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Differences among TTP groups surfacing after peace talks?

Of course their are differences emerging between the groups, they were always in it for their own interests, and used a united flag to further their own gains. Now that a deal is being worked out, those that are against any deal will intensify their efforts to sabotage the deal.

Right now, I'm of the wait and see mindset. I'm quite sure these talks are going to collapse, and if they don't, the TTP is going to use it to strengthen their side and then break the deal (like previous deals), but until that happens, I remain skeptical but open to a final judgement.

what if govt plans, to fed them like 5 years, & use this talk crap till whole of tenure?
thts more likly, then what you think, peoples of pakistan should do, instead of bieng killed?
what if govt plans, to fed them like 5 years, & use this talk crap till whole of tenure?
thts more likly, then what you think, peoples of pakistan should do, instead of bieng killed?
They said 1 month, so let's give these talks one month. If they fail, the military has already been authorized to conduct an operation, if they succeed, we see if the TTP abide by the deal and then Pakistan moves forward from their.
Good. Support " Good Taliban against the Bad Taliban ". Later deal with Good Taliban. If they accept the constitution of Pakistan and pledge loyalty to it fine. Otherwise Boom Boom Afridi........:enjoy:
And what about the heinous crimes they have committed? What about the blood of 50,000 Pakistanis? Should these bastards not be prosecuted and punished for their crimes? Price for their crimes is to accept constitution and pledge loyalty?
They said 1 month, so let's give these talks one month. If they fail, the military has already been authorized to conduct an operation, if they succeed, we see if the TTP abide by the deal and then Pakistan moves forward from their.
mark my words, its all a trap !
political parties in power going to support terrorists sides, cause thats where , they can rule longer, loot longer?
militry will not be doing the opreation any longer, if theses peace talks goes longer then 1 month, but may militry will takover & will supress brutaly, everything terrorists thier groups, thier political supporters every, so called terroristic link.
in that, case which side you gona pick? sir!
this whole drama of splinter groups bieng created by paid media, covertly by political parties, who cant cover thier faces, cause of the needed terrorism for thier long lasting rule, over pakistan?

And what about the heinous crimes they have committed? What about the blood of 50,000 Pakistanis? Should these bastards not be prosecuted and punished for their crimes? Price for their crimes is to accept constitution and pledge loyalty?
no they belongs to gods army!
they cant be punished!
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And what about the heinous crimes they have committed? What about the blood of 50,000 Pakistanis? Should these bastards not be prosecuted and punished for their crimes? Price for their crimes is to accept constitution and pledge loyalty?

You make a strong argument there Syed Sahib.

But I would counter by saying that many of their leaders and foot soldiers continue to pay a price as they should continue to do so in future as well for their crimes, especially people like mulla fazlulla.

However, as in any conflict comes a time when the opposing parties have to make peace and move on.

Sometimes , when these opposing parties belong to the same Nation as in a Civil War and are serious about making peace, there has to be a " National Reconciliation " . Then these Parties can make Peace and move forward.

Otherwise, then will be forever locked in this deadly conflict with no end in sight.

I see no other way , Sir and if you can see a better way please do be so kind as to shed some light on that aspect.

The key here I think is that Taliban has to show remorse and reverse their path. We have to have some semblance of " Law and Order " in the country. They cannot dictate their will on a Nation of 200 million people. Unless they reverse their path, there should be no peace gestures with them and there should be no compromise on this issue. We are a democracy and any legislation has to go through a democratic legislative process through our Parliament including whether there should be Sharia laws in the country or not.

Also, the peace should only be with factions who agree with us. For elements like Mulla Fazlulla, there really is no room for peace an I agree with you that mad killers like him have to be eliminated.
And what about the heinous crimes they have committed? What about the blood of 50,000 Pakistanis? Should these bastards not be prosecuted and punished for their crimes? Price for their crimes is to accept constitution and pledge loyalty?

Their blood is on the hands of TTP. Cannot equate them with Afghan Taliban which resists foreign occupation. Show me one instance of involvement of anyone from Mullah Omar's or Haqqani group in any terrorist attack in Pakistan. If anything they have also been assassinated in Pakistan recently. These TTP only use the name, they are in essence kharji dogs about whom there is zikr in hadees.

The war is one of hearts and minds more than guns and bombs. At all costs, establishment both military and civilian together needs to keep Hafez Gul Bahadur and by extension the Wazirs on our side of the narrative, and isolate the turds, denying them stomping space and breathing space first on this side and then (by next year) on other side of durrand..
He's just a politician, he can give such ridiculous statements to lure these terrorists to spare his province. Want me to post how Punjab Rulers used to lick balls of same TTP? Hell they even did secret contracts with these same TTP terrorists. Hope you were living on earth at that time and was not in sleeping mode..
You don't have to be emotional here. I have never supported PML(N) on her take on Lashkar e Jhangvi, which many believe (perhaps rightly so) is the militant wing of PML(N). However, it does not mean that PTI should also support terrorists outfits. Where is the difference then between PML(N), and PTI?
Sometimes , when these opposing parties belong to the same Nation as in a Civil War and are serious about making peace, there has to be a " National Reconciliation " . Then these Parties can make Peace and move forward.
I am afraid I don't see this as a civil war, hence unable to see a resolve, which generally works in those situations. I think it would be a huge mistake to consider a terrorist outfit an apposing 'party'. These are rogue elements, criminals. How on earth can we consider them as a party? Why should we legitimize them?

Otherwise, then will be forever locked in this deadly conflict with no end in sight.
We will not if we showed commitment and perseverance. We are fully capable of eliminating the terrorists but we are afraid of collateral damage. Which is nothing but a very very very lame excuse. Every thing has a price, so does freedom of a nation and existence of a country.

I see no other way , Sir and if you can see a better way please do be so kind as to shed some light on that aspect.
There is no batter way; there is only one way and that is to chase them and eliminate them. I understand you are from military. Do you think this reservation (of not going for war) has something to do with 1971 fiasco? I wonder if that defeat is lingering somewhere deep in the psychology of our politicians and military bureaucracy.

Also, the peace should only be with factions who agree with us. For elements like Mulla Fazlulla, there really is no room for peace an I agree with you that mad killers like him have to be eliminated.
In my opinion, all of them have to go. These monsters were created and nurtured by our military, and now our military has to eliminate them, through their blood. Tough!
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mark my words, its all a trap !
political parties in power going to support terrorists sides, cause thats where , they can rule longer, loot longer?
militry will not be doing the opreation any longer, if theses peace talks goes longer then 1 month, but may militry will takover & will supress brutaly, everything terrorists thier groups, thier political supporters every, so called terroristic link.
in that, case which side you gona pick? sir!
this whole drama of splinter groups bieng created by paid media, covertly by political parties, who cant cover thier faces, cause of the needed terrorism for thier long lasting rule, over pakistan?

no they belongs to gods army!
they cant be punished!
It's not that simple, the army taking over won't solve anything, in fact it could make things worse. As much as you don't want to accept this, the army is no longer popular in Pakistan. It may still have massive influence, but it no longer enjoys the level of trust from the people that it use to.

Give it a month, these splinter groups were expected. There were always groups that were opposed to the talks, and there are members on both sides that want to sabotage these talks. If by April no deal is accepted, the military will launch an operation; Both the gov and military have promised this.
..However, it does not mean that PTI should also support terrorists outfits....

Support - support - support,..?

Taking sane route of dealing with the fire wisely is NOT same as "supporting" that fire.
If it was, then your Army & Nawaz govt are doing exactly the same now...!!
So as per your pathetic ignorant understanding of affairs, military is "supporting" terrorist outfits too, because they are backing PTI's stance?

There are certain fires on which you cannot use water. Just like that operations of the kind you guys are shouting for, are NOT solution to every kind of crime situation.
Do you know what happens if you try to extinguish grease\oil-lit-fire by dumping a bin of water? If flares up even more.
So water is NOT the solution to every fire out there. Go tell your intelligent :tdown: thoughts to military bcoz they are being stupid and following PTI's stance; hence "supporting" terrorists, as per your logic.

You are trying to achieve this:-
@00:45+ Your solution is "gonna take grease particles with it and scatter them more" and flare up the fire even more. You solution is gonna cause a rise in terror attacks, even a civil war like situation.

Your solution is being tried for more than a decade now.! Now stop with that. Terrorists are already spread in mainstream cities, so what would you suggest to PTI/Army start operations throught the country. Just now 50 Kg explosive caught from KARACHI. For comparison, Yesterday's Quetta blast used only 5 Kg. SO do you suggest military take over of Quetta and Karachi, and Lahore and Faisalabad and all??? Super intelligent!.

PTI & Army do NOT "support" terrorists. Fix your understanding.​
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