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'Disturbing inputs' about terror attack during Shivratri: Army Commander


Sep 20, 2014
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There are some "disturbing" inputs about a terror attack in India aimed at creating the "maximum media impact" during the Shivratri festival and the ongoing Parliament session, a top Army commander said in Pathankot on Saturday with an assurance that steps have been taken to deal with it.

"There are security-related problems today. You know, Maha Shivratri is coming. There are inputs which are disturbing but notwithstanding that extra care has been taken," Western Army Commander Lt Gen KJ Singh told reporters on the sidelines of a function.

When asked to elaborate, he refused but said such events are planned to create "maximum media impact".

"See elaboration is neither required nor warranted. These events (terror attacks) are planned to create maximum media impact and when can you create a media impact when Parliament is in session, when a festival is taking place, so both happen to be going on.. So that is why, there are inputs but we have taken steps against that. I must assure you of that," he said.

The General Officer Commanding-in-Chief (GOC-in-C) of the Western Command went on to add that such "mischievous" activities will not deter a great nation as the Indian Army is fully geared to meet any eventuality.

"We want to tell whoever has got this mischievous intentions that nothing can deter us, one Pathankot, one Arnia, one Janglot, once more Samba, cannot deter us. This nation is too great. Indian army is fully organised. We will take care of every situation," Lt Gen Singh said.

When asked about inputs that some Pakistan-based terrorist commanders were in touch with their Kashmiri counterparts, he said, "there are certain inputs. There are certain indications. I should only tell you this much that we are fully prepared for that."

With regard to the detection of a tunnel in Jammu on the International Border with Pakistan, he said it had helped avert a major terror attack.

He added that a survey will be carried out in all the border areas to see if there are any more such tunnels, for which a team of officials of Home Ministry and other security agencies has been formed. (MORE)

'Disturbing inputs' about terror attack, says Army commander - Times of India
what does the respectable army commander have to say about farmer suicides, rohith vemula, umar khalid and kanhaiya kumar??

@Mentee here is another gem of a post " related " to the topic :)

As per this genius, Army commanders should leave the security domain and start commenting on the political issues.
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its his not f**king job to say anything about those issues.

@Mentee here is another gem of a post " related " to the topic :)

As per this genius, Army commanders should leave the security domain and start commenting on the political issues.

but these four military chaps found it their absolute job to work towards bringing justice and progressiveism in their immediate societies, their region and outside :




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what does the respectable army commander have to say about farmer suicides, rohith vemula, umar khalid and kanhaiya kumar??
What does he have to do with it? Farmer suicides etc etc are issues that are not for him to comment on.
what does the respectable army commander have to say about farmer suicides, rohith vemula, umar khalid and kanhaiya kumar??

I asked them and here is their response.
Farmer suicides - bad & sad; Modi must kick the mill lobby to start paying their dues to the poor farmers ...but Sonia Gandhi and Sharad Pawar and others in the mill lobby are protecting the mill owners!
Rohit Vemula - idiots making politics out of kid's death
Umar Khalid - kid was dropped on his head when he was a baby, so very confused
Kanhaiya Kumar - too much bollywood expectations; he thought girls will swarm him like in the movies if he becomes a student leader but found that is not the case
What does he have to do with it? Farmer suicides etc etc are issues that are not for him to comment on.

please see ( mine ) post# 5.

Regarding the thread topic. Practice what you preach and then come and talk to me.

what does that mean??

I asked them and here is their response.
Farmer suicides - bad & sad; Modi must kick the mill lobby to start paying their dues to the poor farmers ...but Sonia Gandhi and Sharad Pawar and others in the mill lobby are protecting the mill owners!

wonderful... you have found the culprits and i thought it was india's extreme captalism environment that was to blame... how foolish of me !!

these[1] are of course not tragedy but happy moments :
MUMBAI, India (AP) — First they were stripped of their utensils, furniture, mobile phones, televisions, ration cards and heirloom gold jewelry. Then, some of them drank pesticide. One woman threw herself in a pond. Another jumped into a well with her children.

Sometimes, the debt collectors watched nearby
The state blamed microfinance companies — which give small loans intended to lift up the very poor — for fueling a frenzy of overindebtedness and then pressuring borrowers so relentlessly that some took their own lives.

The companies, including market leader SKS Microfinance, denied it. [ j - :lol: ]
Another SKS debt collector told a delinquent borrower to drown herself in a pond if she wanted her loan waived. The next day, she did. She left behind four children.
In one video, the daughter of borrower Dhake Lakshmi Rajyam cries, gasping as she talks to an investigator in Tadepalligudem, Andhra Pradesh.

Rajyam was unable to pay off $2,400 owed to eight different companies. Employees of microfinance companies, including SKS, urged other borrowers to seize the family's chairs, utensils and wardrobe and pawn them to make loan payments, her family told investigators. Unable to bear the insults and pressure of the crowd of borrowers who sat outside her home for hours to shame her, Rajyam drank pesticide on Sept. 16, 2010, and died, the family says.

"We have lost my mother," her daughter says. "Nobody will support us."
Meanwhile, whistleblowers at SKS say that they have been targeted for retaliation and that the company has failed to correct structural flaws that contributed to the suicides.
Agents won prizes worth up to 10 times their average monthly salary for signing huge numbers of new borrowers. Vautrey said he coordinated the shipment of 8,800 televisions, refrigerators, gold coins, mixers, washing machines and DVDs as rewards for more than 3,000 districts nationwide.

One loan officer signed up 273 groups in a month. Under training protocols, the ideal number of groups formed per month is 12, the maximum is 36, according to field agents and reports written by Akula.
"The focus is only on targets," Ramulu Sirgapur, who spent a decade at SKS before he left in December, told AP. "Even if we've given feedback, there might be recovery or repayment issues. That's OK. Just concentrate on growth." [ j - typical indian corporate, focusing on "growth" ]
Vautrey went to Akula's office one night and told him what they were doing was bad karma.

"I don't want to be part of a team abetting suicides," Vautrey said in an interview. "It is systemic failure. We have no right to kill anybody for our own business. Let's close down our business if we can't do it right."
Vautrey said he was targeted, and SKS began termination proceedings against him on Feb. 6. Three members of his staff have been fired and have filed wrongful termination complaints with the state.

more comedy[2]... we must laugh of course and blame sonia gandhi, before we prepare for our next week in our glorious jobs in bangalore, gurgaon, madras and poona :
The harrowing reports suggest that SKS agents told debtors to prostitute their daughters, told them to drink poison or prevented them from access to medical care until debts were paid.
Caught in the despair of poverty, tens of thousands of impoverished Indians kill themselves every year, often because of insurmountable debt.

i agree with you, that foreign bahu ( sonia gandhi ) has to be blamed for every ill in india, including the suicides of 300,000 farmers between 1995 and 2015. :)

so let's lynch the foreign bahu and celebrate the 'desh ki bahu' ( the aunty national, smriti z irani, our honorable hrd minister ). :agree:

Rohit Vemula - idiots making politics out of kid's death

yeah, that kid died in the 2004 tsunami.

Umar Khalid - kid was dropped on his head when he was a baby, so very confused

so first the desh bhakts saw his muslim name and tried to stick 'lashkar e tayyaba' on him and when that didn't work they are discrediting him in other ways. :lol:

Kanhaiya Kumar - too much bollywood expectations; he thought girls will swarm him like in the movies if he becomes a student leader but found that is not the case

how do you know girls are not swarming around him??

are you jealous??


[1] Hundreds Of Suicides In India Linked To Microfinance Organizations - Business Insider

[2] SKS Microfinance implicated in farmer suicides: new report | GlobalPost
Despite of knowing the fact that Army commanders have no say in political issues.

So what should i make of it ?

Is he dumb ?

Is he ignorant ?

Or both ? :)
its a humanitarian issue,militaries should not totally remain aloof from what is happening in their particular homelands,hope you would get the point---
its a humanitarian issue,militaries should not totally remain aloof from what is happening in their particular homelands,hope you would get the point---

Who said military is not aware about whats happening around ?

They have shown their humanitarian side whenever needed.

Be it Kashmir floods, cyclones in Odisha or quakes in Gujarat.

However army knows its limitation and juridiction. Thats how the things are in India.

How difficult is it to comprehend ?

As i said off topic rantings are only good to hijack a thread.

Or else u tell me what have we disscused so far about the threat alerts that army commander is talking about?

Only because of one stupid poster :)
One off topic comment and the whole thread goes to $hit
There are some "disturbing" inputs about a terror attack in India aimed at creating the "maximum media impact" during the Shivratri festival and the ongoing Parliament session, a top Army commander said in Pathankot on Saturday with an assurance that steps have been taken to deal with it.

"There are security-related problems today. You know, Maha Shivratri is coming. There are inputs which are disturbing but notwithstanding that extra care has been taken," Western Army Commander Lt Gen KJ Singh told reporters on the sidelines of a function.

When asked to elaborate, he refused but said such events are planned to create "maximum media impact".

"See elaboration is neither required nor warranted. These events (terror attacks) are planned to create maximum media impact and when can you create a media impact when Parliament is in session, when a festival is taking place, so both happen to be going on.. So that is why, there are inputs but we have taken steps against that. I must assure you of that," he said.

'Disturbing inputs' about terror attack, says Army commander - Times of India

:what: His statement makes no sense. Maximum Media Impact ? :lol: so you mean your own Media is planning such "attack"
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