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Do you believe in a/some spiritual Guru/Sant/Saint/Pir/Baba ?


Sep 18, 2012
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Hi all

Just wondering, for us subcontinent lot, India and Pakistan specifically.

Here in India its fairly common for some to be bhakts (which literally translates to devotees) of some baba type (mostly) guy, but sometimes a lady saint too.

I have in my immediate, and extended family, as well as some friends etc who sorta have this strong thing about some baba/guru.. living, breathing ones, not mythological ones.

The whole holy man thing.. pretty common around here where I am at least.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Sadhguru, Amma, Neem Karoli baba.. there's many

some say they're charlatans, others swear by them..

aapke waha bhi aisa kuch hai ?

After a person dies their worldly connection with world ends and they begin to experience life while inside a grave , and their comfort depends on their deeds , till day they rise again for Day of Judgement
  • Soul may feel burden till the ordeal of grave ends
  • Soul may be at ease depending on their deeds (and person may not notice much time)

As such , after death no one has any power to help other Humans , because all Humans on Day of judgement would be worried about their own self , they won't be able to recognize their own family , such is nature of the Day of Judgement (According to Islamic Theology)

In Pakistan there are many , shrines and places where people go offer prayers

However reciting some prayers at any Muslim's grave is kind gesture
but only Allah is the one who can fix your difficult situation (According to Islamic Theology)

In Pakistan - there is heavy influence of Shrine Baba but that influence seem to be tied to close cultural experiences with Hindu Aspect of Guru etc. - on strong influence from visiting shrines etc. Cultural Dilution

  • However a person after Dying cannot do much for your casue their connection with world ends after death

Some people still go to shrines and offer prayers or sacrifices - however only thing good from it would be if the , food / money you donated to some poor and they in return thanked you and this counts as a good deed for your afterlife
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Hi all

Just wondering, for us subcontinent lot, India and Pakistan specifically.

Here in India its fairly common for some to be bhakts (which literally translates to devotees) of some baba type (mostly) guy, but sometimes a lady saint too.

I have in my immediate, and extended family, as well as some friends etc who sorta have this strong thing about some baba/guru.. living, breathing ones, not mythological ones.

The whole holy man thing.. pretty common around here where I am at least.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Sadhguru, Amma, Neem Karoli baba.. there's many

some say they're charlatans, others swear by them..

aapke waha bhi aisa kuch hai ?

There's a guru shishya parampara in India since ancient times and that's why you see this. There could be some charlatan gurus but there are also many genuine gurus who can guide you on the right path. The biggest problem for people deep into spirituality or who are adhyatmic is finding the right guru.

The reason people seek a guru is to seek guidance on taking decisions about certain things, improving themselves spiritually or just because they are curious about things they don't know. Gurus are considered to be at a higher adhyatmic level and that's why people go to them to seek guidance. In modern times, you can replace guru with a psychologist/teacher/mentor, etc, a similar concept.
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In life we all need people to look up2, to seek advice and follow. Your first role models are always your parents, then elder siblings, teachers and slowly as you grow up you'll find more role models or people you can trust. The problem in this modern day of age is everyone is after the money, you will hardly find anyone sincere. We know the younger generation are more educated and aware but they themselves still need people to follow and listen to so they end up finding some on YouTube, Twitter, somebody they never met in their life and don't even know them but all their life is based on following them, our elders followed the babas but they met them everyday, invited them to their homes and visited them.

In Islam we have something called Ihsan, which is tasawuff or spirituality. You spend your life walking on the spiritual path. This is what Pirs means its same as Shaykhs, Ustadh etc. Its certainly a great path to follow but the issue is we have many liers who are fake and use this to make money. The point of spirituality is to purify your heart from many diseases and live your life as its your last day on earth, dont harm people, show respect to all creation, destroy your ego, remember god 24 7.
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Every Human is Equal in Islamic Theology , no Color or Creed (White /Black/Brown/Pale)

However the Lust of Power of course corrupts Human as it is the case for downfall of Humanity many times, not to mention worldly things
  • When you can feed 1 Million people with Money you have, in wallet instead you decide to build a statue of Animal xyz (Example of worldly things)
Quran is a confirmation for Muslims (Impossible to comprehend how someone who could not read / write could come up with such a complex book which is very structured)
  • Hadith (Actions of Prophet Mohammad on various aspect of human life ) - these text are available for all Muslims to read anytime they want

1 quote from Islamic teaching (Not quoting exact words)

"Give Charity to poor weekly" i.e when ever you earn income give a % to charity to poor
This one statement solves most of social issues in society

"If you donate to your family , it counts as two deeds , one towards the deed of helping poor and one responsibility towards your family"

I am just trying to understand the depth of this few teaching ... in past few weeks

But in modern lives people take pride in their Bank Balance - It is the Nature of this World
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There's a guru shishya parampara in India since ancient times and that's why you see this. There could be some charlatan gurus but there are also many genuine gurus who can guide you on the right path. The biggest problem for people deep into spirituality or who are adhyatmic is finding the right guru.
Bro, Guru - Shishya is for students of the whatever path. Cricket me bhi dekhne ko milta hai.. Tendulkar and Ramakant Archrekar.. Kohli ka bhi hai.. sensei type

Sensei type, martial arts teacher.. translates to "he who has gone before" .. zen type scene

I'm talking about Sai Baba.. both the old man original wala and then the Afro wala guy (who I personally think is a fraud.. but then I know people who pray to his silly afro everyday morning.. agarbatti laga ke)

for those who may not know.. here is the OG:

and here is the newer guy:

there's countless of these here in India.

Kohli bhi gaya tha.. uska baba Neem Karoli hai:


but sadly aaj fuss ho gai saari bhakti
Bro, Guru - Shishya is for students of the whatever path.
Nope, it's not limited to the path you are pursuing but could be completely different.
I'm talking about Sai Baba.. both the old man original wala and then the Afro wala guy (who I personally think is a fraud.. but then I know people who pray to his silly afro everyday morning.. agarbatti laga ke)

for those who may not know.. here is the OG:

and here is the newer guy:

there's countless of these here in India.
Yeah, I have seen these shrines and people devoted to the older Sai Baba, not sure about the new one. I don't know what he preached or the experience of people about him so I can't comment.
Kohli bhi gaya tha.. uska baba Neem Karoli hai:


but sadly aaj fuss ho gai saari bhakti
No idea about Neem Karoli as well. But if it helps him lift his game, it's completely up to him on who he considers his guru. A guru need not be one person. For example, one person might not consider Neem Karoli as his guru but the other person might. It varies person by person.
but sadly aaj fuss ho gai saari bhakti
The goal is always on seeking guidance on handling your success and your failures.
Bhakti is similar to helping others, the Bhagavad Gita says this:


dātavyam iti yad dānaṁ dīyate ‘nupakāriṇe
deśhe kāle cha pātre cha tad dānaṁ sāttvikaṁ smṛitam

Charity given to a worthy person simply because it is right to give, without consideration of anything in return, at the proper time and in the proper place, is stated to be in the mode of goodness.

Now, this is very easy to say but extremely difficult to implement. A person who follows this and of course, a whole host of other things is considered to reach a higher spiritual state.
Nope, I don't think I am a spiritual person

Although I deeply respect all the saints who contributed so much to our culture, values, language but I respect them for secularist reasons not exactly spiritual
Nope, it's not limited to the path you are pursuing but could be completely different.
Eklavya and dronacharya ka batao fir..

drona was corrupt

domestic low level cricket scene me kaafi dikhne ko milta hai aisa..

mere ek dost ka baap ranji khela 12-15 saal, uncle (old now) average player thei, friend of BS Bedi .. but did very well for himself later.. saari khabar hai mujhe :P

I gots the inside dope, breh
Eklavya and dronacharya ka batao fir..

drona was corrupt
Dronacharya was definitely corrupt as he looked after his own interests and tried to gain goodwill of the Kurus. What he did with Eklavya was abominable. Nevertheless, he was a great teacher of his profession leaving aside his lack of moral ethics. He spotted Arjuna's talent and made sure that he became the greatest archer.

But this doesn't change my point that your guru need not be limited to what you pursue.
Dronacharya was definitely corrupt as he looked after his own interests and tried to gain goodwill of the Kurus. What he did with Eklavya was abominable. Nevertheless, he was a great teacher of his profession leaving aside his lack of moral ethics. He spotted Arjuna's talent and made sure that he became the greatest archer.

But this doesn't change my point that your guru need not be limited to what you pursue.
Suryaputra Karan ka kavach hatana was the greatest injustice.

I was in school in the early 90s or whenever it was when they were screening it on TV, and my enduring memory is one where some kids were all heartbroken about the Abhimanyu chakravyu trap.. but I was over the moon, somehow. lol

Also, Duryodhan vs Bheem and the whole low blow saga, wtf.. also,much later, Draupadi and her 5

also also, I was a perv and Krishan Ji providing that neverending saree pissed me off no end.. apun ko nangi pangi mangta tha.. what a spoiler troll Krishn Ji turned out to be there, eh ? :P

Also, Bhishma Pitama's death, neither on the ground, nor on air, or whatever .. they punctured him proper and found a workaround.. I thought that was bloody genius too.

Suryaputra Karan ka kavach hatana was the greatest injustice.
It was important for the Pandavas to win. It wouldn't have happened if Karna hadn't chosen the wrong side.
I was in school in the early 90s or whenever it was when they were screening it on TV, and my enduring memory is one where some kids were all heartbroken about the Abhimanyu chakravyu trap.. but I was over the moon, somehow. lol
Dronacharya engineered Abhimanyu's death and broke the Dharma that a warrior will only fight one warrior at a time.
I was in school in the early 90s or whenever it was when they were screening it on TV, and my enduring memory is one where some kids were all heartbroken about the Abhimanyu chakravyu trap.. but I was over the moon, somehow. lol

Also, Duryodhan vs Bheem and the whole low blow saga, wtf.. also,much later, Draupadi and her 5

also also, I was a perv and Krishan Ji providing that neverending saree pissed me off no end.. apun ko nangi pangi mangta tha.. what a spoiler troll Krishn Ji turned out to be there, eh ? :P

Also, Bhishma Pitama's death, neither on the ground, nor on air, or whatever .. they punctured him proper and found a workaround.. I thought that was bloody genius too.

Yeah, it's been a long time since I read the Mahabharata. Need to read it again someday lol.
Worshipping of any creation is strictly forbidden in Islam and also goes against human logic. There is no such thing as a sacred man in Islam. A person that has no control over his or her own breathing or bowl movements and cannot even bless himself or herself, how the hell can then some idiots expect that he/she can "bless" them or you in any way, shape or form?

Polythiesm is illogical and man worship above all is disgusting.

A person however can gain followers.

There are people in Pakistan that still defend and will vote for Nawaz Sharif, Zardari etc whereas in a real Islam based system they would have been executed for their crimes a long time ago. But most of their followers have their own interests at stake so their behavior can be explained.

In Pakistan it is mostly shrine businesses where the families running shrines make lots of $$ from it. People's affinity for Islam is used by many for their own personal and nefarious reasons.

If I had any power I would demolish all those shrines and jail the families running them.
I only believe in Good food.
We go to dargah on thurday to eat Mithe chawal , to madir to get extra parshad and langar in Gurudwara Sahib, go to stasang baba ji on Saturday , cause food is amazing there.

And I do give money when I visit there, also give full respect, not like white people who go there to click pics but no respect.

Only place I went once was Christians Church , they are some cheap asses don't give no food until they see an opportunity to convert you. Than they even give u money.
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