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Documentary:: The son of Sewer Cleaner or Bhangi in Pakistan

For me, on a personal level, these are the true heroes of our country. Imagine, our own religion empasizes on cleanliness... Safai being nisf imaan, but we as Muslims aren't always ready to clean our own shit, or clean a manhole.
It is pure jahalat...almost a concept of "lower caste being unclean"/"untouchables" that has seeped into Pakistani(majority Muslim) society. There is nothing dirty about a person who cleans the sewers...
...yes he/she may be dirty momentarily...while cleaning...but after a shower with soap...they are just as clean as anyone. They shouldn't be discriminated against. In fact they deserve respect. They do these jobs that most ppl are repulsed by...for a menial wage...
...at least that's honest living(increasingly hard to do in Pakistan)...and for that I salute them.
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