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Does Pakistan got any Underground Missile Silos


May 15, 2011
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Does we got any underground missile silos?what about india they got any unerground missile silos and which countries have them
Maybe they do as rumors have spread that many of the nukes are hidden in remote areas mountians etc so who knows.
British missile silos are now abandoned mainly due to maintinance cost.
they got all nukes on submarines/ none on ground.
Pakistan has mobile missile launchers . and dont think.pakistan has any silos.but who knows.
I know with certainty that we do have missile storage silos but dont know about any launching silos.
Hi, fixed silos means a fixed target. With advanced satellites these days, a fixed silo missile site would be identified in no time, and would be hit on the onset of hostilities. Mobile and submarine launched missiles are better.
Maybe they do as rumors have spread that many of the nukes are hidden in remote areas mountians etc so who knows.

So we will not know- when another American Covert operation has taken place there and nukes are gone-
Some underground missile storage compounds might have been built.

But I have yet to see any missile launching silos. Most of our missiles are based on mobile launchers.
Yes, there were NEW seven or eight locations underground missiles deploying in West Pakistan / Afghanistan borders just in case if anyone behave mischievous against Pakistan.

Missile silos are fixed missile launching pads. if this is what you are refering and not mixing this with storage sites then the answer is NO.
all our missiles are based on mobile launching systems where these are carried by heavy transporter trucks with launch assembly. these can be moved to desired location and fired from these trucks/laumchers.usually the battery is accompanied with another trasporter that is not a launch vehicle but only carries two missiles for back up. once the launcer vehicle fires the missile it is carrying it can then be reloded using a new one from trasport vehicle.

since all our missiles are strategic to indermediate range so we do not need big fixed missile silos, it takes lots of money to build and mantain these. moreover, all the site required extensive defensive installation from personal to air defence misiles.the is a big budget constrain.
also the fact is the mobile launch is much better considering its cost and also as these take some work to be detected in war time by enemy as these are always on the move. in fixed silos, even google earth will point out the hot spots and these can be taken out easily.

i hope you have got your answers. again, this is for Silos and not storatge sites

Arsalan Aslam
yesssssssssssss and much more then that look near khanpur dam missile site on GE

figure out the difference in storage and launching sites,
missile silos refere to fixed launch pads

A launch facility (LF), also known as a missile silo, is an underground vertical cylindrical container for the storage and launching of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). They typically have the missile some distance under the surface, protected by a large "blast door" on top. They are usually connected, either physically or electrically, to a missile launch control center.

all above posts refer to POSSIBLE storage sites, none is a missile silo!
these are no good anymore.
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