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Does anobody here actually belive OBL is dead?

Truth Teller

Jan 20, 2011
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Do you guys actually believe the story we have been told this week about OBL? Like for real?
Do you guys actually believe the story we have been told this week about OBL? Like for real?

Should'nt we? Considering that theTaliban have vowed to avenge his death? .. Or till the time Gadhan Amreeki gives out a statement declaring this as disinformation being spread by US.

As it is currently, none has happened. Al-Quaida has accepted his death and so have we.
He has been dead for quite a long time.
its all bullshit,these retards americans including their media makes propaganda.fake pics n fake videos,but i guess they'll get away with it as they did with the 9/11 case which was their own inside job.btw the latest pics of dead obl is a copy pic taken from a movie blackhawk down.
no resistance, no weapons, plus contradictions between statements of Americans, all information is coming in bits and pieces, moreover it has to have a context, why not CIA-ISI cold War ? moreover it is said that about 2 months ago,they knew about his presence, but why operation conducted now? maybe just a fake operation, to create environment in favour of EVACUATION from Afghanistan.

plus the house appeared to be EMPTY.
who said the taliban or al qaeda vowed to take revenge?the media,dont get me started on the media my friend.
I believe the guy who has started the thread will reappear again and again with new ids and post in support of his belief......
he may be captured alive and wounded

they may be have not killed him..this is why no video as of yet

now a video of Usama showing dead is in making in USAMA.
Classic old denial mode has been initiated. Conspiracy theorists holy grail of book is in the making in somewhere in some out of job journalist's basement. And guess who's going to thrive on it. :agree:
who said the taliban or al qaeda vowed to take revenge?the media,dont get me started on the media my friend.

TTP spokesmen Ahsan Ullah Ahsan gave a statement regarding avenging laden's death.

Also, If this is still unbelievable to you, pray tell us why have we not heard any denial from Al-Qaida itself? or any denial from TTP or Afghan Taliban?
im sure none of the indian members are so out of tune not to understand what the threat opener is initiating. if one doesnt have the ability to rethink or see things from a different perspective, they surely are "Kunway ke daddo".

now i believe :D
Why is it so hard for you people to believe anything which comes out negative for you guys?? Why is there always a conspiracy theory??
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