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Dirty picture of Indian aviation: Too many drunk pilots, with many repeat offenders


Sep 20, 2014
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NEW DELHI: Air passengers may find it scary, but there were more than 130 instances of pilots being found drunk before flying aircraft at various airports in the country.

Even as airlines have taken prohibitive action according to the prescribed guidelines of the regulator, it has had hardly any impact, as the number of such cases has not gone down.

According to information from the Ministry of Civil Aviation, 132 pilots were found drunk during the last three years during the pre-flight medical examination. While 43 pilots were found drunk in 2015, the next year saw 44 such cases and the year 2017 witnessed 45 such instances.

READ | Co-pilot drunk, M’luru-Dubai flight delayed by four hours

As per rule 24 of the Aircraft Rules, crew members are prohibited from consuming any alcoholic drink 12 hours prior to the commencement of a flight.


Moreover, it is mandatory for them to undergo an alcohol test both before and after operating a flight.
The rules also say that any crew member who tests positive in the pre-flight medical check or refuses to take a breathalyzer test is required to be taken off flying duty and his or her licence is suspended for three months.

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In case of a repeat offence, the licence of the crew member is suspended for three years. The Ministry’s data reveal that in many cases pilots were found to be repeat offenders.

A DGCA official said that action was taken accordingly. A total of 112 pilots tested positive for the first time and the privileges of their pilot’s licence were suspended for three months.

Similarly, 15 pilots tested positive for the second time and the privileges of their licence were suspended for three years. One pilot tested positive for the third time and his pilot’s licence was cancelled.

Air India is such a shitty airline. I still can't believe it exists.
These kunjars are playing with peoples lives. I hope jail sentences are passed on these idiots.
You'd thought drinking after hours and shagging all the stewardesses you want was enough but turning up drunk for work....
The truth about drunk pilots – does the profession have an alcohol problem?

Even a small amount of alcohol in the blood can have a significant effect on a pilot Credit: Getty
6 June 2018 • 1:00pm

If you were to compile a list of the Top Ten Things to Unnerve Plane Passengers, having armed police enter the cockpit moments before take-off, handcuff the pilot and lead them away on suspicion of being drunk would have to rank pretty high.

And it does happen. Today, former British Airways pilot Julian Monaghan pleaded guilty to being drunk on duty, after he was hauled off a flight from London Gatwick to Mauritius in January, shortly before take-off when cabin crew smelled alcohol on his breath.

Here, we take a look at the history of drunk pilots in the cockpit, and dig out the rules and regulations in place to prevent drink-flying.


The blood-alcohol limit for pilots is a quarter of the UK drink driving limit Credit: Getty
What are the dangers of a pilot being under the influence of alcohol?
Even just a small amount of alcohol in the blood can have a significant effect on pilots, who are required to maintain a high level of concentration during long stretches of time, and must have the ability to make quick decisions in the event of an emergency.

Alcohol affects the eyes, brain and the inner-ear, which are all vital faculties for a pilot. Being under the influence of alcohol means the brain isn’t able to make efficient use of oxygen, impairing reaction time, and too much alcohol can cause double-vision and difficulty focusing.

Throw in dizziness, reduced hearing, sleep-deprivation, muscular incoordination, slurred speech and fatigue, and you have a pretty dangerous cocktail of symptoms for an individual in charge of hundreds of lives.


Most airlines impose an eight-hour "bottle to throttle" rule on their pilots Credit: Getty
In short, alcohol and aviation shouldn’t be mixed.

What is the alcohol limit for pilots?
The limit for pilots in the UK is 20mg of alcohol for every 100ml of blood, which is one quarter of the current drink-driving limit in England (80mg/100ml). Most countries have a similarly low blood-alcohol limit.

Aviation authorities also generally recommend a “bottle to throttle” period of eight hours or more, prescribing a cut-off time after which a pilot can no longer drink.

In India, it’s zero tolerance. In a policy document on pilot alcohol consumption, the Office of the Director General of Civil Aviation states: “Alcohol present in body even in small quantities jeopardises flight safety on several counts and is likely to adversely affect an aviator well into the hangover period”. Even 1mg of alcohol content per 100ml of blood would push an Indian pilot over the limit.

So are hangovers dangerous, too?
According to the US Federal Aviation Administration, a hangover can be just as dangerous as the intoxication itself.

They state: “Symptoms commonly associated with a hangover are headache, dizziness, dry mouth, stuffy nose, fatigue, upset stomach, irritability, impaired judgment, and increased sensitivity to bright light. A pilot with these symptoms would certainly not be fit to safely operate an aircraft”.

Are pilots ever randomly breathalysed before boarding a plane?
So this is the surprising bit. While some countries do use random testing, in the UK the answer is no.

The Civil Aviation Authority confirmed to Telegraph Travel that random testing is not currently used by any UK airline.

A random breathalysing process would likely involve the pilot blowing into a tube for a few seconds. If found over the limit, they would be required to take a second test in front of a witness and then – if the results confirm they are over the limit – removed from the flight with some serious questions to answer, to both the police and the airline.

But not everyone agrees that breathalysing is the way forward. In a blog post, Dr Rob Hunter of the British Airline Pilots Association (BALPA) wrote: “We believe this testing could lead to emotional distress of pilots”.


UK pilots are currently not subject to random alcohol tests Credit: Getty
Hypothesising an instance when the system could go wrong, Hunter writes: “A pilot being served a chilled orange juice that, by mischief or mistake, was contaminated with a small amount of alcohol could be over the flying limit without any subjective awareness of the effects of the alcohol”.

So if we don’t breathalyse, how are drunk pilots caught?
As it stands, the system in the UK relies entirely on ground staff or cabin crew (or passengers) reporting the pilot to the authorities – as was the case on January's British Airways flight.

How many pilots have been caught under the influence of alcohol?
While the 2012 film Flight, starring Denzel Washington as an alcoholic pilot, is not based on a true story, there are a handful of real-life examples of commercial pilots caught being drunk behind the controls.

In 2016, Carlos Robert Licona was removed from a United Airlines flight from Glasgow to New Jersey on suspicion of being drunk. The alarm was raised when security staff smelt alcohol on Licona during standard checks. It emerged he and a colleague had been drinking the night before, and a blood sample taken hours after he was removed from the flight showed he was still over twice the 20mg blood alcohol limit.


Denzel Washington played alcohol pilot William "Whip" Whitaker Sr in the 2012 film, Flight Credit: Getty
In 2002, an America West Airlines flight from Miami to Phoenix was ordered to return to the terminal after a report that the pilots were drunk. The two men were found guilty and convicted of operating an aircraft under the influence of alcohol.

In rare instances, inebriated pilots have caused crashes. Two Russian pilots were held partly responsible for fatal accidents in 2011 and 2012.

While stories like these do often emerge in the press, the percentage of pilots being caught drunk in the cockpit per year is extremely low. Out of the 12,480 US pilots tested in 2015, most of them randomly, only 10 came out positive. India's stricter testing regulations caught 46 pilots in 2016.

What is the penalty for being caught over the limit in the cockpit?
Each airline has its own disciplinary policy, typically including a suspension. Then, it’s up to the presiding legal system to impose a fine or sentence on the pilot.

In 2013, Pakistani pilot Irfan Faiz was jailed for nine months in Britain after being found to be three times over the legal limit. Faiz admitted to drinking three quarters of a bottle of whisky 19 hours before flying an Airbus 310 from Leeds Bradford to Islamabad.

Does the profession have a drinking problem?
The mental health of pilots is increasingly in the spotlight after the co-pilot of a Germanwings flight deliberately crashed a plane into the French Alps in 2015.

Computerised rostering programmes can entitle pilots to a bare minimum of rest periods between shifts, and the effects of fatigue and long stints away from home may contribute to poor mental wellbeing. Research suggests that symptoms of anxiety and depression can play a significant role in an individual's risk of alcoholism.

In the wake of the Germanwings tragedy, a European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) task-force put forward a number of recommendations to the European Commission, including: “That there should be random drug and alcohol testing and testing at initial medical certification.”

Dr Rob Hunter of BALPA disagrees that there is a drinking problem in the industry. “The worrying thing that has transpired since these recommendations were made is that in various regulatory documents following this tragedy studies of accidents are quoted in support of drug and alcohol testing,” he said.


A plaque at the site where a Germanwings flight crashed in Seyne-Les-Alpes, France Credit: Getty
“When we delve deeper into the raw data that these studies are based on we reach an opposite conclusion – the data suggests that there is not a problem of drug and alcohol misuse in large commercial air transport operations.”


Air India is such a shitty airline. I still can't believe it exists.

That's what happens with a job guarantee.

Private airlines are on the other end of the spectrum with pilots who are overworked, threatened to be fired all the time, have broken families and exploitative manipulative seniors. I have friends who work as pilots in private airlines who always whine about horrible and exploitative work culture to rise in ranks.

It might look glamorous but trust me private sector is no better (to their staff at least).

There needs to be a fine balance.
kuch nhi hota 3 pag laga ker urao maza ayee ga . i drink and fly its make me full of joy .specially when plan turn left right
That's what happens with a job guarantee.

Private airlines are on the other end of the spectrum with pilots who are overworked, threatened to be fired all the time, have broken families and exploitative manipulative seniors. I have friends who work as pilots in private airlines who always whine about horrible and exploitative work culture to rise in ranks.

It might look glamorous but trust me private sector is no better (to their staff at least).

There needs to be a fine balance.

Thing is it's near impossible for an average person to become a commercial pilot without financial support. You need a verifiable loan of approx. €200,00.00 which means you need to have rich parents. Either that or compete for a company sponsored cadetship where they act as the guarantors. Either way, it's like 3rd level education where you end up with debt after attaining your licence and have to work it off for the next 5-10 years.

Nowadays, air travel is cheap asf with budget airlines and these guys cut costs at every level from airport services to fuel so it's no surprise that pilots are being worked to the legal limits. Being a commercial pilot is no longer glamorous as you say. You're almost better off getting a regular high paying job, putting yourself through flight school and working up from there. It costs's about €60k for your PPL so it's totally doable.
Thing is it's near impossible for an average person to become a commercial pilot without financial support. You need a verifiable loan of approx. €200,00.00 which means you need to have rich parents. Either that or compete for a company sponsored cadetship where they act as the guarantors. Either way, it's like 3rd level education where you end up with debt after attaining your licence and have to work it off for the next 5-10 years.

Nowadays, air travel is cheap asf with budget airlines and these guys cut costs at every level from airport services to fuel so it's no surprise that pilots are being worked to the legal limits. Being a commercial pilot is no longer glamorous as you say. You're almost better off getting a regular high paying job, putting yourself through flight school and working up from there. It costs's about €60k for your PPL so it's totally doable.

The simplest way to becoming a pilot remains to train outside which is far cheaper than training in India. Your loan is still not considering the under-the-table bribes that parents have to give to get into quality flying schools. After that, you need to bribe DGCA officials to get your pilot license in time so that you can apply for a job in time. And if you don't have the money to do type rating after your regular 200 hours, your pilot's license is only good to wipe your behind with.

Absolutely pathetic.
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