it's for full scale reactor deployments only.

No. I find his explanation quite justified.
There has to be a clause attached for the supplier also, so that the supplier can be liable to be held responsible in case there is a fault with whatever he is supplying. I have just scratched the surface though, don't know the details. Neither am I getting time these days.
Read the agreement when you get the time. That particular clause is not for nuclear fuel nor any unitary parts, it's for full scale reactor deployments only.
Okay, I will go through it in detail.
Just from what I can make of it, by the sound of it, don't you think that is dangerous ? Personally, I will be concerned if full scale reactors are being imported with no strings attached.

Why are we importing reactors and not building on our own, that is another matter of concern. But, will talk about that later.
That is precisely why the liability clause was there, which has now been almost redacted from the revised text.

Personally, I will be concerned if full scale reactors are being imported with no strings attached.
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