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Indians are pretty much disliked worldwide.

Simply not true. Chinese don't even mingle with other people. They always keep them to themselves. They are isolated lot.
India has way too many major issues to ever become a super power.

Enough with this ridiculous topic.
Seemed Random, so here's my equally random internet impersonation of Arnold Schwarzenegger:

"Gettt onn dah choppahhhh naaaaaawwwwww"-Arnie
You sir, have semi-hulk syndrome, where you have body of banner and brain of Hulk … I hope writing or analyzing anything isn't your day time profession.

India`s only neighbor
WTF, there are many neighbors…

Pakistan - A natural threat ……War is inevitable
WTF, India , pakistan are not animals . @WAR : Warmonger-a**hole

Butan - This is only friend
What , do you expect it to be wife or something ??

China is support all sorts of anti India supports
. China have stealth boats

1. How many China's we are talking here ? And since you are mentioning multiple of them, are they from parallel universe or from parallel galaxy ?
2. You sir, have semi-hulk syndrome, where you have body of banner and brain of Hulk … I hope writing or analyzing anything isnt your day time profession.

though India can take down all other enemies individually but china is nowhere possible
Please, try reading it once again … Don't know where to begin with logical fallacy, grammatical mistake or unrealistic expectations laced with jingoism ….
Indian navy is enough to cut oil to China and it can be in offensive mode . IAF needs 10 years to get the strength to counter China .
Vietnamese are actually capable of fighting. They are a tough country.

India is not. :azn:
Just like Pakistan is capable and China is not :P
Indians are pretty much disliked worldwide.
Tell that to obama or in South Africa or in UK or in France...
People will laugh at u...
And u guys say to them" we are honest people, who never steal anything", the whole world will laugh at u...
Indians are pretty much disliked worldwide.

....and everybody loves Chinese and Pakistani

Directly or indirectly article means all neighbours are not friendly with India so its mean India is the problem LOLzzzzzzzzz

How about Pakistan and China neighbors....are they happy

I thought you guys always say that you learned your lesson from 1962, and that you are "prepared this time".

But no, the Indian Armed Forces say you are no match for China alone, let alone China+Pakistan.

Then later, the revelation comes out that you have less than 2 days worth of ammunition! That is the opposite of prepared, that is planning to lose.

Chinese Megaton Fart.......1962 is good example of how China back-stab its neigbhour
As expected so,

how does an instance of attack on Indian student in Australia be equated to Indian being hated worldwide?

Unless the term worldwide mean only Australia to you. :lol:

Actually, really sorry to say this, but we don't like Indians over here as well. The resentment has been growing and that's largely due to the very poor mannerisms of the Indian national and their superiority complex over the locals. Which I frankly don't understand why, because if you in my country looking for a living, that's only because your own country is incapable of providing you with one. So we really wonder where all that 'Indian FT haughtiness' comes from.

We figured that it's probably in your caste system and you added us conveniently to your growing list. Well, if u r in some else's country, u better be doing what they do and leave the caste at home.

On topic though, India has a long way to go before you can catch up with China. First, you need to be able to produce all of your own military hardware, which definitely has not been the case. In fact we have been selling u alot of those stuff u needed till the corruption scandal. No matter, we have other customers.

But if your military infrastructure is so lacking and the procurement process is so hampered by corruption and scandal, how on earth do you hope to be a superpower? The long standing champion, the USA, the dead one, which is the USSR and the rising one, which is China, all three never had this problem at any point. It was one of those issues they sorted out real early, which is attention to defence.
Everybody in the region hates India. Indian land mass needs to go back to Africa where is belongs and the problem would be solved.
If Somalians & Afghans can dream of becoming SUPA PAWA than why not indians? This is not justice, indians should be given the chance to dream about becoming SUPA PAWA.

@ topic, india can't handle small nations like Srilanka, Bdsh properly how will it deal with big powers like Pakistan & with a great powers like China. As for indians who love to live in past & celebrate victory of 71 need to grow up & realize the fact that what were the circumstances in which Pakistan lost, few to point out were that almost 90% Bdsh population was against Pakistan & was considering terrorists as their protectors, Bdsh was hundreds of km's away from mainland & with hostile land in between & almost all sides(including water & air), Pak forces were lacking of supplies, on ground fighting there were total 40000 Pakistani army troops with 38000 Pak police & paramilitary whereas the opponent was 300000terrorists & insurgents with 250000 indian army troops with full back up support, also Soviets in Bay of Bengal had blocked the route for any Pakistani Supply/cargo ships.
Everybody in the region hates India. Indian land mass needs to go back to Africa where is belongs and the problem would be solved.

I guess alot has to do with the way they conduct their foreign policies and also the dismal state of affairs in the country. Any potential superpower should be able to provide for all its citizens first and not depend on other powers for alot of its technology and military hardware. I doubt they have much of a manufacturing base and alot of products used for domestic consumption are imported from China. Military procurement has been from everywhere.

Just too bad we don't have the size and we are a small nation at the tail end of Asia. Given the right size, it is WE who would be talking about being potential superpower, certainly not India lol.
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