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Do Americans really "sympathize" with Iranians

Do Americans have "sympathy" for Iranians?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • No

    Votes: 9 81.8%

  • Total voters

Blue In Green

Nov 30, 2016
Reaction score
United States
United States
I will past a response I had made towards a person who seemed to have this false sense of sympathy for Iranians that I find in many ignorant Americans who parrot around the usual rhetoric regarding Iran. I don't usually do this and you can absolutely ignore it but I think it's something worth mentioning and discussing.

Please feel free to add, correct or scrutinize anything i've written down since admittedly I'm not the best at this sort of stuff.

Here is original comment I responded to:

"The USA needs to keep the aircraft carriers out of the Persian Gulf as they could become sitting ducks especially if the straight is mined. Keep them in the Gulf of Oman where they are close enough to be superior in a fight. EU allies need to step up as the leader in this potential fight as their main source of oil is at stake not ours. Keep the economic pressure on Iran and let internal pressure build. Should the weird beards initiate/support threating actions, the collation needs to be ready and capable to take out these ruthless rulers, destroy their air, naval, and nuke sites. No need for an invasion as the citizens will take back their country."

My follow up response:

This will come off as abrasive but I sincerely don't mean any insult towards your person in what I'm about to say, please don't take what I say personally.

You do realize you're just parroting around tag lines that are essentially half-truths, over exaggerations indicative of a clear lack in intimate knowledge about Iranians as a people and a country and their government? Being born of two Iranian immigrants who came to the US (Father before revolution and mother after) plus visiting Iran around 7 times for extended stays each time I can comment more accurately on what Iranians feel because I feel a sense of duty here since SO MANY have simply false/exaggerated perspectives about Iran.

You say a "coalition" should take out nuke sites in Iran yet there hasn't been any evidence backed by multiple intelligence agencies as well the IAEA supporting that Iran is working on a nuke or plans to (They stopped back in 2003 with project Emad because they didn't view it in their interest to continue), Man those Fake Saddam WMDs sure look real good now..... The Nuclear energy infrastructure of Iran is a source of national pride for Iranians and a point for them to rally around since many Iranians believe it is their right to pursue Nuclear energy as a nation. The idea that the US or a "coalition" can just come in and bomb it away is simply ridiculous and wont find much support with regular Iranians as your post seems to be sympathizing with. Also there is a practical aspect to the Iranian nuclear energy program that many, MANY Westerners just refuse to accept or even acknowledge. Iran has credible energy needs but doesn't have the right infrastructure to take advantage of their vast oil and gas reserves. Meaning Iran doesn't have the ability to adequately turn that resource into energy for their nation so they turned to Nuclear energy as a viable source of energy as well as scientific research.

Idk if you're keeping up with recent news but the Aircraft carrier that was supposed to enter the Persian hasn't entered the Gulf (i'll send you link to tweet/evidence of this in Private Messaging if you want) as of yet since the prospect of conflict is indeed quite high and the Iranians aren't kidding this time around (the attack on the Saudi Aramco facility and Tankers in UAE was indeed a small taste of what Iran is capable of). It won't be some one-sided beatdown. Iran can and will get in long lasting devasting hits ones that will break the current "US is invincible" paradigm (these sort of ramifications are multi-decade in nature). Reality is that Iran has the means to strike back and sink (or heavily damage in the case of Super carriers) any surface vessels in the range of its highly accurate and devastating Quasi-ballistic missile arsenal, not mention Irans diverse arsenal of missiles can inflict heavy damage on commercial and military facilities of its enemies within the range of Iranian missiles. Missiles of this caliber aren't a laughing matter and should be taken seriously. Simply put the US wants to avoid Iranian missiles because the US is intimately aware of Irans capabilities and are adjusting themselves accordingly (we can make fun of their antiquated air-force but their missiles are of no laughing matter). Won't look good on CNN or FOX news when dozens of US vessels costing billions of Dollars are at the bottom of the Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Gonna have to change that "US is invincible" rhetoric. When Iran is telling the world, specifically the US that it's fully prepared for a war they aren't joking around at all. It won't be Iraq 2.0, it will be worse, MUCH worse.

"Ruthless leaders" this one is a half-truth and a hypocritical over-exaggeration to say the least. US allies historically in the region from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Israel even Saddam way back in the day were ruthless as well and currently exercise their ruthlessness yet America turns a blind eye to their transgressions and target Iran (rightfully so but still it is highly hypocritical). Iran is indeed "ruthless" in some aspects but what power doesn't have its bad side? Idk not too long ago the US had slaves and treated African-Americans as second class citizens. Hell, even currently many Americans from different backgrounds would argue that the US government is "ruthless" in a lot of ways (aggressive spying on its own citizens, heavily militarized cops, horrible inner-cities ran by corrupt "ruthless" politicians, wealth inequality, sex-trade, drug addiction, outright lying by the US government, homeless epidemic, a congress and house that can't seem to get stuff done, etc..) but that's a discussion for another time, let us see if the US can even last another 50 years without being overran by Latinos quite literally invading by the 100,000's (where's the self-proclaimed greatest military when the nation is being sacked from the inside out?). You see Iranians, even those who don't like the government aren't all dumb or stick to legacy tag-lines such "the regime must go" or "Mullah bad", etc... Many of them are finding issues with the US, especially after Trumps shallow decision of pulling out of multilateral agreement that of which Iran was holding up its end of the deal. Trumps subsequent ban of Iranians didn't help either and the reimposing of sanctions surely didn't help everyday Iranians live a better life. Many Iranian know that their problems at home aren't all because of the "mullahs", the sanctions have done their job and made life a living hell for Iranian who just wanna get by. Using Iranian people has lead to a decent amount of them fully sympathizing with the Hardliners in Iran, STRENGTHENING the Iranian government. Also Iranians are very resilient people naturally but they do have a breaking point.

It isn't the right of the US to dictate what is or isn't right for Iranians. That is up to Iranians to decide, and this is where I get to the main point of this rather poorly written rebuttal (meaning my rebuttal). How is it that the current Iranian government has been in power for around 40 years? It isn't all fear or oppression on the Iranian people I can tell you that for sure. We need to ascertain and acknowledge that the Iranian government does indeed ENJOY A HEALTHY amount of support from Iranians themselves to some practical degree that allows the Iranian government to stay in power. Why else would the voter turn out of the last election in Iran be so high if this wasn't the case? at least we need to acknowledge this much. Truth is I have resentment for the Iranian government but my reasons are completely different to those of your bog-standard White American patriot or Israeli, Saudi, etc. The issues with the current Iranian government range from rampant corruption to the point of being damn near catastrophically detrimental for the entire Iranian nation, mismanagement of Iran as a whole, lying and cheating in certain aspects of the Iranian government poor handling of 2009 election "scandal" and many more. So I really wanna hammer home the point that I don't fully support or am a supporter of the Iranian government in totality. But I will nonetheless be labeled as one....

Anyway please have a thorough look through of what I said and research some things on your own. Try to have a more rational look towards this and see things from multiple perspectives instead of a few. Thank you for your time Jrcowboy69, many cheers!!
I would've just like replied to him and left it there instead of making a seperate post as part of a wider response but w/e
I would've just like replied to him and left it there instead of making a seperate post as part of a wider response but w/e
I wanted to have a discussion about this topic and for fellow members to read what a wrote and riff on it. Nothing wrong in that hopefully?
I wanted to have a discussion about this topic and for fellow members to read what a wrote and riff on it. Nothing wrong in that hopefully?

Yes, there is something very wrong. And thus I present the following plan.

Contention 1. The opinions of fat boomer americans are literally irrelevant by merit of the people it comes from rather than the substance of the conversation, because there is no substance and they are merely relaying what their zionist overlords are saying. I mean would you have a conversation with a chatbot that only knows hello and goodbye? You are literally going around in circles.


Human - I don't think America's current relationship with Israel is healthy and in America's best interest


Human - I disagree, and I'm opposed to muslim immigration into the west, but the consequences of Israeli interference in American politics has proven to be disastrous for Eurasian stability


Human - *Provide proof that American intervention on behalf of Israel has essentially launched the modern day refugee crisis into Europe, by intervening and destabilising former Israeli foes Iraq, Libya, Syria this has led to a domino effect in the ME by blowing open the gates into Europe as these states states functioned as buffer zones between Europe and MENA*

Boomer - *Continued sharting concurrently with accusations of you being a "Liberal bernie/hillary islamophile" or what the **** ever who cares.

And rewind... See? Pointless

Contention 2. Escalating what aforementioned boomer utters is a sign of argumentative fragility in attempting to draw in further interest from other forum members by gangstalking the poor fat boomer into stopping his boomerisms.

Contention 3. Refer to contention 1 and 2
Wow, you're all correct....truth to all of the above posts. I think there is a conflict coming, Trump won't pull the trigger now, but if he gets re-elected there is going to be a run against Iran, it may not be heavy one but I have a feeling he would want to use Iran as his foreign policy win.
Most annoying about Americans on the internet is when they ask: "Why do they even hate us?". Geez, I dont know. I have no idea, why would Iran have any reason to hate you? :what:
Most annoying about Americans on the internet is when they ask: "Why do they even hate us?". Geez, I dont know. I have no idea, why would Iran have any reason to hate you? :what:

their media never shows them the reality of their foreign policy so the average American has no Idea how utterly uninformed and brainwashed they really are because they believe they have a "Free press".
If they are supporters of foxnews. They are not sympathizers.

Practically everyone else, to varying degrees.

Most right or left, don't want war. The average person in America does not want war.


Despite their concerns, 60% of Americans said the United States should not conduct a pre-emptive attack on the Iranian military, while 12% advocate for striking first.
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