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Does democracy hinder economic growth?

I don't think we are slow or democracy has made our growth to slow down. Those who wants to be cat drinking milk, nobody can convince them of India's achievements.

China started with its liberalization 10 yrs earlier to us. That is precisely the reason why China looks ahead of India. 10 yrs of growth coupled with dictatorship is what China today. I don't want to be offensive towards China.

They have achieved what their citizen were forced to think about.

We have achieved what we asked for.
indian democracy is not weak, corrupt yes but not weak.

The problem with india is that , while Top Political leadership like Manmohan singh , Sonia Gandhi , Pranab Mukherji , P Chidambram , AK Antony ,
are not corrupt , but lower level and state level politicians are corrupt , with 2 of them ie Mayavati and A Raja even more corrupt than Zardari and Nawaz
But due to democracy and huge media , every scam is highlighted and the oposition parties are quick to demand action against those responsible
today's indian democracy sounds like its chaos, but believe me its not matured yet, it will take probably 30-50 years to reach at 2 party system, with all the 3 rights to its citizens.

1.right to vote
2.right to information
3.right to call back any ineffective leader.

those who criticize democracy must look at japan, s. korea aren't they democracy, forget about west.

mantra to this subcontinent is let the democracy be flourished. you cant adopt a new system overnight, it will take more efforts than maturing our democracies.

communism is dying in all around world, including china and you guys complaining about democracy.

Lets work guys. We will fix everything like green revolution, white revolution, IT revolution, Economic liberalization coupled with education revolution ,Manufacturing revolution is on the way and finally a society with liberty,equality and quality. Give our democracy chance to be matured. its people not dictators, so will take time, but once there it will be unbeatable.
I think this is all bureacracy. Nehru's policies never turned out what they were intended to be. He was all for democracy and then he based our government off the Soviets with 5 year plans that acheived very little.
The ideal form of government is a benevolent dictator. The next best Govt is a multi platform with competing ideas commonly known as democratic.

Growth doesn't depend on the type of government but good governance, may that be one party, dictator, or multi party system along with monetary and economic policies practiced by that Govt.
The problem with the question is that it implies that someone actually KNOWS the answer. Unfortunately, even though economists write lots of papers, have tons of opinions, and even get Nobel Prizes every year, NONE of them can say with any certainty what policies will maximize growth, economic fairness and be sustainable (politically, financially and environmentally) all at the same time. Rapid growth seems to occur in situations where a heavy dose of greed is given free reign, and some of the costs of growth are hidden and deferred during that time.

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