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Discrimination against Aborigines. racial discrimination in Australia


Nov 24, 2011
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Discrimination against Aborigines: the facts

Pauline Hanson and her One Nation party claim that Australian Aborigines receive "special treatment" not afforded to all other Australians. The "privileges" they receive, she says, "discriminate" against non-Aborigines and should be withdrawn. Native title, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission, targeted health, welfare and education funding and, as of last week, the Race Discrimination Act must all be abolished in the name of "equality", she says.

In the following, abridged from a longer article, JOHN TOMLINSON reveals the facts — that indigenous Australians continue to suffer gross discrimination and the lowest living standards in the country.

In the aftermath of the High Court's Wik judgment, the prime minister's 10-point plan to extinguish native title on pastoral leases makes political sense only if indigenous Australians are conceived of as separate from and of lesser importance than other Australians.

Governments during the 1950s and 1960s maintained Aborigines as "natives" by institutionalising them on segregated reserves.

Aboriginal people who resided off reserves, and who were not assimilated into white society, were relegated to fringes of country towns and ghettos like Redfern and South Brisbane. They were assigned a welfare/charity role that encouraged their being pitied as "victims of their own inadequacies". In rural areas the women were exploited sexually and the men utilised as seasonal workers. In both city and rural areas, they were marginalised.

Indigenous issues were perceived by the general public to be of little political importance until the period leading up to the 1967 referendum. This is the historical background that generates current perceptions of indigenous Australians.


The life expectancy of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders is about 15-20 years lower than that of their non-indigenous counterparts in WA, SA and the NT. In most states and territories, their babies are two to three times more likely to be of low birth weight and about two to four times more likely to die at birth.

According to the National Health and Medical Research Council (1996), between 1988 and 1994, the gap between Aboriginal and total Australian mortality rates widened, especially for women. About 30% of maternal deaths occur in Aboriginal women and Torres Strait Island women, who constitute only about 3% of confinements.

Governments claim to be promoting dramatic solutions, yet Access Economics has shown that health expenditure on each indigenous person is lower than that provided for the non-indigenous population, and the level of underspending on indigenous health has stayed remarkably constant over the last 20 years. During the 1990s on Cape York, women were dying at a younger age than in 1979.

In 1979, the first recommendation of the report of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Aboriginal Health was that the highest priority be given and immediate action taken to provide clean and adequate water supplies to all Aboriginal communities. By 1996, an ABS survey estimated that 7% of rural indigenous households still did not have running water. There are at least 100 Aboriginal communities in remote Australia which do not have access to clean drinking water.

Indigenous Australians die younger and are more frequently sick, essentially because in many places they do not have access to clean running water, decent nutrition and adequate housing with safe sanitation systems. None of these essentials is beyond the capacity of Australian governments to provide. The failure to provide them can only be explained as institutional racism.

Last December, the Howard government promised several billion dollars in loan guarantees to assist the International Monetary Fund to prop up the economies of Indonesia, Thailand and South Korea.

On January 21, the day following the government's announcement that it had put aside an additional $300 million to provide insurance assistance to Australian exporters trading with South Korea, the federal health minister, Michael Wooldridge, was presented with a report commissioned by the Australian Medical Association and the Australian Pharmaceutical Manufactures Association. This stated that a prime cause of the appalling Aboriginal morbidity and mortality figures in rural Australia was limited access to and the high cost of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Wooldridge (at the time visiting rural areas of the NT) responded, "It is difficult for a commonwealth government to do much about fruit and vegetables in local stores".


Aboriginal people are 27 times more likely than other Australians to be in police custody and 11 times more likely to be in prison. On October 17, 1996, Amnesty International's London Office published a condemnation of Australia's inordinate incarceration rates for Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders.

The Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (1991). It recommended many ways of keeping Aborigines out of custody in order to decrease the number of black deaths in custody. The most recent follow-up report (1996) establishes that Aborigines are being incarcerated at a greater rate now than in 1980-1989, and more Aborigines are dying in custody as a result.

Although Aborigines represent only 1.4% of the adult population, they accounted for more than 25% of all deaths in police and prison custody during the year to June 1996.

Police killings of Aborigines have a long lineage. Officially sanctioned police punitive raids did not end with the 60 to 100 Aborigines slaughtered in the Coniston massacre in 1928, but continued in the north of SA at least until the early 1940s. Police and settlers continued to kill and maim small groups of Aborigines in remote Australia until at least the early 1980s.

In cities, with the notable exception of incidents like the killing of David Gundy, the police content themselves with severe bashings of indigenous Australians. The police are the front line of social control: they selects individuals to be criminalised and, in large part, determine who will be jailed and killed. They are an essential element in political marginalisation of indigenous people.

In recent times, many Australian state and territory governments have adopted "law and order" policies — such as "truth in sentencing" and mandatory jail sentences for minor offences — that have led to a dramatic increase in the number of indigenous people in custody.


The system of having a "protector" of Aborigines never led to the consistent protection of indigenous interests.

From its beginnings in the early 18th century, the protection system too often led to dispersal and dispossession of the original inhabitants. Throughout much of rural and remote Australia, the protector of Aborigines was the local police officer.

So, even for those not confined to the government or church-controlled reserves, the state was omnipresent. The local protector controlled much of the lives of those indigenes not exempted from the status of ward.

Aboriginal workers who were paid had, by law, to pay into bank accounts held by their protectors a fixed percentage of their wages. In Queensland, money held in these accounts was transferred to a special Aboriginal welfare account. When this account was eventually wound up in the 1980s, there was a $30 million shortfall. None of the protectors have been charged.

This leakage of funds from Aborigines' bank accounts was part and parcel of their administration from the earliest days.

In the early 1960s, following dysentery epidemics on the reserves of western Cape York, the government said it had insufficient funds to upgrade the health clinics on the reserves, but did see its way clear to borrow from the Aboriginal Benefit Fund account $100,000 which it lent to the Redcliffe Hospital Board to build its city hospital.

The absence of upgraded health facilities at places like Weipa and Mapoon was used by the Queensland government in its efforts between 1959 and 1962 to force Mapoon people from their land and facilitate Comalco's bauxite mining. The government claimed the absence of decent health facilities meant the Mapoon people were endangering their children's health.

Land rights and miners

At the 1983 election, the federal Labor Party set out five principles that were to underpin its national land rights policy, including inalienable freehold title, mining vetoes or else the power to set conditions, fair royalties, compensation and sacred site protection.

In 13 years of Labor administration, little progress was made towards implementing these promises. After two years of Liberal-National administration, the idea that such principles might underpin the government's approach to land rights is a receding pipedream.

In the wake of the High Court's Wik judgment, pastoralists and miners claimed that native title would bring economic development in Australia to a halt. This language is designed to weaken the bargaining power of the indigenous owners of this land in order that whatever "contribution" miners are forced to make to indigenous communities, in return for not obstructing mining, is a lesser amount than it would have been otherwise.

The dispossession of indigenous people to make way for mining companies has a long history. In the 1950s and '60s, 93% of land which had been officially reserved since the 19th century for the Aborigines of Mapoon, Aurukun and Weipa in Queensland was alienated. In 1962, the people of Mapoon were taken by boat from their land by armed police who burned their houses. They were deposited at Bamaga on the very tip of Cape York or at Weipa Mission.

Weipa people, a short distance south of Mapoon, had their 6000 square kilometres of reserve land decreased to 124 hectares in 1957, the rest converted into a mining lease for Comalco.

Three hundred kilometres to the west, a transnational conglomerate's subsidiary (Century Zinc) in 1997 beat into submission the Waanyi people. Murrandoo Yanner, coordinator of the Carpentaria Land Council, has been convicted twice for unlawful assembly, and faced continual harassment by mining company officials, police and other state government officers.

Century Zinc now has the go-ahead to mine, despite the fears of conservationists and indigenous people about ecological damage to dugong feeding and breeding areas in the Gulf of Carpentaria.

After the signing, the Queensland government proudly announced that, since the Aborigines had agreed to allow Century Zinc to mine their land, they could now be provided with the kind of social infrastructure that white Australia takes for granted.

The total project is estimated to be worth $9 billion. The mining company offered $60 million as compensation. Of this, $30 million is to be controlled by the Queensland government to develop social infrastructure.

Employment, infrastructure and development

In 1963, I visited Yarrabah, near Cairns. Housing, whilst basic, was nearly sufficient for all the residents. The Aborigines had run a sawmill and built most of the houses. But the mill closed, and by the time I returned 15 years later, there was a shortage of houses; the houses which were being built were fabricated largely by contractors.

This erosion of indigenous people's capacity to develop their own territory has been repeated many times.

Sometimes it takes the form of protectors stealing money from the personal accounts of indigenous people. In the NT, in the 1970s and '80s, it often took the form of the manager of the community store defrauding the community by overcharging or just absconding with the funds.

Sometimes indigenous people were displaced from employment, and therefore income, by an influx of European employees. At Maningrida, in the mid-1970s, this led to major Aboriginal unrest, which resulted in the community reclaiming their jobs and control.

Perhaps the most credible explanation of why many indigenous communities lost heart is presented in the documentary Lousy Little Sixpence (1997). This film points out that the NSW Aboriginal Welfare Board early this century removed the right of Aborigines to own and use land on reserves.

At Cumeroogunga Reserve, Aborigines had been granted land, and cleared and ploughed it, only to have the AWB sell it to white farmers. Events of this nature occurred all over Australia.

As well, there was insufficient investment in technological or social infrastructure in Aboriginal reserves to ensure they became productive.

The administrative skills of most people sent to manage reserves were not high. Aboriginal initiative was stifled. The reserves were welfarised, many run like British Poor Law work houses.

Disputation was treated as rebellion, and inordinately repressive powers were given to superintendents to jail people, remove people from a reserve and divide families. Anger, frustration, intimidation, depression, alcoholism and disputation became an everyday feature.

The mechanisms of control on reserves shared many common features with the repression carried out in other outposts of empire by the colonial authorities.

Widespread unemployment and failure to pay award wages to indigenous workers guaranteed that their communities remained impoverished and underdeveloped. When indigenous workers got seasonal jobs away from the reserve, they had to pay a fixed percentage of their money into the bank accounts held by the protector. Those who worked on the reserve were generally paid a training allowance, if they received anything other than rations.

In 1967, many workers on training allowances in the Top End of the NT were receiving less each week than a Darwin family living on welfare assistance. Many of these trainee workers were the sole breadwinner in their families.

Eventually training allowances were replaced by the Community Development Employment Program (CDEP), a work for the dole scheme that applied only to indigenous people. Each community was paid on an estimate of how many participants would be attracted to the CDEP in their area.

Some communities found that there were more people wanting to work than there were places. As a result, it was not uncommon for CDEP workers to receive less than they would have had they been in receipt of unemployment benefit. In other communities, people got slightly more than unemployment benefits.

Either way, when coupled with widespread unemployment, it meant that in many communities, more than 90% of the people who received any income survived on social security levels of income. This ensures underdevelopment because the communities do not generate sufficient economic activity to create award-rate jobs.

Prior to the 1960s, very few people of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent were paid social security. It was the late 1970s and early 1980s before Aboriginal people in many parts of remote Australia got anything like the same access to social security entitlements as other Australians.

Today, despite many examples of financially successful indigenous businesses — usually in association with the people regaining some or all of their tribal land — a disproportionate number of indigenous Australians live in poverty.

Perhaps indigenous poverty has been exacerbated by the failure of governments, developers and many other institutions to come to a determination of indigenous people's rights over land.

In Broome and Darwin, it is assumed that Aboriginal people's relationships to country are mere encumbrances on development, or that their silence on land-use matters indicates concordance with the views of the dominant public.

The minister for Aboriginal welfare in the NT told the federal parliament in 1952: "If any part of a native reserve has ceased to be necessary for the use and benefit of the natives, it may be severed from the reserve and, if mining should take place on the severed portion, royalties will be paid into a special fund to be applied to the welfare of the natives".

Not much has changed 40 years later at the Lockhart River Aboriginal Reserve. An environmental impact statement lodged in the Queensland Mining Warden's Court by the company wanting to mine 200 million tonnes of the high grade silica in Shelburne Bay denied the Wuthathi people any current interest in the area on the basis that "a lack of physical presence in the area constitutes a dereliction of interest". Many Wuthathi people lived less than 80 kilometres away and regularly accessed the area to gather "bush tucker".

The 'stolen generations'

White Australia attempted to complete the process of dispossession by taking indigenous children from their communities.

The prime minister refuses to apologise on behalf of the government for the actions of all Australian governments during the period of the stolen children because the present government, he says, was not responsible.

Against the recommendations of the Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their Families (1997), the Howard government has steadfastly opposed compensation to the children or their families, again on the grounds that this government was not responsible. As academic Adam Jamrozik commented, the Howard government was not responsible for the second world war either, but it continues to pay war pensions.

The real policy question is justice in the present, rather than guilt in relation to past activities.

This is not an endorsement of Pauline Hanson's call for "all Australians to be treated equally". Rather, it is a demand that we are all treated equitably. Given the great disparity in wealth, income, health, housing, incarceration rates and age of death of indigenous and non-indigenous Australians, to treat indigenous and non-indigenous people equally would not be justice.

The race war begun in 1788 continues.

[John Tomlinson teaches in the School of Social Science at Queensland University of Technology. Full copies of this paper can be obtained by sending him an e-mail at <j.tomlinson@qut.edu.au>.]

Discrimination against Aborigines: the facts | Green Left Weekly
Indigenous Australians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

=> In some regions the median age at death was identified in 1973 to be as low as 47 years and the life expectancy gap between Aboriginals and the rest of the Australian population as a whole, to be 25 years.

=> As of 2002, the average household income for Indigenous Australian adults (adjusted for household size and composition) was 60% of the non-Indigenous average.

=> In 2009 the imprisonment rate for Indigenous people was 14 times higher than that of non-Indigenous people. In 2000, Indigenous Australians were more likely per capita to be both victims of and perpetrators of reported crimes in New South Wales.[148] In 2002, Indigenous Australians were twice as likely as their non-Indigenous peers to be a victim of violent aggression,[149] with 24% of Indigenous Australians reported as being a victim of violence in 2001.[149] In 2004, Indigenous Australians were 11 times more likely to be in prison (age-standardised figures). In June 2004, 21% of prisoners in Australia were Indigenous.[149] There are frequent reports of domestic violence and community disturbances.[150]
You are posting an article from 1998! LMAO how desperate are you? What exactly is your problem with Australia:confused: You got bashed by a Kangaroo or something?:lol:

Aboriginals get so many benefits in Australia, dole from centerlink, place in selective schools, universities, jobs! If they really want to, they can sort their lives out very easily and some of them do. But the government can't force them to work, or study. At the end of the day its their life and family, Government can only help them.
More Aborigines converting to Islam..new trend
May 4, 2007

More Aborigines are finding similarities between their culture and Islamic principles, writes Linda Morris.

A FLAG is soon to flutter above the troubled suburb of Redfern, proclaiming a new religious face to Aboriginal Australia. At the centre of a backdrop of equal halves of black and red, the colours of the Aboriginal people, is a yellow crescent moon and star. It's to be the symbol of the Koori Muslim Association, which will open the only Aboriginal mushalla in NSW at a shopfront location on busy Regent Street next month.

Conversion among indigenous Australians is growing, driven by the higher visibility of Islam, a rejection of Christianity as a post-colonial religion, identification with Islamic principles, and conversions in prisons where Aborigines dominate the population.

While no one knows how many indigenous Muslims there are in Australia, Aboriginal Muslims reject suggestions they are converting to the faith in droves. Some are descendants of Afghan and Baluch cameleers, North Indian traders and Malay pearl divers and have grown up in the faith.

Many converts are from cities. The boxer Anthony Mundine is the most famous of these and has become a role model. Their first contact with Islam sometimes, but not always, comes in jail, where as many as 22 per cent of inmates are indigenous Australians.

Rocky Davis, known as Shaheed Malik, converted while serving 14 years for armed robberies and other offences. It was the story of Malcolm X, the gangster and black American nationalist leader who became a convert to Islam, that first inspired Davis.

"What does Islam stand for? Islam offers a faith untainted by colonialism and racism. It is a liberating religion," says Davis. "Though the Bible said you shalt not kill, they killed, thou shall not rape, they raped our women, thou shalt not steal, they stole our land. Islam at its essence is pure. My forefathers had no army and no guns and lived in Aboriginal townships and camps. That's the difference between the Muslim and Christian faiths: one is for the oppressed and one's for the oppressor, one's for the coloniser and one for the colonised."

Peta Stephenson, a doctoral fellow at the University of Melbourne's Asia Institute, says Islam doesn't share the baggage of missionary Christianity, and has become one path by which Aborigines can affirm their pre-colonial identity.

"Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X are role models," she says. "A lot of people see Islam as an answer to the ills of Western society. For communities suffering chronic levels of unemployment or underemployment and substance abuse it might have special appeal for those wanting to break away from the statistics."

A new faith for Kooris - National - smh.com.au

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You are posting an article from 1998! LMAO how desperate are you? What exactly is your problem with Australia:confused: You got bashed by a Kangaroo or something?:lol:

Aboriginals get so many benefits in Australia, dole from centerlink, place in selective schools, universities, jobs! If they really want to, they can sort their lives out very easily and some of them do. But the government can't force them to work, or study. At the end of the day its their life and family, Government can only help them.

look, first I dont want to talk to you people and second, if you check then my post #2 had the datas till 2009, and the post #4 has the news by 2008. and if you want to see the latest then..........

see the latest Australia Day, 26th January 2012, celebration by Aboriginals in AUstralia, first see Julia Gillard...... and then Mr Abbott also rushing to get into the car for survival, see it as below: :wave:

Aboriginal activists attack Gillard, Abbott on Australia Day

Matt Johnston, Aleks Devic, AAP
Herald Sun
January 27, 2012 12:53PM


TONY Abbott has defended comments about the Aboriginal tent embassy in Canberra that sparked pandemonium at an Australia Day function yesterday.

In extraordinary scenes, a visibly frightened Prime Minister was swept off her feet by security and lost a shoe as she was bundled into a car and whisked away from a ceremony at a Canberra restaurant for national emergency medal winners.

The Opposition Leader was also pushed into the waiting car by security who feared the protest had gotten out of hand.

The protesters targeted Mr Abbott after he suggested it was time to move on from the politics of the Tent Embassy, established outside Old Parliament House 40 years ago.

Speaking in Brighton this morning, Mr Abbott urged the public to listen to the comments he made that were later blamed by protesters for sparking the riot.
"I invite people to go back and consider my remarks," he said.

Mr Abbott said he never suggested it was time for the Aboriginal Tent Embassy itself to "move on".
"I was asked a question (and) I made the point, a lot's happened in 40 years and I think we have moved on from the issues ... that caused the Aboriginal Tent Embassy to be setup," he said.
Mr Abbott noted that it was unfortunate he had been "verballed'' by some protesters.
"As a result, it stirred people up,'' he told Macquarie Radio.
Mr Abbott said he did not think anyone could say indigenous policy had been neglected or that politicians were indifferent to what happens to Aboriginal people.
"That might have been true 40 years ago. It certainly isn't true today.''
Mr Abbott also extended his gratitude to Ms Gillard's security team who he said saved him from a potentially "ugly situation".
"I am very grateful to the Prime Minister and her protective detail for looking after us both so well."
He dismissed calls this morning that police and security staff were heavy-handed and had reacted to the incident over-aggressively.
Mr Abbott's comments were defended by Labor stalwart Bob Carr, who criticised the protesters' actions in a blog entry today.
The former NSW premier said Canberra's tent embassy should have been packed up years ago.

"The tent embassy in Canberra says nothing to anyone and should have been quietly packed up years ago," Mr Carr wrote.

"The 'activists' who run it would be better off investing time in youth programs in indigenous communities.

"Every government in Australia is aware of its responsibilities to Aboriginal Australians," he said.

"Prime Minister Gillard is targeted and some clown is shown brandishing her shoe yet she said and did nothing in respect of the tent," he wrote.

Aboriginal activists attack Gillard, Abbott on Australia Day | News.com.au

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Australia is worse country in world.... (very shiny clean country but with dark shadow heart). The natures punishment for australia is planet Sun.... Skin cancer are common in Australia. To the world brits are worse and to brits the aussies are worse because world knows how australia was born (thanks to the brits).... Crime is normal in australia. Australia is soft on Criminals and we know why (due to their history).... Aussie people are most misbehaving people on planet. Racist are found around world including in india but in australia question is which aussie is not racist.... The biggest proof is australian cricket team themself.... while in CWG in india the Aussie mens and womens when heard sachin scored century they got drunk and thrown every furniture out of room below tower.... Rape is normal in australia. Even recent IPL its been seen that.... Australian scientists are the most briliant scientists for wrong things.... The worse aussies are the Teens whos hormones bubbles and they even wont mind murdering anyone. BINGI is favorite for many Aussies. Drugs are normal in Australia (china teached Australian good lession when aussie got caught.) the only drug taking few people will get caught is indians, pakistanis, bangladesi, africans etc etc. Recently indian got caught but question is was they alone? Not really. Australians are worse people. They talk too alot similar to what we see in american, brits jail.... 'Mate' is favorite word in australia and so does in jail. Australia is most negative energy producer.... The frequency on australia set by Reptilians are alot negative. Watch any aussie movie and u will see murder, rape and gettin away with it.... The worse bad words are invented in Australia. For world britishers are worse and Australians are spoiled Brit blood.... If indians dies in australia then i blame on that indian.... Just to save bit money indians risking their life.... Humanoids never fly over Australia. We only see Greys disk ship or Reptilian cigar ships. We never see beamships because humanoids cant stand negative energy....
Australia is worse country in world.... (very shiny clean country but with dark shadow heart). The natures punishment for australia is planet Sun.... Skin cancer are common in Australia. To the world brits are worse and to brits the aussies are worse because world knows how australia was born (thanks to the brits).... Crime is normal in australia. Australia is soft on Criminals and we know why (due to their history).... Aussie people are most misbehaving people on planet. Racist are found around world including in india but in australia question is which aussie is not racist.... The biggest proof is australian cricket team themself.... while in CWG in india the Aussie mens and womens when heard sachin scored century they got drunk and thrown every furniture out of room below tower.... Rape is normal in australia. Even recent IPL its been seen that.... Australian scientists are the most briliant scientists for wrong things.... The worse aussies are the Teens whos hormones bubbles and they even wont mind murdering anyone. BINGI is favorite for many Aussies. Drugs are normal in Australia (china teached Australian good lession when aussie got caught.) the only drug taking few people will get caught is indians, pakistanis, bangladesi, africans etc etc. Recently indian got caught but question is was they alone? Not really. Australians are worse people. They talk too alot similar to what we see in american, brits jail.... 'Mate' is favorite word in australia and so does in jail. Australia is most negative energy producer.... The frequency on australia set by Reptilians are alot negative. Watch any aussie movie and u will see murder, rape and gettin away with it.... The worse bad words are invented in Australia. For world britishers are worse and Australians are spoiled Brit blood.... If indians dies in australia then i blame on that indian.... Just to save bit money indians risking their life.... Humanoids never fly over Australia. We only see Greys disk ship or Reptilian cigar ships. We never see beamships because humanoids cant stand negative energy....
lol hahaha :lol:
Australia is worse country in world.... (very shiny clean country but with dark shadow heart). The natures punishment for australia is planet Sun.... Skin cancer are common in Australia. To the world brits are worse and to brits the aussies are worse because world knows how australia was born (thanks to the brits).... Crime is normal in australia. Australia is soft on Criminals and we know why (due to their history).... Aussie people are most misbehaving people on planet. Racist are found around world including in india but in australia question is which aussie is not racist.... The biggest proof is australian cricket team themself.... while in CWG in india the Aussie mens and womens when heard sachin scored century they got drunk and thrown every furniture out of room below tower.... Rape is normal in australia. Even recent IPL its been seen that.... Australian scientists are the most briliant scientists for wrong things.... The worse aussies are the Teens whos hormones bubbles and they even wont mind murdering anyone. BINGI is favorite for many Aussies. Drugs are normal in Australia (china teached Australian good lession when aussie got caught.) the only drug taking few people will get caught is indians, pakistanis, bangladesi, africans etc etc. Recently indian got caught but question is was they alone? Not really. Australians are worse people. They talk too alot similar to what we see in american, brits jail.... 'Mate' is favorite word in australia and so does in jail. Australia is most negative energy producer.... The frequency on australia set by Reptilians are alot negative. Watch any aussie movie and u will see murder, rape and gettin away with it.... The worse bad words are invented in Australia. For world britishers are worse and Australians are spoiled Brit blood.... If indians dies in australia then i blame on that indian.... Just to save bit money indians risking their life.... Humanoids never fly over Australia. We only see Greys disk ship or Reptilian cigar ships. We never see beamships because humanoids cant stand negative energy....


You are posting an article from 1998! LMAO how desperate are you? What exactly is your problem with Australia:confused: You got bashed by a Kangaroo or something?:lol:

Aboriginals get so many benefits in Australia, dole from centerlink, place in selective schools, universities, jobs! If they really want to, they can sort their lives out very easily and some of them do. But the government can't force them to work, or study. At the end of the day its their life and family, Government can only help them.

it was the first Australia Day celebration in my absence during last many years. I always had brotherly friendship with aboriginals in Australia and I hope after seeing their bashing to Australian PM, including leader of opposition party, during the main Australia Day celebration, post #5, from now onwards you all will keep this word 'bashing' away during further talks..............:tup:
13 April 2011

Having stolen land from Australian Aborigines some white racist pommy offspring are turning rather nasty towards Australia's Muslim immigrants according to a recent study.

The report by Australia's Human Rights Commission appears to establish that Australian distrust of Muslims is on a par with discrimination towards Pagans and Homosexuals so its perhaps not surprising Australian Muslim women need a Human Rights Center.

Despite isolated and notable achievements like Ed Husic Australia's first Muslim MP, Yasmin Abedel Magied who wants to be Australia's first female F1 driver and Usman Khawaja being Australia's first Muslim cricketer the reality is even with John Howard no longer being PM, Australian opinion is increasingly turning hostile towards Muslims. Victorian Muslims have said they feel so threatened by racism they are forced to live in enclaves.

The irony of course is Australians are themselves immigrants but sadly for Muslim they are largely white English racist chavs so their behaviour is not surprising. The white flight from the UK has been Australia's real Achilles heel with ******** who remain loyal to their German royal family and continue with their grotesque Alf Garnett view of the world.

The fundamental weakness of white racists particularly English Christian ones is their inability to recognise they share the world not with inferiors but with equals. Muslims have recognised this but not Christian racists. Having stolen Aboriginal land, abused, tortured, and humiliated them, then shunted them onto reservations why should Muslims believe these white racist scum will behave differently to any other minority that is not white or Christian. Australia's treatment of the boat people with detention centres for migrants including kids should be no surprise given that country's disgusting treatment towards non whites.

Whatever Chris Bowen the Immigration Minister says about the multicultural approach to skills shortages my advice to Australia's Muslims is be wary of English racist expats who thanks to TV programmes here in the UK are sadly for you relocating in increasing numbers. You can spot them in a number of ways they smell of Pubs, cigarettes, fast food, Council Estates and usually speak in an undecipherable northern dialect. In addition, when the sun comes out they have this unfortunate habit of taking their clothes off, usually track suits or football replica shirts bearing rather obese bodies.

Australian Muslims should treat the English racist chavs with the contempt we treat them here in the UK. First you can start by ensuring Australia goes Republic, replace the Union Jack in your flag with the Aboriginal flag (pictured) and kick out our German Queen Liz from your country. Muslims do not need to learn about English traditions of racism and colonialism, it is the English who need to divest themselves of old prejudice which even our PM David Cameron admitted has been the cause of so many problems in the world. However, despite being only currently 1.7% of Australia's population the great news according to demographics is the Muslim population is set to rapidly increase leading to a less white and less Christian Australia with currently some schools in Sydney approaching 90% non white. Whisper it quietly but the English will be leaving these shores only to find themselves in a country with possibly more Muslims.

London Muslim: Australia's growing anti Muslim sentiment
More Aborigines converting to Islam..new trend
May 4, 2007

More Aborigines are finding similarities between their culture and Islamic principles, writes Linda Morris.

A FLAG is soon to flutter above the troubled suburb of Redfern, proclaiming a new religious face to Aboriginal Australia. At the centre of a backdrop of equal halves of black and red, the colours of the Aboriginal people, is a yellow crescent moon and star. It's to be the symbol of the Koori Muslim Association, which will open the only Aboriginal mushalla in NSW at a shopfront location on busy Regent Street next month.

Conversion among indigenous Australians is growing, driven by the higher visibility of Islam, a rejection of Christianity as a post-colonial religion, identification with Islamic principles, and conversions in prisons where Aborigines dominate the population.

While no one knows how many indigenous Muslims there are in Australia, Aboriginal Muslims reject suggestions they are converting to the faith in droves. Some are descendants of Afghan and Baluch cameleers, North Indian traders and Malay pearl divers and have grown up in the faith.

Many converts are from cities. The boxer Anthony Mundine is the most famous of these and has become a role model. Their first contact with Islam sometimes, but not always, comes in jail, where as many as 22 per cent of inmates are indigenous Australians.

Rocky Davis, known as Shaheed Malik, converted while serving 14 years for armed robberies and other offences. It was the story of Malcolm X, the gangster and black American nationalist leader who became a convert to Islam, that first inspired Davis.

"What does Islam stand for? Islam offers a faith untainted by colonialism and racism. It is a liberating religion," says Davis. "Though the Bible said you shalt not kill, they killed, thou shall not rape, they raped our women, thou shalt not steal, they stole our land. Islam at its essence is pure. My forefathers had no army and no guns and lived in Aboriginal townships and camps. That's the difference between the Muslim and Christian faiths: one is for the oppressed and one's for the oppressor, one's for the coloniser and one for the colonised."

Peta Stephenson, a doctoral fellow at the University of Melbourne's Asia Institute, says Islam doesn't share the baggage of missionary Christianity, and has become one path by which Aborigines can affirm their pre-colonial identity.

"Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X are role models," she says. "A lot of people see Islam as an answer to the ills of Western society. For communities suffering chronic levels of unemployment or underemployment and substance abuse it might have special appeal for those wanting to break away from the statistics."

A new faith for Kooris - National - smh.com.au

In 2008 Aboriginal people represent only 2.3% of the total population, yet over 14% of Australia's prison population are Aboriginal people.

31.9% Percentage by which Aboriginal imprisonment rates increased between 2000 and 2006 . 12.9 Factor by which Aboriginal people are more likely to be imprisoned than non-Aboriginal people.

60% Percentage by which the imprisonment rate for Aboriginal women increased between 2000 and 2010. Same figure for Aboriginal men: 35%.

Aboriginal prison rates
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In 2008 Aboriginal people represent only 2.3% of the total population, yet over 14% of Australia's prison population are Aboriginal people.

31.9% Percentage by which Aboriginal imprisonment rates increased between 2000 and 2006 . 12.9 Factor by which Aboriginal people are more likely to be imprisoned than non-Aboriginal people.

60% Percentage by which the imprisonment rate for Aboriginal women increased between 2000 and 2010. Same figure for Aboriginal men: 35%.

Aboriginal prison rates

Aborigine protesters burn Australian flag outside Parliament
January 27, 2012

(CNN) -- A group of indigenous Australian protesters made headlines for a second day in a row Friday after they gathered outside the Australian Parliament and set fire to the country's flag.

The move came a day after security officers dragged Prime Minister Julia Gillard out of a Canberra restaurant after scores of angry protesters surrounded the building during a luncheon ceremony.

Aborigine leaders on Friday criticized the actions of the group, saying they jeopardized efforts to reconcile indigenous Australians with the broader society.

Video on the website of the Australian Broadcasting Corp. showed a circle of protesters outside Parliament in Canberra setting light to an Australian flag and chanting, "Always was, always will be Aboriginal land."

"I think it was totally uncalled for," said Tom Calma, a co-chair of Reconciliation Australia, which promotes the improving of relationships between Aborigines and the wider Australian community. "It's just not acceptable that they burn the flag of Australia."

The police are investigating the lighting of a fire in an unauthorized place, a police spokeswoman said. She said the act of burning the Australian flag is not a criminal offense in Canberra.

The move by the protesters, connected to a long-running Aboriginal demonstration known as the "tent embassy," was likely to add to dismay across the country after the disturbance involving Gillard on Thursday, Australia's national day.

Security officers took Gillard and opposition leader Tony Abbott out of the restaurant after between 50 and 100 protesters circled it during a lunchtime ceremony, bashing windows and brandishing sticks and rocks, according to the police.

Gillard was presenting medals to emergency service workers during an event for the national day. A spontaneous protest erupted nearby among an Aboriginal rights group commemorating the 40th anniversary of the tent embassy.

Protesters were chanting "shame" and "racist" as they banged on the restaurant's three glass sides, according to the Australian Broadcasting Corp.

They were apparently upset about remarks Abbott made earlier Thursday suggesting it may be time to reconsider the tent embassy's relevance.

The makeshift embassy was set up 40 years ago by four Aboriginal men who planted a beach umbrella on the lawn in front of Parliament House in Canberra to protest the failure of the coalition government at the time, led by Prime Minister William McMahon, to recognize Aboriginal land rights. It has endured despite successive government attempts to close it.

"I think the indigenous people of Australia can be very proud of the respect in which they are held by every Australian," Abbott had said in response to a question about whether the tent embassy was still relevant, according to a transcript of the comments posted on his website. "And yes, I think a lot has changed since then and I think it probably is time to move on from that."

Local media reported that Gillard was visibly shaken, and stumbled during the encounter.

Photographs showed her being led to a waiting vehicle by a group of at least seven security officers, losing a shoe in the process.

Video showed her being hustled into the vehicle, surrounded by security officers, some carrying shields, as protesters shouted, "Shame on you."

The shoe was collected by protesters, who proclaimed it a trophy.

But Aboriginal leaders were unimpressed.

"It's pretty appalling behavior," said Mick Gooda, the commissioner for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social justice at the Australian Human Rights Commission.

"And while we enjoy the right to protest and raise issues in this country, I don't think we should be resorting to that type of violence," he said Friday on Australian Broadcasting Corp. radio.

There was also criticism of the protesters' actions in the Australian press.

"Those who want to preserve the embassy should make their point in a peaceful, respectful way," said an editorial on Friday in The Australian, a national daily. "Their actions yesterday can only have damaged their cause."

There were no injuries Thursday, and no arrests were made, the police said. Video from the ABC showed some minor struggles breaking out between the authorities and protesters.

A spokesman for the tent embassy, Mark McMurtrie, said Abbott's remarks and the police's behavior had incited the disturbance.

Speaking Friday on Australian Broadcasting Corp. radio, McMurtrie said that news media coverage of the events had overly dramatized the protesters actions.

"There was no threat to them at all," he said, referring to Gillard and Abbott.

The episode took place against the backdrop of efforts to change the nation's constitution to give better recognition to indigenous Australians, often referred to as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Last week, a panel issued a government-commissioned report suggesting ways the constitution could be altered to achieve that aim.

Indigenous Australians have suffered at the hands of later settlers and the government they established. Australian politicians have since apologized for the past mistreatment, but Aborigines remain disadvantaged socially and economically compared with the overall population.

Explicit references to Aborigines in the original Constitution, drafted in the late 19th century, were subsequently deemed to be negative. Australians voted overwhelmingly to remove those points in a 1967 referendum, but many people say the document can be further improved to acknowledge the role of the country's indigenous population.

The panel -- which included Aboriginal leaders, business executives, legal experts and members of the main political parties -- has handed over its report to Gillard, whose government has promised to hold a referendum on the matter by the next general election.

The events of the past two days may have made that process more complicated for those in favor of the referendum.

"I think it's going to increase the challenge," said Calma of Reconciliation Australia. "There was always going to be a challenge to get people on board with the constitutional changes."

He said the tent embassy protesters' actions would detract from "successful advocacy taking place between indigenous groups and the government at the moment on reconciliation."

Aborigine protesters burn Australian flag outside Parliament - CNN.com
Thanks to the British , Aboriginal population in Australia went from 100% to 3%. :rolleyes:

Sir, all these problem of Australia is because of the Identity Crisis that has taken place in Australia. when there were attacks going on, on the International students in 2009 till mid 2010, by hardly class 6th/7th passed Australian young people, we used to say that these generation of Single Mother dont know that even if they aren't sure about their father, its the highly qualified migrants who feed them by paying high taxes. and when there will be no skill migration, first most of the industries of Australia will get shut down, leaving the Australian labors job less as in shortage of just 6-7 skilled people, over 100 labors remain unemployed. and also its the highly qualified migrants who do White Collar jobs and pay high taxes as they fall in high income group, so all these welfare/benefits are continued in Australia. and the feeling to be fed by migrants have led this Identity Crisis in common Australian people......

Identity Crisis in Australia can be seen on the Work Places also when many times we find local white labors using fcukin/fcuk etc to prove that even if they are hardly labors, they are superior to high qualified migrants sitting on top floor. one day I clearly told to few white mates of Work Shop that even if we want to bring our computers to Work Shop then it can't happen........ and the seriousness of this Identity Crisis we found on the ongoing attacks on the International Students doing master level education as those under high school passed Australia people wanted to show that even if they are hardly class 6th/7th passed, they are superior to the International Students this way..........

Bluff of Superiorities based on publicity of greatness, without any credibility or proper educational background.............
lol hahaha :lol:

sir, Australian/Western rulers dont understand few basic things which is the main reason behind this type of racial clashes in Australia/US/UK/Canada type western countries. in india, a servant working on the door of District Magistrate understand that the man sitting inside could qualify in exam to have that position but he could hardly become a servant as this is what he could do, and people accept it on social level. my father grew up in the time when our majority of the lands were illegally occupied by other relatives and my grand father was hardly fighting a case, no earning, but my father could be one of those few of that region who could get scholarship since schooling due to his performance so he could then study higher, qualified with a very high ranked engineering institute and got a class one officer ranked job. but there were many of diploma level people who could achieve this level only, so they accepted their status in society. while many of the officer ranked people tried to help their relatives to get class 4th ranked jobs as their relatives were simply not 'competent' enough. and if reservation is provided to Schedule Cast, including Backward Cast then its because they are on disadvantage due to their Cast background so the government give them advantage in different competitions, which is also accepted on the social level. and those who try to get success in life from back door, by doing wrong/committing crimes, are punished by laws.........

india is a society where criterion of having higher success is based on 'performance'. even in a shopping complex, there is a competition and we find few shops performed too well and they expanded their business. every labor working on the street knows that he had this opportunity to perform on the side of education and business, but their failures is because why they are on low paid jobs. but in Australia, under High School Passed white locals want to find out why they are working in Work Shop but migranst doing White Collar jobs, sitting on the top floor? at the same time the racial feeling is almost no more in the Australian society as they know their mothers usually change with many, including all the cats/dogs category people. and here this 'Identity Crisis' stands in Australia/US/UK/Canada type western countries. the feeling that they are ruled by migrants, inferior to migrants, have led a type of 'Hate Crime' in western society against the migrants, the Identity Crisis in west. for example, I may face serious consequences at the age of 30, if I refuse to date 33 year old daughter of Mr John Howard, who was a Single Mother of a kid itself, as usual in western society, and then he and his men may leave every resource of Australia after me, sending different b@tards to keep fcuking all those girls I may try to get engage, with giving serious career/financial losses to me, to punish me to the level to make me understand that I did a mistake for refusing to date daughter of Mr John Howard. while first a high qualified man like me of bright future won't allow this type of woman in my life, and at the same time my society would also kick me if i just date different Single Mothers of West to help them have more kids............

a serious level of 'Hate Crime' for migrants has existed in Western Society and they want the whole world to become like them. and their very first target is the aboriginals to make sure they would always remain down to British Whites. and aborigionals then try to find out why? on the basis of education, none? any credibility? No, then why? just because they are blacks while in fact they are the main residents of Australia, with 1000s of years living there????????? in India, a low paid person knows why he is like this but in Australia, why? the reason is being found out by the rulers of Western Nations. on the basis of race, religion etc, but certainly not on the basis of performance/competency. NO :no:. a country like US/UK/Australia/Canada always needs very competent migrants to develop 'competent products', as they dont have competition on even school level also. there is just one competition in the schools of Australia since the age of 12-13, that is, who may have how many girl friends and have big body to impress more girls, which only helped Australia performed well on the side of sports. and one day I clearly told to few pliticians of West, that:

"A society where the criterion of getting success in life is not education/competence on business etc, then only by committing different crimes may help their people have luxury life. and hence their governments have also organized different wars in this world to get their intentions done, to help their 'incompetent' western people maintain good life."
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