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Jul 2, 2007
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I was a then a small kid when Quaid-e-Azam was the leader of Pakistan. I know just through reading only that people truly loved him. In my life first I saw Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto whose followers blindly trusted him and loved. Though there were thousands of thousands who truly loved Benazir but it is also fact it was not just even a fraction of what blind love ordinary masses had with Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. Bilawal, leave him aside, his followers are just political workers not the lovers The second leader truly and blindly loved I saw is MQM Chief Altaf Hussain. His followers truly and from deep their hearts love him and are always ready to march on his one single order despite knowing the death could be eminent on the way.

On his recent short arrest in London, his faithful followers staged at sit in for three continuous days in Karachi. It is evident this sit-in was not called for by Altaf directly on any telephone address or by the party leaders. The grief and real pain brought these kids, children, young, elderly, women all in the open in scorching unbearable June heat. They refused to lift the sit-in unless they themselves did not “hear” the “live” voice of their leader to satisfy themselves that he was safe and well. They only left when their leadership in London affirmed them that their beloved leader was safe and well both from hands of police as well as through hands of disease in the hospital and that their Chief had gone back to his home.

The conscious demands this blind love for a leader is a matter of true appreciation and being a Karachite I honestly do recognize and appreciate it. However I have a very logical question which is deeply puzzling me. Though the question is very very simple yet it has a food for thought and I wonder if someone can answer it in simple language. The question is that we know well there are thousands and thousands of lovers and followers of Altaf Hussain living in London. While thousands and thousands sitting some then thousands miles in Karachi were so anxious to know the welfare of their beloved leader just wishing to “hear” him, no sitting in London wished to “hear” his voice by sit-in somewhere in London say like outside police station, outside his hospital or even Pakistan High Commission.
his faithful followers staged at sit in for three continuous days in Karachi. It is evident this sit-in was not called for by Altaf directly on any telephone address or by the party leaders.
Well whoever threatened the poor souls had to leave their shops and rozi gari for something happening miles away and not in their control! So sad....I also know the thousands who were frustrated from loosing out by the closure of Karachi and not to mention the frustrated who didnt understand why they had to go and do a sit in when they didnt want to :tsk:
Well whoever threatened the poor souls had to leave their shops and rozi gari for something happening miles away and not in their control! So sad....I also know the thousands who were frustrated from loosing out by the closure of Karachi and not to mention the frustrated who didnt understand why they had to go and do a sit in when they didnt want to :tsk:
Lier lier pant on the fire
, no sitting in London wished to “hear” his voice by sit-in somewhere in London say like outside police station, outside his hospital or even Pakistan High Commission.

You can't just randomly sit around like idiots in London. MQM's London members played their part, they had their lawyer team and as you might have seen the video when Altaf Hussain was released his avid supporters and MQM workers were there to welcome him.
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