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Do you have lazy days?


Sep 27, 2021
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Today is such a day for me. Its storming outside, cold and rainy. So i do no training beside some cardio and spend rest of day in my bed. 😅 Totally unproductive.
Everyday in the uk is like this 😂 just got to deal with storms and rain and carry on
Today is such a day for me. Its storming outside, cold and rainy. So i do no training beside some cardio and spend rest of day in my bed. 😅 Totally unproductive.
Learning German can be a good activity. :lol:

Everyday in the uk is like this 😂 just got to deal with storms and rain and carry on
How do you guys get your vitamin D? I mean how historically these brits were doing it, I wonder?
Learning German can be a good activity. :lol:

How do you guys get your vitamin D? I mean how historically these brits were doing it, I wonder?

German is hard but i already can order something in restaurants and do basic conversations 😅
Learning German can be a good activity. :lol:

How do you guys get your vitamin D? I mean how historically these brits were doing it, I wonder?
Nowadays either the few days of summer we get or supplements, historically, well everyone would’ve been vitamin d deficient 😂 even right now around 70% of brits are vitamin d deficient.
Nowadays either the few days of summer we get or supplements, historically, well everyone would’ve been vitamin d deficient 😂 even right now around 70% of brits are vitamin d deficient.
Yes. Most of the ancient skeletons found were of the guys who died before their 50s and with extremely poor teeth and bones, especially joints.

Ja ich denke es reicht schon für B1. 😅
Ok but keep trying haan. B1 is just the start... :lol:
I'm a master procrastinator so everyday is a lazy day for me.. during my college days I got four U's in my a-levels.. I only started revising for the latter during the bus journey to the exam centre.. * (good times)..

those U's represented 'ultimate effort' in my books, but the college disagreed..
Yes. Most of the ancient skeletons found were of the guys who died before their 50s and with extremely poor teeth and bones, especially joints.

Ok but keep trying haan. B1 is just the start... :lol:

Do you speak German? I find it quite hard and at first stuck with Greek friends. That was a mistake, i try to get more German friends because its easier to learn with normal conversation
I do. But there are spikes in my german because I have learned german by studying. So sometimes I am superman, and other times I don't find words to clear my situation.

I think worst part are words that sound same but are totally different
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