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Does anyone speak Sanskrit or Farsi here?

Ok, at least have the decency to talk on English. You've not only made Markus' thread offtopic but also in a different language.
Excuse me,this thread is about Sanskrit.We brought in Hindi and Malayalam and these languages 've stemmed from sanskrit.
You need a break bro!!
Dont freak out whenever you see a language which you cant understand ,nobody is abusing here.
If you dont understand the language we'll translate it for you.

@levina Shubh Ratri :)
Jaa rahi thi when I saw somebody getting hyper over languages. Thought I'll give some gyaan and leave :-)
Ok, at least have the decency to talk on English. You've not only made Markus' thread offtopic but also in a different language.
oh come on man .... you bringing in the mods in this non serious thread .... a bit too much to be honest !!!
the most common word and blatant steal and copy thing/technology I can currently think of right now is .....
lufthansa .... hansa means a bird in sanskrit

This is wrong. Hansa comes from the german word Hanse. The Hanse was shipping corporation in medival times. Traders in Hamburg, Rostock and Bremen owned large ships that traded goods up to scandinavia and france and the UK. This trade network was very famous and the name Lufthansa means basicly air hansa. It is meant to be the representation of this famous shipping line in the air.
oh come on man .... you bringing in the mods in this non serious thread .... a bit too much to be honest !!!
Alright, bit of a overreaction I admit. I read the first page thinking more of the same and I just see people talking in their language for pages and pages.
But it's only sheer coincidence that Lufthansa has a Swan in it's logo. The word stems from the Hanseatic League, a guild of powerful cities that lay in the Northern Germanic coastline and the Baltics. Hanse/Hansa is the German word for a merchant Guild, not the Swan.

Its a crane. Not a swan and yes, the rest you say its right.
This is wrong. Hansa comes from the german word Hanse. The Hanse was shipping corporation in medival times. Traders in Hamburg, Rostock and Bremen owned large ships that traded goods up to scandinavia and france and the UK. This trade network was very famous and the name Lufthansa means basicly air hansa. It is meant to be the representation of this famous shipping line in the air.
I know man ... it was just a joke about something I read online about how India and Germany are similar in some sort of ways ... and the common words they use.
If so, please help me. German and Italian as well as all other european language are called indo aryan languages (beside basque). It is said, that we europeans and eastern indoaryan languages are close related in a common ancestor and some basic words are similar. I´m very interested int his and would like to ask if someone can name me the sanskrit or farsi versions of some german words so i can see how similar they are?

I would need the words for:

mother (Mutter) -Madar
father (Vater) -Pedar
daughter (Tochter) -Dokhtar
brother (Bruder) -Baradar
house (Haus) -Khane/Manzel
goose (Gans) -Ghaz
chicken (Huhn) -Morgh
dog (Hund) -Sag
cat (Katze) -Gorbe
sun (Sonne) -Khorshid
rain (Regen) -Baran
earth (Erde) -Zamin
water (Wasser) -Aab
wind (Wind) -Baad
fire (Feuer) -Atash

I would thank you very much!
I've written the Persian translations beside the words.

As you can see, some are very similar, some are not. One time I was beside my Polish class mate (back in college) and he was talking on the phone. I recognized the number 666 when he was talking and when I asked him if he mentioned the number 666 he said yes. In Polish, just like in Persian, the number 6 is called "shesh" and 666 is roughly "sheisado-shasto-shish" in both languages. I found that really interesting.
Its a crane. Not a swan and yes, the rest you say its right.
I know man ... it was just a joke about something I read online about how India and Germany are similar in some sort of ways ... and the common words they use.
Everyone is forgetting Swastika , the holy sign turned into unholy by Nazis.
Everyone is forgetting Swastika , the holy sign turned into unholy by Nazis.
the swastika was the mirror image of what's being used in India.... I think even @MarkusS wouldn't disagree to the text stolen from India were used in the Nazi Germany !!!
I've written the Persian translations beside the words.

As you can see, some are very similar, some are not. One time I was beside my Polish class mate (back in college) and he was talking on the phone. I recognized the number 666 when he was talking and when I asked him if he mentioned the number 666 he said yes. In Polish, just like in Persian, the number 6 is called "shesh" and 666 is roughly "sheisado-shasto-shish" in both languages. I found that really interesting.

Do you know their original Avestan words. In Sanskrit, 6 is called Shasht. I also saw one thing that Persian language still use ast/asto in the last of the sentence similar to asti in Sanskrit.
I've written the Persian translations beside the words.

As you can see, some are very similar, some are not. One time I was beside my Polish class mate (back in college) and he was talking on the phone. I recognized the number 666 when he was talking and when I asked him if he mentioned the number 666 he said yes. In Polish, just like in Persian, the number 6 is called "shesh" and 666 is roughly "sheisado-shasto-shish" in both languages. I found that really interesting.

Its most likely you and i have a common ancestors who lived 18.000 years ago in the north of the black sea. And thats what i think is amazing.

What i also find very interesting is that the word Star...in German it is Stern in Italian Stella...the old sumerian goddess of the night sky is called Ishtar.
Its most likely you and i have a common ancestors who lived 18.000 years ago in the north of the black sea. And thats what i think is amazing.

Very interesting fact is that Germans don't carry R1a which originated around 20,000 years back.
we all are from africa..

Depends where you see the starting point. First hominids maybe. But first primates are from the cretacious period, the species is called Purgatorius and from North America.
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