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Do you think USA secretly own a ultimate weapons on space like the Death Star?

If USA had something like that they would have already used it on North Korea. Lol, Or Obama would have fried Trump tower and blamed it on a falling comet.
There are many conspiracy theories about HAARP and Operation Popeye, already circulating across globe. And then there were theories about Kinetic bombarment from satellites and Aliens in Area 51. All these theories are meant to afraid the general public or are meant for business like insurances of people and their belongings in "World end in dec 2012".

If there are any secret weapons on space then im President of United States of America. LOL.

Settelite killer or UAV like vehicle filled with Nucs

This thread is a prime example why we need an age check :)
Yes...The Moon.

By the time you realize -- That's no moon. It's a space station. -- it will be too late for you.
I think it is a Anti Settelite Vehicle left in space to take out Russian or Chinese Sattelites
Secret space weapons? pretty safe to say that US probably has at least some highly classified space weapon activity going on. Or at the very least, in the planning stages if not fully implemented yet. I don't know for sure obviously.

Weaponry like that would not be used casually. only to most likely to be used if a major war with a major power we're to break out. But like the Death Star? Probably not so much :lol:

Although I do remember the petition to the White House asking for one to be built got a lot of signatures.

I get the feeling that if this thread was instead asking if Russia or China had their own "ultimate weapons on space" some of the members that would come in here saying that the US didn't have any, would be saying just the opposite.

They would be praising Russia and China because they believed they have lots of space weapons
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