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Dispatches - The Indian Miracle? (2007)


Apr 17, 2010
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I'm posting it here because I don't want to accuse of trolling and I want to know what the Chinese members here think.

IMDB summary

Underneath the glittering surface of Indias economic boom lie the ugly realties of modern day India: mass suicide by debt-ridden farmers a rise in Hindu nationalism discrimination against Muslims and a caste system which condemns millions to a life of servitude

Dispatches - The Indian Miracle? (2007) on Veehd
And what made you think that Indian members would not/could not post here, in this section?:confused:
^^^ Thanks for the vid. Quite a realistic portrayal of the country. I believe it is just time that is going to change the country. Not a revolution or a great leader.
The oppressed people have the mentality of them being destined to lead such a life and they are not meant to lead a better life. The politicians wo are exploiting their state aren't helping either. But things are changing for the better in most parts. I hope and wish for a brighter future which is more inclusive.
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^^^ Thanks for the vid. Quite a realistic portrayal of the country. I believe it is just time that is going to change the country. Not a revolution or a great leader.
The oppressed people have the mentality of them being destined to lead such a life and they are not meant to lead a better life. The politicians wo are exploiting their state aren't helping either. But things are changing for the better in most parts. I hope and wish for a brighter future which is more inclusive.

No a Chinese or French style revolution just won't happen in India because it can never be inclusive enough to address all of the concerns of all of the people. If one part/ethnicity of the country goes against the government the other parts/people won't support it and will feel no hesitation in putting it down.

This means India is safe from revolution though it might not be safe from dysfunction.
^ well put
There is a growing awareness in india about the ills our society faces and people are beginning to have the economic means to actually tackle it. As usual, the gradual change will be brought on by the masses, not the govt.
The video has made me think about an interesting point. India's growth has been tech lead taking the cream of the Indian workforce and putting them to work. The presenter made a point to praise India for not having sweat shops. BUT this leaves those who aren't the best educated with fewer growth jobs to look to. Now especially with the troubled state of India's small farmers, it seems that these people who aren't benefiting from India's growth are being squeezed more and more.
that's the problem we face, since tech industries require immense educational training, not everyone can afford it (especially the under-privileged). This is why the govt is trying to build an industrial base in the country which would help employ the masses.
This is precisely why investments in infra and other sectors is highly anticipated since it will provide huge employment to the poor.

ps: can't watch the video yet, at work. will watch it at a later time
that's the problem we face, since tech industries require immense educational training, not everyone can afford it (especially the under-privileged). This is why the govt is trying to build an industrial base in the country which would help employ the masses.
This is precisely why investments in infra and other sectors is highly anticipated since it will provide huge employment to the poor.

ps: can't watch the video yet, at work. will watch it at a later time

It will be very hard for India to build up a manufacturing base unfortunately. China has essentially streamlined itself into a manufacturing monster. The world already has a overcapacity problem. Not enough consumption too much production.

But neither is farming an option, the United States gives a ridiculous amount of subsidies to it farmers, it will be doubtful if India's small farmers can compete.
^agreed, it will be tough battle this one. Let's see how it pans out in the future.
I'm posting it here because I don't want to accuse of trolling and I want to know what the Chinese members here think.

IMDB summary

Dispatches - The Indian Miracle? (2007) on Veehd

India as a nation is far too large and complex to generalize with videos like these. Anyone can depict only certain parts of a country to paint a negative image of it. But that usually does not match the reality of the situation, especially not in a land of paradigms like India.

But if it makes you or other Pakii/Chinese/PakChin members happy, all the things mentioned in the video are true and happen constantly. I personally know families of famers who have committed suicide, Muslims who have been targets of mob violence, and dalits who have been the victim of discrimination. All of it is very much real.
India will never rise anywhere if its culture is not reformed(the caste system is impeding India's huge but uselss workforce). Also, Indian workers need to be more disciplined like Japanese, Chinese, and Korean workers since right now Indians are not as punctual as Japanese, not as hardworking as Chinese, and not as creative/ingenius like the Koreans. The future of the 21st century belongs to East Asians only!:china:
India will never rise anywhere if its culture is not reformed

Indian culture is thousands of years old and has persisted through far worse times than this. Go take your supremacist BS somewhere else.

(the caste system is impeding India's huge but uselss workforce). Also, Indian workers need to be more disciplined like Japanese, Chinese, and Korean workers since right now Indians are not as punctual as Japanese, not as hardworking as Chinese, and not as creative/ingenius like the Koreans.

I actually agree that Indians should, in general, adopt a more professional and disciplined way of going about things. A proper education is the best way to encourage this, and I see a lot of potential in the new generation of Indians.

The future of the 21st century belongs to East Asians only!:china:

I will lol when ethnic Indians become the majority in Malaysia 30 years from now and take over your country.
Indian culture is thousands of years old and has persisted through far worse times than this. Go take your supremacist BS somewhere else.

I actually agree that Indians should, in general, adopt a more professional and disciplined way of going about things. A proper education is the best way to encourage this, and I see a lot of potential in the new generation of Indians.

I will lol when ethnic Indians become the majority in Malaysia 30 years from now and take over your country.

The majority but not the one's with political power (Malays) or dominance in business (Ethnic Chinese).
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