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does china have the military capabillity to invade or blockade Australia

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Abdi-Karim Elmi

Jul 15, 2012
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Imagine China fully control the S. China Sea and the US navy's 7th Fleet does not get invloved. Does china have the capabillity to make an assult on australia.. Discuss the specs and details of such a operation.
Imagine China fully control the S. China Sea and the US navy's 7th Fleet does not get invloved. Does china have the capabillity to make an assult on australia.. Discuss the specs and details of such a operation.

Specs: Lots of big guns

Details: Boom, boom, bang...bang!
Specs: Lots of big guns

Details: Boom, boom, bang...bang!

No im talking about how the operation would go and divisions, military organisation, equitments etc role and duty in such an operation.
Yes, Australia is a tiny country in terms of population, only 23 Million vs China's 1.3 Billion
Ḥashshāshīn;3240773 said:
Yes, Australia is a tiny country in terms of population, only 23 Million vs China's 1.3 Billion

today wars are not one with population .
Why? Australia sells China everything it wants.

The whole point of the WTO is to prevent wars over resources.

China is currently happy as a duck. Don't screw with them and they'll leave you alone.
I sqid capabillity not are they gonna! PS no US involvement..


Of course they have the capability. Want me to post pictures from my Compendium of China's Military Excellence?

The only country currently capable of stopping China is the United States. In twenty years, that may not be true.

However, let me reiterate my original point. Chinese people do not fight wars for fun. There has to be a compelling reason. I just don't see one with regard to Australia.
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