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Do you think a political party is behind the striking young doctors?

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Jan 28, 2008
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United States
Dear mates,
Its really discusting to see these selffish young doctors striking agAin & again, for the rise of their wages, while poor sick pakistanis keep dying without any medical help in punjab(lahore).
Let's try to find it out, is this political?
If it is then who coulD bE behind it, PPP, PTI, or PMLn?
Or these selffish doctors. Are self -centered. Greedy them selves?
Plz try to be open mind, & listen to others even they not agree with your point of view.
Respcet each others , don't get carried away with hate or love of some personality.
Speak your mind , on. The issue in hand.
Good luck,
Yours most, hated Batmannow!
i am changing the thread title... u can't just start a thread without proper homework...
Why would any political party be behind this? At most, it must be PML-N because they are supposed to make wages higher as they are govt in Punjab.
i am changing the thread title... u can't just start a thread without proper homework...
Never mind its allways like this with my life,lozzz
Cover the face, attack the base!
WTF??????????? :woot:
Once was very famous slogan in pakarmy!
Big brother is watching!
Well back to bussiness, I don't think PMLn can gain much out of it, it couldbe PPP or pti ?
Instead its PPP & PTI , who can make it a front page story, like load shading issue in punjab?
Instead its PPP & PTI , who can make it a front page story, like load shading issue in punjab?

load shedding issue is an issue effecting the poor people, while the doctor's strike will only add misery to the patients, thus only producing negative publicity of the backing party
The Doctors wants their salaries increased and they're protesting for some time now, I don't think there's any political party behind this...

The medical profession is the most abused profession in Pakistan these days. The Doctors have become money-mongering beasts.
The Doctors wants their salaries increased and they're protesting for some time now, I don't think there's any political party behind this...

The medical profession is the most abused profession in Pakistan these days. The Doctors have become money-mongering beasts.

Actually Chief minister promised them increase in salaries and service structure- their salaries have been increased from 22k to about 40k.

however, their service structure has not been created- what happens is foreign qualified doctors or safarshi doctors come in and occupy the higher posts and those serving regularly dont get promotions in a systematic way-

that is why doctors are protesting- I believe its their right and they should fight for it and those who are not creating the service structure should be ashamed of their nonsense merit rhetoric !!


On the other hand generally speaking, these doctors are least professional in a sense that they dont take their profession as Ibat anymore, rather a way to earn money only- their deals with pharmaceutical companies, unnecessary operations are all examples of just to earn money.
^^^ another case of Meritocracy's negligence... this is very common in Pakistan and specially in Govt. organizations. Our OGDC's Chairman is a Matric Pass.
Actually Chief minister promised them increase in salaries and service structure- their salaries have been increased from 22k to about 40k.

however, their service structure has not been created- what happens is foreign qualified doctors or safarshi doctors come in and occupy the higher posts and those serving regularly dont get promotions in a systematic way-

that is why doctors are protesting- I believe its their right and they should fight for it and those who are not creating the service structure should be ashamed of their nonsense merit rhetoric !!


On the other hand generally speaking, these doctors are least professional in a sense that they dont take their profession as Ibat anymore, rather a way to earn money only- their deals with pharmaceutical companies, unnecessary operations are all examples of just to earn money.

ohh come on, you know nothing.. there salaries were raise 2 times in last 3 years, why would any government will promise about something like this. And also, there salary is not 40, but 45k which is v good pay. And engineers get 42k. So now if the engineers go for the strike then that will also be because of unsaid promise?

Lastly, doctors are not protesting for the system. There demands are below;

1) raise in salary for 100%
2) raise their grade to 17/18 directly.

and Doctors are protesting since they think they are not human beings but the Gods, and they are going against their oath taken during their studies. Secondly they are protesting since now they are more monitored. Previously mostly doctors used to take Job in government hospital and they don't used to serve public there and used to call them to private clinic. When SS joined the government he personally visit many hospital and sack many doctors for not being on the duty. During investigation, they said they don't get much salaries which is why they go outside to practice. That's why there pays are being raise 25% and 50% continusly in three years. And monitoring has been improved from government for such acts. which is why they are now on the strikes. (I know this since my two cousins are doctors)

Greed has no limit, and blind followers will support the illiterate cause just because it is against some one not liked by them. Any how, just 1 day left now if they dont discontinue the strike there will face the consequences.
I dont care which Political party is behind this , or even is satan is doing this, The oath that these Doctors (Butchers ) is to save Lives no matter the case , if they are running behind money & letting patients suffer Then they are no good then you average Serial Killer , & should be hanged .
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