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Different types of Zombies

Who are you fighting with your music? You think intolerance has hit you? For goodness sake if there was intolerance and the way you portray it out of proportions the big cities would be witnessing killing in masses not only for music but for all sorts of filth that happens there.

I don't see any of this happening in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad or any big city .......... unless you think remote areas are whole of Pakistan ........... otherwise there is zero truth in what you are saying.

You know it and I know it how much differently people react in two different scenarios ...........a car with loud music (no to little reaction) and a car with Quran being recited in loud voice (they at least look at you once to make sure if you are a human and no alien and nothing is wrong with you).

You are afraid my friend and nothing else. Don't blow things out of proportion, it won't add weight to your labeling of people unnecessarily.

What do you call logical? Something may be logical for you but same thing may be nonsensical for me, you won't agree I won't agree why not let us pass this debate ............... from my side I will conclude again by saying that you made a blunder when you said this without even thinking what you are saying.

First thing first, you are equating music with the word 'filth'. I've provided you with meaning of music. Perhaps you believe in English dictionary. It didn't mention anything negative about music unless you add something from your own self. Mostly people do that. So music isn't to be blamed for that.

Am i mentioning things out of proportion? Don't you see the loss. It had started in main cities but 'heavy water' controlled the phenomenon. Its time to deal with soft approach.

The Quran is a book of wisdom. It requires to be listened and read with complete focus and understanding. Not like you are driving and listening to in a casual way.

Again music is a tool. You use it positively or negatively its upto you. If you reject positive aspect as well you are on extreme side.

I dunno about all that? I'm just here for the brains.

Mmm, brains:D.

Sorry why don't you believe you're not a zombie :D
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