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Do you smoke cigarettes ?

do you smoke cigarettes ?

  • got a light ?

    Votes: 20 40.0%
  • ma cigarette nahi pita

    Votes: 30 60.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
why not ???????? who is stopping you from good things ?
my father and father in law smoke cigarettes, but I am not

Chinese tobacco contributes 1.35 trillion yuan in tax revenue, 205 billion US dollars, and China's tobacco is a monopoly.​

It was Allen Carr book. My relative smoked for 20+ years and after finishing the book he quit. So many other people i know quit. I have the book but didn't read it because am not ready to quit yet. The question is always do you really want to quit or just saying it and in reality love to smoke

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I am a huge proponent of the book my self, I quit for around 8 months each time I read it but went back to smoking because some stuff happened and I thought **** it, smoking is the least of my worries now. It was and always has been a very toxic coping mechanism as Allen has mentioned in the book. Thank you for the suggestion though brother 👍
It were these vintage ads that created the situation because of which you smoked today.

I don't remember because I have never been on a plane but I take your word for it.

On Indian OTT. Cigarettes scenes are common, like the foul words you use.

Through ban on cigarettes like my championing of ban on personal vehicles and dogs. Will bring harmony and serenity to humanity and the natural environs.
Personal vehicles and dogs were not even banned in the soviet union or anywhere communism existed. Really don't know what kind of communism you believe in.
Dogs existed since the early human civilizations and will continue to exist. Humans depend on dogs in one way or another. Never seen such an evil ideology that goes against nature.
Personal vehicles and dogs were not even banned in the soviet union or anywhere communism existed. Really don't know what kind of communism you believe in.

1. If personal vehicles existed in the USSR which existed until 31 years ago then I don't see why I should see that as permanence knowing now in 2022 that climate change has been created mostly by personal vehicles as also many other ills of humanity society. Below is my thread from last year where you will see my presenting my rationale to other members questioning or making their points :

2. About dogs please watch the vid in this post of mine and then follow the convo in 'Whatever' from this post onwards.

3. The Communism I believe in derives from various ideas current, recent past and far past. I mix my own ideas into those and I will use my skills to preach and enable those. For example this proposal of mine for a new socio-economic system where basic human necessities are provided free by the system to every citizen ( unless that citizen is a psychopath ) and all non-basic needs are provided through an evolved money system ( I should call it by another name ) which ensures the abolition of the traditional Capitalist socio-economic classes ( rich, middle, poor ) and using it the citizen will be able to access all the goods and services in society at potentially an equal basis. This is a part realization of Communism's desire for the abolition of money.

Dogs existed since the early human civilizations and will continue to exist. Humans depend on dogs in one way or another. Never seen such an evil ideology that goes against nature.

Other than point# 2 above I will contribute my part to ensure that dogs are eradicated everywhere in a decade or so.
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The Communism I believe in
Whatever you believe in, only you believe in. It feels like I been asking you the same thing for years but you never have an answer..

what are some good examples of communism ? ..

Soviet Union ? .. collapsed

DPRK ? .. hell on earth hermit kingdom with zero freedoms for the people, they still don't have internet, unbelievable.

China ? NOT communist.. go to Macau someday, or even their other big cities and see the bounty that capitalism has blessed them with.

Venezuela .. yep...

only some Scandinavian countries, rich, blessed with natural resources and small populations have a decent socialist style system.. you guy, gaddu, could only get away with a version of it because of all the oil wealth, other rich European nations are advanced economies, such as the Swiss. Advanced economies ki baat hi alag hoti hai, I know this guy, blue collar, drives an ambulance in some mountain town there and takes 2 months off every year to come and live in India like a king during the winters. Can you even imagine an Indian ambulance driver living like a king in Switzerland for 2 months ? :laugh:

The point is, advanced economy mangta, once that is achieved (if ever) we can think about socialism.. but even so, there are still lots of programs for the poor.. education is basically free (though not of the highest quality), as is healthcare for the most part if you qualify (barring exotic treatments that cost in the millions of course), public transport is cheap.. buses are cheap, the metro is very very reasonable and good (even I often take the metro in Delhi to avoid the traffic, works great)

True communism only ever brings misery to the people, people aren't robots, we don't want some government managing every grain of food in our diet like they do in the DPRK for all expect the Pyongyang elites who live well.

Go hang out with the JNU crowd someday here in Delhi, all they want to do is smoke pot in the Che T-shirts while they swish around their champagne and strut around in designer clothes as thei pursue their journalism and arts degrees, its quite hilarious.

The trouble with you is that you've never really seen real life apart from the few hundred KM around where you were born, you haven't seen anything outside of that, you're a country bumpkin in the true sense with zero real world experience

and also a virgin.. which is most surprising because the left leaning trendy women are much easier to charm, they're open to experiences.. they score high in openness if you look at them through the big 5 personality system, which is a good thing.

I'd advise you to first lose your virginity, then travel some (begin with India around the deccan, lotsa nice places there)
There's a higher likelihood of you smoking if you're from a poor country.
Many moons ago, when I was a young man and at university i had my yearly medical test. doctors asks -

  • Do you smoke? NO
  • Do you drink? NO

Bemused he says I take it you don't gamble or swear either? I said NOPE. So he says 'what do you do'?

My reply "I fcuk".
Go hang out with the JNU crowd someday here in Delhi, all they want to do is smoke pot in the Che T-shirts while they swish around their champagne and strut around in designer clothes as thei pursue their journalism and arts degrees, its quite hilarious.

The trouble with you is that you've never really seen real life apart from the few hundred KM around where you were born, you haven't seen anything outside of that, you're a country bumpkin in the true sense with zero real world experience

and also a virgin.. which is most surprising because the left leaning trendy women are much easier to charm, they're open to experiences.. they score high in openness if you look at them through the big 5 personality system, which is a good thing.

Gyaani baba, see if this lovely JNU girl gives you a minute of her time :
Also, you may have gone to Perm, Britain, Switzerland and all but you haven't had the real life experiences right in India. What are you compared to this girl and Jignesh ? You have an undeveloped mind that is very impressionable by Capitalist forces and you go with the flow. Try like me going against the flow. As I was telling Valar in 'Whatever' earlier in the day, start with burning your 11th class certificate like I did and do the things I did.
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Gyaani baba, I have asked you to go charm this JNU girl but you copped out. See if she gives you a minute of her time :
Also, you may have gone to Perm, Britain, Switzerland and all but you haven't had the real life experiences right in India. What are you compared to this girl and Jignesh ? You have an undeveloped mind that is very impressionable by Capitalist forces and you go with the flow. Try like me going against the flow. As I was telling Valar in 'Whatever' earlier in the day, start with burning your 11th class certificate like I did and do the things I did.
Sure, she's pretty imo, I much prefer the petite ones to the chubbers, though.. I also support her right to be a dissenting voice around the current state of our politics.

I also understand she's 'taken'/in a situation.. not a creepy perv here, so why would I go trying to poke around or charm her then ?

Why should I go against the flow when I agree with the general direction and how things are shaping up in India ? :)

Also haven't been in the job market for years, certificates mean nothing but I was a decent student, if not a star.. scored in the high 70s in 12th grade if you must know.

You need to travel some, bro.. expand your horizons.. north aaja, I'll hook you up with one of these:


chalo Himachal, I have some nice contacts there.. we'll live like kings, Kashmir me bhi hai apney bande kaafi. Garda/wazwan, sab milega :D
as if people didn't or do not drink/consume all sorts in the erstwhile USSR or in the DPRK today.

as if even ultra pious Pak and RSA don't have thriving underground markets supplying that stuff to customers...

the world likes a bit of this, let us just accept it

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In Sindh they have licensed liquor shops which cater to non muslims and muslims alike.
In major cities 5 star hotels and bootleggers conduct business.

As the non muslims are issued permits which they use for commercial purposes.

I am sure having throat cancer is not happy happy.
No Sir it aint. And im quitting soon.
Andrew Tate doesn't allow us to smoke cigarettes, only cigars. What are u a pussy
He disrespects Muslims in such weird ways

Dude said look how Muslims control their women,no Muslim women dares do anything against their husbands wishes

He said I am Orthodox Christian but no one dares to disrespect thier relgion,

Muslims greatest asset is thier intolerance 🤣

This guy is weird,
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You are unversed, you don't know the passion called Chai. Whether the mausam be hot or cold the chai brings life. And if you had been Ms or Mrs Cringeworth or your inclinations go "that" way you would have seen the worth of tea people :D :

You are just copying what 1000 others are doing because they have been told that 1000 others do it. It is how that stupid film Baahubali made huge profits. You are yet another victim of Capitalism which kills you while it fills its bank accounts and ups its stock rates.
Man i tell you i will never be able to get why people drink chai, my parents drink it but i never got hooked up to it and I don't see the benefit of it, it doesn't solve any real world problem.
I don't like coffee either but i do see the utility of it when you need to stay awake you drink coffee and i get it, i have drank coffee during exams and it helped me to stay up late and focus so it solves a real world problem but chai is isn't useful in anything its just an addiction.
Man i tell you i will never be able to get why people drink chai, my parents drink it but i never got hooked up to it and I don't see the benefit of it, it doesn't solve any real world problem.
I don't like coffee either but i do see the utility of it when you need to stay awake you drink coffee and i get it, i have drank coffee during exams and it helped me to stay up late and focus so it solves a real world problem but chai is isn't useful in anything its just an addiction.

I have already written how tea is useful but I will try to list some utilities as I have found them at home :

1. A morning mug of hot tea at 8:15 energizes and works as a laxative.

2. The noon hot tea at 12:00 keeps energizes again and allows inspirations / ideas to flow through for my project.

3. The evening hot tea at 17:00 generally does point# 2.

If I am outside, shopping or talking for long, then it energizes. It is also useful to those who do physical work.
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