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Diverterless Supersonic Inlet


Jan 18, 2009
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The unassuming fuselage bump at each inlet on the Lockheed Martin Joint Strike Fighter performs miracles that only aeronautical engineers can fully appreciate. At high aircraft speeds through supersonic, the bumps work with forward-swept inlet cowls to redirect unwanted boundary layer airflow away from the inlets, essentially doing the job of heavier, more complex, and more costly approaches used by current fighters.

DSI Flight Tests
The overall inlet design, called a diverterless supersonic inlet or DSI, moved from concept to reality when it was installed and flown on a Block 30 F-16 in a highly successful demonstration program. The flight test program consisted of twelve flights flown in nine days in December 1996. The first flight on 11 December addressed initial envelope clearance and functional checks. Subsequent flights addressed performance characteristics of the unique inlet design in both level and maneuvering flight. Rapid throttle transients during these flights confirmed the compatibility between the inlet and engine.

The flight tests covered the entire F-16 flight envelope and achieved a maximum speed of Mach 2.0. The modified aircraft demonstrated flying qualities similar to a normal production F-16 at all angles of attack and at all angles of sideslip. Lockheed Martin test pilots performed two inflight engine restarts and 164 successful afterburner lights, with no failures. Fifty-two afterburner lights were performed during hard maneuvers. No engine stalls or anomalies occurred during the test flights.

The new inlet showed slightly better subsonic specific excess power than a production inlet and that verified the overall system benefits of eliminating the diverter. Test pilots remarked that military power settings and thrust characteristics were very similar to standard production F-16 aircraft with the same General Electric F110-GE-129 engine. Considering the overall goal of the flight test program was to demonstrate the viability of this advanced inlet technology, the results were excellent.

Fighter Inlet Design Basics
Tactical aircraft pose a formidable challenge for inlet designers. A fighter inlet must provide an engine with high-quality airflow over a wide range of speeds, altitudes, and maneuvering conditions while accommodating the full range of engine airflow from idle to maximum military or afterburning power. The inlet designer must also consider the constraints imposed by configuration features, such as nose landing gears, weapon bays, equipment access panels, and forebody shaping. The design must produce the lowest drag, lowest weight, lowest cost, and highest propulsion performance. It must also meet stringent low observable requirements.

Historically, inlet complexity is a function of top speed for fighter aircraft. Higher Mach numbers require more sophisticated devices for compressing supersonic airflow to slow it down to subsonic levels before it reaches the face of the engine. (Jet engines are not designed to handle the shock waves associated with supersonic airflow.)

These compression schemes involve the conversion of the kinetic energy of the supersonic airstream into total pressure on the compressor face of the engine. Speeds over Mach 2 generally require more elaborate compression schemes. The F-15 inlet, for example, contains a series of movable compression ramps and doors controlled by software and elaborate mechanical systems. The ramps move to adjust the external and internal shape of the inlet to provide the optimum airflow to the engine at various aircraft speeds and angles of attack. Doors and ducting allow excess airflow to bypass the inlet.

Inlet designs for fighter aircraft must also account for a layer of low-energy air that forms on the surface of the fuselage at subsonic and supersonic speeds. (These layers also form on the inlet compression surfaces.) This layer of slow moving, turbulent air, called a boundary layer, can create chaos when disturbed by the shock waves created by the inlet. The result can be unwanted airflow distortions at the engine face. If the shock wave/boundary layer interaction is severe enough, the engine will stall. The boundary layer thickens with increased speed and increased forebody distance, the length from the nose of the airplane to the inlet itself.

Designers of supersonic aircraft deal with this boundary layer phenomenon by redirecting the layer before it reaches the engine and placing the inlet away from the boundary layer in the freestream, where airflow is unaffected by the boundary layer phenomenon. On the F-16, a structure called a diverter provides a 3.3-inch gap between the fuselage and the upper lip of the inlet. The size of the gap equates to the thickness of the boundary layer at the maximum speed of the F-16. Other fighters remove boundary layer airflow with combinations of splitter plates and bleed systems. The latter redirect the unwanted airflow through small holes in the compression ramps to bleed ducts within the inlet. The DSI bump functions as a compression surface and creates a pressure distribution that prevents the majority of the boundary layer air from entering the inlet at speeds up to Mach 2. In essence, the DSI does away with complex and heavy mechanical systems.

DSI Origins
The DSI traces its roots to work done by Lockheed Martin engineers in the early 1990s as part of an independent research and development project called the Advanced Propulsion Integration project. The concept was developed and refined with Lockheed Martin-proprietary computer modeling tools made possible by advances in Computational Fluid Dynamics, or CFD. CFD is the science of determining a numerical solution to the governing equations of fluid flow and advancing this solution through space or time to describe a complete flow field of interest—in this case, the flow field of a fighter forebody, inlet, and inlet duct.
CFD, considered a branch of fluid dynamics, provides a cost-effective means of simulating airflow. The development of more powerful computers has furthered CFD advances to the point that it has become the preferred means of evaluating aerodynamic designs.

Basic research of the inlet concept continued through the mid-1990s. Traditional wind tunnel testing of small plastic inlet models built with stereolithographic techniques augmented a CFD-based development process for the DSI. Engineers made enough technical advances during this period that two US patent applications were filed, one dealing with the overall design and the second dealing with the integration process of the new technology. (Both patents were granted in 1998.) The diverterless inlet designs built and tested with this combination of CFD and small-scale wind tunnel models formed a database of inlet configurations that would subsequently prove valuable to the Lockheed Martin JSF design.

Full-Scale Test Inlet
The DSI flight-tested on the F-16 in 1996 was designed on computer workstations using three-dimensional solid models. It was developed with minimal airframe impacts and maximum use of existing hardware to reduce design and manufacturing costs. The F-16’s modular inlet design allowed development of a DSI-equipped inlet module without significant impacts to the aircraft forebody or center fuselage. As with the existing inlet design, the new inlet module formed part of the forward fuselage extending from the inlet leading edge to the interface between the forward fuselage and center fuselage. The compression surface was attached to the existing forward fuselage below the cockpit without affecting the rest of the forebody or the chine. New duct lines were developed to form a transition from the new inlet aperture to the existing duct.

The upper surface of the F-16 inlet module forms the floor of the forward fuel tank. This fuel tank is located directly behind the pilot. The lower surface of the fuel tank floor forms the upper surface of the F-16 inlet duct. This fuel tank floor offered an ideal starting point for the structural layout of the new inlet module since it is an assembly that can be procured directly from the F-16 production line. The diverter support beam was also retained and, in combination with the fuel tank floor, formed the primary means of attaching the new inlet module to the forward fuselage.

The inlet module consisted of 300 parts, which included 113 machined parts and eighty-three formed skin panels. The bump, more accurately termed a fixed, three-dimensional compression surface, was formed from graphite epoxy at LM Aeronautics facilities in Palmdale, California. Most of the substructure consists of aluminum. The inlet module was built and installed at LM Aeronautics facilities in Fort Worth, where the flight tests took place.

LM Aeronautics JSF Design Adopts DSI
The DSI concept was introduced into the JAST/JSF program as a trade study item in mid-1994. It was compared with a traditional "caret" style inlet. The trade studies involved additional CFD, testing, and weight and cost analyses. The new inlet earned its way into the JSF design after proving to be thirty percent lighter and showing lower production and maintenance costs over traditional inlets while still meeting all performance requirements.

The flight tests on the F-16 validated the aerodynamic properties of the inlet, which will be validated further on the upcoming flights of the Lockheed Martin JSF demonstrator aircraft in 2000. The flight test also proved that the analytical performance and inlet flow stability predictions from the CFD analysis matched operations in the real world. The JSF program further refined the production version of the DSI design using these CFD tools.

The DSI inlet used on the JSF has evolved through several design iterations. The shaft-driven lift fan on the STOVL JSF required the use of a bifurcated duct with one inlet on each side. The initial version was essentially the same design used on the lower surface of the F-16 rotated up onto either side of the JSF forward fuselage.

This design had a cowl that was symmetrical about the centerline of the bump. This version of the inlet appears on the X-35 demonstrator aircraft. Later CFD analysis and testing led to refinements of the design to improve its performance at high angles of attack by shifting the upper and lower cowl lips to take advantage of the side-mounted location and to improve high angle-of-attack performance. This later version has been fully tested in the wind tunnel and will be used on the EMD and on production aircraft.


Sideview of an F-16 modified with diverterless supersonic inlet, or DSI, developed for the Joint Strike Fighter -- now the F-35 Lightning II -- program. At high aircraft speeds through supersonic, the bump in the inlet works with the forward-swept inlet cowl to redirect unwanted boundary layer airflow away from the inlet, essentially doing the job of heavier, more complex, and more costly diverters used by current fighters. The flight test program consisted of twelve flights flown in nine days in December 1996.
Code One Magazine: JSF Diverterless Supersonic Inlet
The first new-build Gripen NG is due to fly in 2012. Reports describe stealth enhancements including diverterless inlets. The enhanced performance (EPE) engine would be a useful addition—at its highest reported rating, its non-afterburning output would be over 90% of the maximum thrust of the C/D's RM12 engine, although Saab may elect to take a smaller thrust boost combined with longer engine life to reduce ownership cost. GE claims that the EPE is relatively low-risk.
Duels In The Sky

A study done 2008 at Linköping Uni on FS2020 intakes.

A CFD Investigation of a Generic Bump and its Application to a Diverterless Supersonic Inlet



Diverterless inlet technology utilizes a hump on the inboard side of a jet intake along with a forward swept outer intake fairing to separate boundary layer air and to slow down airflow reaching the jet’s engine face during supersonic maneuvers It does this without moving parts and allows for the deletion of heavy and complicated intake diverters, intake ramps and cones. Also, by allowing for smooth transitions between a combat jet’s fuselage and intake, such configurations can provide a drastic reduction in radar cross section, thus lowering an aircraft’s detectability on radar, especially those that function at higher bandwidths. Another useful byproduct of the interaction between the forward swept intake cowl and the smooth hump-like blended surface between the intake and the fuselage is that it provides for far less exposure to radar waves, especially from oblique angles, of an aircraft’s jet engine fan face. The engine face is traditionally one of a combat jet’s most radar reflective components. When the DSI concept is integrated into a clean sheet design and/or an aircraft utilizes curved intakes, baffle systems, and radar blocking devices in conjunction with it, a radar return caused by a combat jet’s motor face and traditional intake can be almost totally eliminated


The DSI modified F-16 was one mean looking machine as its super-critical “under-bite,” blended hump and canted intake fairing gave the jet an aggressive and totally futuristic look. The prototype was said to have handled almost identically to a stock F-16 and it even saw boosts in available thrust during certain areas of its flight envelope. This makes me wonder as to why the DSI inlet was not integrated into modern versions of the F-16. With other “low observable” enhancements, such as inclusion of the Low Observable Nozzle (now flying in an operational form of the F-35) and the installation of radar absorbent coatings and skin, the F-16 may have been able to have been fielded with a reasonable reduction in overall radar cross-section. Although the jet’s single vertical tail is a problem when it comes to radar reflectivity, eliminating the tail all together, which is a far greater design change than adding a diverterless inlet and a new exhaust nozzle, would have been almost necessary. None the less, the F-16X concept proposed such a tailless design. The F-16X would have included almost double the internal fuel compared to a standard F-16 and conformal air to air missile weapons bays would have been integrated into the design. Sadly, the F-16X never made it to fruition as the Joint Strike Fighter program suppressed any funding for such developmental evolutions of existing

platforms. Fast forward to today and the F-16X concept would offer a tremendously relevant, and most likely cost effective alternative, to the F-35A as we know it today. With the deletion of the jet’s tail, and the addition of a new stealthy skin, diverterless inlet, low observable nozzle, conformal weapons bays, and a radar blocking device over the jets motor, the F-16X would be one serious machine with an almost perfect mix of range, survivability, flexibility, and economy

In the end two aircraft were used to prototype modern DSI technology by Lockheed Martin. Apparently, the flying example was returned to its original form and sent to AMARG after the tests were complete while another airframe for mockup tests sits rotting in the back-lot of Lockheed’s Skunk Works at Plant 42 in Palmdale, California.

Here are some pictures of the Chinese jets that also leverage DSI technology, they include the J-20, J-10B, JF-17 Block II and almost certainly the J-31. How exactly the Chinese gained this advanced aerospace know-how is still a mystery although the DSI F-16 was not highly classified. Then again maybe there were complete instructions on how to build a DSI inlet in the thousands of pages of classified documents related to US stealth designs that have been stolen via Chinese hacking campaigns over the last decade or so…


A diverterless hypersonic inlet (DHI) for a high speed, air-breathing propulsion system reduces the ingested boundary layer flow, drag, and weight, and maintains a high capture area for hypersonic applications. The design enables high vehicle fineness ratios, low-observable features, and enhances ramjet operability limits. The DHI is optimized for a particular design flight Mach number. A forebody segment generates and focuses a system of multiple upstream shock waves at desired strengths and angles to facilitate required inlet and engine airflow conditions. The forebody contour diverts boundary layer flow to the inlet sides, effectively reducing the thickness of the boundary layer that is ingested by the inlet, while maintaining the capture area required by the hypersonic propulsion system. The cowl assembly is shaped to integrate with the forebody shock system and the thinned boundary layer region.

Method for designing flowfield molded hypersonic inlet for integrated turbojet and ram-scramjet applications - Lockheed Martin Corporation
Method for designing flowfield molded hypersonic inlet for integrated turbojet and ram-scramjet applications

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