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Dokalam stand-off: 'Indian military can choose to return with dignity or be kicked out by China's PL

Yep doing business with an Indian is really hard. Even harder than doing it with a Jew as we wont let even a single penny go to waste. That is why we survive. But still your Dad must do business with us as we are the guys who have the moolah and the products right now.

True that. You guys count every black cent and change the rules to suit yourselves after you get payment. Right now in South Africa some Indian family with the Gupta surname is stirring shit in the country.
India and China needs a war. Your population is going out of control. A nuclear war may in fact help the world if you guys wipe out 2 or 3 cities each and reduce your populations hopefully by 1/3rd. And whilst you are doing a population control exercise, you may want to launch a few nukes towards a few other cities in South Asian neighbouring countries. 8 billion people and growing. Somebody needs to start reducing. The brownies and the yellows may be the best place to start off at
Wow are you a kid or something??
Nuclear war is not a game.
Ever heard of nuclear fallout.
if india is smart, it will work with china to swallow bhutan.

enough said.

Now india is trying to ride a motorcycle To ram a chinese locomotive train.

You want us to work with China to invade and occupy Bhutan a poor peaceful nation!!!!

And earlier you said China is showing to the world that it's a victim of Indian aggression! !!

Now to think you're not a Singaporean you're a Pakistani with no mind of your own
You need to occupy and heavily- fortify the Siliguri corridor 1st to prevent supplies and reinforcements from reaching to the East.


Doing so will totally entrapped the Northeast which would then be ripe for the plucking.

First build a road :omghaha::omghaha:
Indians always have too much mouth with too little to back it up. My dad does business with them...as slippery and slimy as an eel in the pond :D

I just wonder, what sort of business is that ??? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
You want us to work with China to invade and occupy Bhutan a poor peaceful nation!!!!

And earlier you said China is showing to the world that it's a victim of Indian aggression! !!

Now to think you're not a Singaporean you're a Pakistani with no mind of your own

Noboy dont own what they dont defend.
no need.
anyone with guns can access india parliament and say hi to modi.

As proven many times

And replied in kind to the perpetrators in the same coin at their power centers. As we have done many times. :p:
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