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Does China want to be the germany of 21st Century.?

In which way you mean that? As in tehnological,work ethics prowess or as in "we're gonna' enslave and butcher you subhumans for we are superior?"

I mean germany of 20th era of nazi time

Germany is just like a Chinese province in area and population and China has 30 provinces,how China can become a Germany?

I mean the 20th century germany which wanted to take down the superpowers at that time
the nazi time

Our motive is to become a developed country.

Whereas Nazi Germany invaded the rest of Europe because they wanted "Lebensraum", which means "living space".

Meanwhile, China has a similar population to India, but China has a land area that is 3 times larger than India.

If anyone is going to need Lebensraum in the future, it's going to be India. Over 1.2 billion people, and only one third of the land area that China has.

Really u are hungry for land
u are starving for land thats why u claim indian land as yours
God china for saying truth dnt nuke me :yahoo:
I don't think China is trying to be Germany. Its aging population could not support it if were trying to be one. Now on some level, when you see 500,000 citizens put in labor camps or prisons without having seen a judge, a courtroom ever- with no due process just languishing - one can see similarities. the forced abortions on women, the severe censorship, no free press, the extremely high death plenty, the one party rule... you get the picture.


See they banned facebook so there is no social freedom there
this is one of similarity in nazi germany and china

Nice thread mate, I suspect some policy paralysis inside CCP camp regarding SCS and east sea.

They are getting it completely wrong and this will only harm china.

Thanks a lot..

mighty India,ha

Hail GOD China
bow your heads
CHong cho chu..:china: hhahah
Our motive is to become a developed country.

Whereas Nazi Germany invaded the rest of Europe because they wanted "Lebensraum", which means "living space".

Meanwhile, China has a similar population to India, but China has a land area that is 3 times larger than India.

If anyone is going to need Lebensraum in the future, it's going to be India. Over 1.2 billion people, and only one third of the land area that China has.

'Your' (CD's) motive is to be a developed country- problem with dictatorships is that they survive only on visions of greatness and narratives of strength. At least one of your generals has been quoted as saying that in a series of meetings that your top brass had, they had reviewed 'great powers' of the past including Nazi germany- brrrzzzz...:blink:
I mean germany of 20th era of nazi time
I mean the 20th century germany which wanted to take down the superpowers at that time
the nazi time
Really u are hungry for land
u are starving for land thats why u claim indian land as yours
God china for saying truth dnt nuke me :yahoo:
Oh ,did you find that US has already achieved what Nazi Germany wanted,the difference is Americans are more clever. if US invade North korea Vietnam Afghanistan Iraq Yugoslavia(maybe Cuba Iran....in future) in the same time,they would be called another Nazi,but US did it one after another,finally their president win Nobel prize of peace,what a joke!on topic i think China should be a better version of US-conquer the world by tech and product,rathe than using weapons.however it's too early to talk about it
We won't understand them as they are superpower heheheh :laughcry:

Hail God China
Bow your head and wish them
Chonh ching chu..


unlike the Chinese who promote, exalt and encourage bigotry among each other and never speak up against it- plus they get a lot of latitude to do so here. I would request you to refrain from phonetic expressions of their language kindly.
unlike the Chinese who promote, exalt and encourage bigotry among each other and never speak up against it- plus they get a lot of latitude to do so here. I would request you to refrain from phonetic expressions of their language kindly.

Phonetic... does it sound the same :yahoo:

Oh ,did you find that US has already achieved what Nazi Germany wanted,the difference is Americans are more clever. if US invade North korea Vietnam Afghanistan Iraq Yugoslavia(maybe Cuba Iran....in future) in the same time,they would be called another Nazi,but US did it one after another,finally their president win Nobel prize of peace,what a joke!on topic i think China should be a better version of US-conquer the world by tech and product,rathe than using weapons.however it's too early to talk about it

You are eying the same what nazis did to aquire military and challenge the global powers..:police:
Phonetic... does it sound the same :yahoo:
You are eying the same what nazis did to aquire military and challenge the global powers..:police:
should the current power forever be power? or do you cherish the memory of being slaves of Britain?tell me being 1830 indian or 2030 indian,which is your choice?
BTW,we didnt put 10 times soldiers along the border against our neighbors.
A peaceful discussion on foreign policy of chinese and there motives.
Do give your views>:china:

China drew up the map for its territoryand claims in the 1940s. It has not claimed an inch beyond those borders. All the current disputed areas, including the Spratly and Paracel islands, south Tibet, and other areas were clearly stated by China in the 1940s to be part of China. In fact, China has dropped many claims to territories like Kachin state in Myanmar since then.

Its the Philippines which should be compared to Germany in the 1930s. the Philippines claims on the Spratly islands date to the 1970s when all the other claimaints already occupied and claimed both the Spratly islands and Sabah in Malaysia.

The Spratly Islands were disputed between France and the Republic of China in the 1930s. Japan invaded the islands and after the Japanese were defeated, the Republic of China was designated to receive the Japanese surrenders in the Spratlys at the end of WW 2 in 1945. The Republic of China then established garrisons on the islands in 1945 before Vietnam was even an independent country. The Republic of China (Taiwan) has the oldest military presence and claims on the islands. The American colony known as the Philippines did not claim the Spratly islands or even take notice of them before independence in 1946. After independence, the Filipino Tomas Cloma suddenly claimed he "discovered" the already occupied Spratly islands, and based on this claim the Marcos government in the Philippines (the butcherer of tens of thousands of Moro civlians) claimed the Spratlys in the 1970s.

Spratly Islands (reefs, South China Sea) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

Vietnam Joins the World - Google knygos

Where in the World is the Philippines?

The Law of the Sea and Northeast Asia
Not sure whether China wants to be like Germany (Nazi one),but they have suffered a lot by Japanese during world war so probably not.
should the current power forever be power? or do you cherish the memory of being slaves of Britain?tell me being 1830 indian or 2030 indian,which is your choice?
BTW,we didnt put 10 times soldiers along the border against our neighbors.

Slave awww lets revive we were never slaves british were some low born humans who had no money they begged my family and other royal families tooo
Theydid our slavery

should the current power forever be power? or do you cherish the memory of being slaves of Britain?tell me being 1830 indian or 2030 indian,which is your choice?
BTW,we didnt put 10 times soldiers along the border against our neighbors.
Wee didn't aquire other's terrortary as we lost 1962 war
but dnt forget we won 5 wars with pak we didn't aquire there land like u did to ours
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