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Donald Trump announces 2024 presidential bid


Dec 14, 2008
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Image shows Trump at the podium


Donald Trump announces 2024 presidential bid​

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With reporting from Sarah Smith inside Mar-a-Lago | Nomia Iqbal in West Palm Beach, Florida | Anthony Zurcher in Washington DC

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Play video Trump pledges to 'make America great and glorious again' from BBCTrump pledges to 'make America great and glorious again'​

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Play video Trump pledges to 'make America great and glorious again' from BBC


Play video Americans' mixed feelings about Trump's 2024 run from BBCAmericans' mixed feelings about Trump's 2024 run​

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Play video Americans' mixed feelings about Trump's 2024 run from BBC


  1. Donald Trump says he plans to run for the US presidency in 2024, vowing "America's comeback starts right now"
  2. He addressed supporters in an hour-long speech at his Florida estate Mar-a-Lago
  3. The former president has a massive campaign war chest and remains popular with the Republican base
  4. But he has been blamed for the Republicans' disappointing performance in the midterm elections, with a predicted "red wave" failing to materialise
  5. To run for president, Trump would have to win the Republican Party's nomination - but others are expected to compete for it
  6. Republicans are also on the cusp of taking a majority in the House of Representatives, though it will be a narrow one
  7. Midterm voters by and large rejected candidates who backed Trump's baseless claims of election fraud in 2020, and many of his high-profile picks for office struggled or lost outright
  8. Last week Trump lashed out at Florida Governor Ron DeSantis - a rising Republican star who is also expected to run for the party's 2024 nomination
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Edited by Marianna Brady and Gareth Evans
  1. Posted at 4:074:07

    Asked for any reaction, Biden says 'not really'​

    Biden held an emergency meeting at the G20 to discuss the explosion in Poland that killed two people

    Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
    Earlier, Biden held an emergency meeting at the G20 to discuss the explosion in Poland that killed two peopleImage caption: Earlier, Biden held an emergency meeting at the G20 to discuss the explosion in Poland that killed two people
    Reporters traveling with Joe Biden in Indonesia say he had no comment when asked about Trump's speech just now.
    Asked if he had any reaction to Trump's announcement, Biden reportedly exchanged a glance with French President Emmanuel Macron before responding "no, not really".
    The leaders then continued their tour of the Hutan mangrove forest in Bali.
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  2. Posted at 3:493:49

    BREAKINGI do not plan to be involved in politics - Ivanka Trump​

    Ivanka Trump

    Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
    Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump has just issued a statement indicating she will not be a part of her father's 2024 campaign.
    "I love my father very much," the statement begins. "This time around, I am choosing to prioritise my young children and the private life we are creating as a family."
    "I do not plan to be involved in politics. While I will always love and support my father, going forward I will do so outside the political arena."
    During her father's time in the White House, both Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner both served as senior advisers. Kushner in particular played a major role in administration policy, including the rollout of a new Middle East peace plan.
    Ivanka was not present at Trump's presidential announcement tonight in Florida.
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  3. Posted at 3:373:37

    Who was in the room?​


    Sarah Smith
    North America Editor, reporting from Mar-a-Lago
    So we got the big announcement - and the invited crowd in this ballroom loved it. But the speech, which lasted over an hour, was mostly a rehash of issues and stories Donald Trump has been repeating on stage for months. You might have expected some new material for this special occasion, it felt strangely flat compared to his usual rallies.
    Wanting to put a flag on Mars is a new idea. But not much of a platform to run on. Otherwise it was the familiar lines about border security, energy independence and crime. With a suggestion of death sentences for drug dealers.
    Trump did offer an explanation for why Republicans underperformed in the midterm elections. Nothing to do with him. The problem is - I’m paraphrasing - is that voters haven’t realised yet how terrible life is in Joe Biden’s America. But by 2024, Trump said, they will.
    Melania joined him on stage, briefly, at the end of the speech. I didn’t spot many other family members. Eric Trump was the only one of his children I could see.
    I also spotted senior Trump advisor Jason Miller. A few days ago he was saying Trump should delay this announcement. He’s obviously changed his mind. And the My Pillow CEO Michael Lindell was posing for photos before the event began. But the whole of the 2020 team were not here.
    Eric Trump, Jared Kushner and Kimberly Guilfoyle were seen in the crowd

    Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
    Eric Trump, Jared Kushner and Kimberly Guilfoyle were seen in the crowdImage caption: Eric Trump, Jared Kushner and Kimberly Guilfoyle were seen in the crowd
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  4. Posted at 3:273:27

    WATCH: How do Americans feel about a third Trump presidential run?​

    The BBC asked Americans how they would feel if Donald Trump ran for president again.
    Here's what they had to say:

    Video content​

    Video caption: Donald Trump 2024: Americans have mixed feeling about his comebackDonald Trump 2024: Americans have mixed feeling about his comeback
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  5. Posted at 3:223:22

    Trump ends speech​

    Melania and Donald Trump wave to supporters

    Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
    Trump has just wrapped up his speech after a little over an hour. He now waves to supporters alongside his wife, Melania.
    Stay with us for analysis and reporting from inside the room at Mar-a-Lago.
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  6. Posted at 3:183:18

    Trump finishes with pleas and vows​

    "This is not just a campaign. This is a quest to save our country," says Trump, ending his speech.
    "I am asking for your vote. I am asking for your support."
    He adds that if he is successful, "We will shatter the forces of tyranny and we will unleash the glories of liberty for ourselves, and for our children and for generations yet to come."
    "America's golden age is just ahead," he says, adding: "Thanks very much and God bless you all."
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  7. Posted at 3:033:03

    I'm a victim - Trump​

    As we approach an hour with Trump at the podium, the former president has told supporters the greatest threat to the movement he started comes from within the country.
    He says the Department of Justice's investigation - into whether he improperly kept classified documents with him at his Mar-a-Lago residence - is "a weaponisation of the justice system".
    "I'm a victim," he tells the crowd.
    You can read more about the many investigations into Trump here.
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  8. Posted at 2:542:54

    Trump sticks to the script so far​


    Anthony Zurcher
    North America correspondent
    Donald Trump appears to have mostly stuck to his script during his presidential announcement speech so far, offering an indication of how he plans to frame his coming campaign.
    He boasted of his record as president, glossed over the hardships and missteps during the Covid pandemic and totally ignored his months election-denial after his presidential defeat culminating in the 6 January attack on the US Capitol by a mob of his supporters.
    He then turned his aim on the man who defeated him, Joe Biden, paying particular attention to rising inflation, the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and the surge in undocumented migration at the US border.
    Interestingly, he tiptoed around the Russian invasion of Ukraine, saying only that it wouldn’t have happened under his watch. Republicans, of late, have become increasingly divided over continued US support for Ukraine.
    He spent more than a little time defending the Republican performance during the recent midterm elections – and the losses of prominent candidates that he backed.
    “I didn’t need this,” he said, after announcing his bid. “I had a very nice, easy life.” But this speech suggests otherwise. He can’t resist once again trying to lay claim to the national spotlight.
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  9. Posted at 2:472:47

    Team Biden responds​

    President Biden is currently meeting with world leaders at the G20 summit in Indonesia - but his official Twitter account just called out his predecessor around the same time Trump started speaking.
    View more on TwitterView more on twitter
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  10. Posted at 2:422:42

    Trump's mixed bag of endorsements​


    Anthony Zurcher
    North America correspondent
    Donald Trump has once again boasted of his endorsement success rate in last week’s midterm elections, which he said was 232 wins and 22 losses.
    While that may be the case, most of those wins were in contests where the outcome was not seriously in doubt. And among those 22 losses were candidates in key Senate and governor races who Trump boosted over more established options – candidates whose losses cost Republicans control of the Senate and put key 2024 presidential swing states under the authority of Democrats.
    Those are the results that have opened Trump to criticism from some within his own party, who have said American voters aren’t buying the brand of politics he’s selling.
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  11. Posted at 2:412:41

    Trump sends out first 2024 campaign email​

    As Donald Trump speaks at Mar-a-Lago, supporters are receiving calls for donations in their email inboxes.
    The former president already has a massive campaign war chest.
    Screengrab from Trump campaign email

    .Copyright: .
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  12. Posted at 2:372:37

    Trump supporters delight outside venue​


    Morgan Gisholt Minard
    Reporting from West Palm Beach, Florida
    Trump supporters

    Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
    If you've got an open window and are anywhere within a mile of Mar-a-Lago, where Donald Trump has just announced his candidacy, you can hear cheers, honking horns, and chants of "four more years!" coming from supporters assembled outside the exclusive club.
    Trucks outfitted with "don't blame me - I voted for Trump" banners and American flags have been cruising the neighbourhood at a leisurely pace all evening. And for the former president's fans at home, a new fundraising email has just dropped from Donald J. Trump - subject line: "I am running for President. AGAIN."
    Blacks for Trump supporters

    Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
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  13. Posted at 2:312:31

    Fact check: Did Trump preside over the fastest-ever recovery?​


    Mike Wendling
    US disinformation reporter
    Trump has just claimed he presided over the “fastest economic recovery ever recorded".
    The recession in early 2020 was deep but very quick, and the Trump administration pumped relief into the hands of millions of Americans.
    But economic growth didn't stop when Trump left, in fact it continued well into 2021 - which is why Trump's successor, Joe Biden, also takes credit for the recovery.
    The speed of the rebound was largely due to the nature of the recession, caused by the massive worldwide shutdown due to the Covid pandemic. That's not to say the recovery wasn't helped by Trump's policies, but the unusual recession certainly made the bounce back faster.
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  14. Posted at 2:292:29

    BREAKINGTrump announces 2024 presidential run​

    Video content​

    Video caption: Donald Trump pledges to 'make America great and glorious again'Donald Trump pledges to 'make America great and glorious again'
    "In order to make America great and glorious again, tonight I am announcing my candidacy for the president of the United States."
    He says it is "really easy" to speak to a crowd when "there is such love in the room".
    "So from now until election day in 2024... I will fight like no one has ever fought before. We will defeat the radical left Democrats who are trying to destroy our country from within."
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  15. Posted at 2:262:26

    'Get out and vote for Herschel Walker'​

    Republicans lost the Senate in the midterm elections - but a run-off election in Georgia next month will decide whether the party can win back one of its seats.
    The Republican candidate in the race - Herschel Walker - is a long-time personal friend who Trump convinced to join the race.
    "Get out and vote for Herschel Walker," Trump says to the crowd in Florida.
    "He was an incredible athlete. He'll be an even better senator."
    Many of Trump's endorsed candidates underperformed in this year's midterm elections, leading some top Republicans to turn on him.
    Donald Trump and US midterms: How bad was his night?
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  16. Posted at 2:222:22

    Biden falls asleep as Russia attacks Nato - Trump​

    On the other side of the world, President Biden is meeting with world leaders regarding the missile that killed two people in Poland today.
    Trump claims that Biden has brought the US to the brink of nuclear war with its handling of the conflict in Ukraine.
    "Even just today a missile sent in, probably by Russia, to Poland," says Trump.
    "The people are going absolutely wild and crazy and they're not happy. They're very very angry."
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  17. Posted at 2:162:16

    Everyone was doing great - Trump​

    Trump is speaking proudly about his record in office.
    "In four short years, everyone was doing great," he says. "Everyone was thriving like never before."
    He says that the US economy was making a swift recovery when he left office, after falling during the coronavirus pandemic.
    "Now we are a nation in decline," he says, citing high inflation rates.
    The economy's average annual growth was lower under Trump than under some recent former presidents, even before the pandemic hit.
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  18. Posted at 2:052:05

    Trump introduced as 'next president' to the crowd​

    A voice over the loudspeaker introduces Trump as "the next president of the United States". Trump has now started speaking.
    He has started his speech by digging into President Biden's record and tells supporters "America's comeback starts right now".
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  19. Posted at 2:022:02

    Trump takes to the stage​

    Trump speaking

    ReutersCopyright: Reuters
    Donald Trump is about to start speaking moments after filing the paperwork to run for president again.
    As he approaches the stage Do You Hear the People Sing? from the musical Les Miserables is playing. The sign on the podium says Trump 2024.
    Let's hear what he has to say - we'll be bringing you live updates.
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  20. Posted at 1:581:58

    Trump makes it official​

    Americans must file paperwork in order to run for president.
    The document just filed by Donald Trump's team with the Federal Election Commission designates a principal campaign committee to take in contributions and make expenditures on his behalf.

    BBCCopyright: BBC
    Screengrab of the paperwork filed by TrumpImage caption: Screengrab of the paperwork filed by Trump
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Here we go again:-

GOP gonna lose for sure.
DeSantis ,age 44 would ve been a better choice.
Trump is too much even for republicans and for sure attracts the wrong crown.
Trump still remember’s IK positively. “I got along with him great”. (Are Pakistani Americans (considering a sizable majority of them prefer IK) gonna vote for Trump if he’s the nominee?) It was bound to happen that at least one member of the Pakistani-American community was going to raise the issue the next time one met Trump.

Trump still remember’s IK positively. “I got along with him great”. (Are Pakistani Americans (considering a sizable majority of them prefer IK) gonna vote for Trump if he’s the nominee?) It was bound to happen that at least one member of the Pakistani-American community was going to raise the issue the next time one met Trump.

Yeah but why is the guy standing Dast-basta like his is talking to his master. I suppose this is something ingrained in our DNA. Also very inarticulate. But, I suppose it doesn't matter with Trump jani :lol:

btw, @-=virus=- , is Modi jee going to endorse trump this time? Ab ki bar, trump sarkar?
Duh, I would like to see Elon Musk run for president. Just for the campaign entertainment.
Yeah but why is the guy standing Dast-basta like his is talking to his master. I suppose this is something ingrained in our DNA. Also very inarticulate. But, I suppose it doesn't matter with Trump jani :lol:
former POTUS hai banda, respect to karni chahiye.

btw, @-=virus=- , is Modi jee going to endorse trump this time? Ab ki bar, trump sarkar?


Duh, I would like to see Elon Musk run for president. Just for the campaign entertainment.
south African born, he can't run in the US
Yeah but why is the guy standing Dast-basta like his is talking to his master. I suppose this is something ingrained in our DNA. Also very inarticulate. But, I suppose it doesn't matter with Trump jani :lol:

btw, @-=virus=- , is Modi jee going to endorse trump this time? Ab ki bar, trump sarkar?
To Trump he’s a nobody, so for the person asking the question, he’s asking a question in a way Trump likes to hear it, simple and bullet points.

I’m surprised the guy asking the questions didn’t say IK was trying to “drain the swamp”, but maybe that’s something a more nuanced Pakistani-American IK supporter would use to appeal to Trump.

Trump’s a simple guy but cuts to the point in his own special way.

Btw found the clip with urdu Subtitles
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I’m surprised the guy asking the questions didn’t say IK was trying to “drain the swamp”, but maybe that’s something a more nuanced Pakistani-American IK supporter would use to appeal to Trump.
Exactly, sir. That's what I meant. Unlike pros like Biden, there's a simple way to appeal to trump and this guy still fumbled that.

In fact, the guy could have even mentioned the Biden admin's role and how unlike Trump, Khan didn't like Biden and didn't get along with him, for extra points.
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Exactly, sir. That's what I meant. Unlike pros like Biden, there's a simple way to appeal to trump and this guy still fumbled that.

In fact, the guy could have even mentioned the Biden admin's role and how unlike Trump, Khan didn't like Biden and didn't get along with him, for extra points.

I’m sure there will be other opportunities, especially if PTI in the US is willing to pay to have one of their people attend a dinner with Trump.

This guy did fumble it, but he did give Trump a general direction of what he thinks happened.

This is why many people have been saying PTI has to hire lobbyists and getting their message/narrative worked out and ready for foreign audiences, especially US politicians, such as Trump. Not just of what is happening but how a future PTI led government can work with the US for mutual benefit, above the current government, even if PTI is against allowing US bases in Pakistan.
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