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Difference between Indian and Chinese Rail Transport

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you nailed it, hopefully Hinduvta have some shame and stop nonsense boasting

but I know one fact is bhakts have none of that shame concept

Yeah that fact is well-established.

Ignorance and boasting go hand-in-hand in the "new India" under Modi....
@Bilal9 @lonelyman @MH.Yang
Some positive news from IR is indeed praiseworthy. The rapid replacement of conventional rail coaches by LHB coaches had reduced the fatalities

When western countries blocked modi's agricultural reform by inciting Indian farmers, India's future was doomed.

All the industrial countries that emerged after the colonial era, such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and China, all were able to industrialize only after the land reform.
When western countries blocked modi's agricultural reform by inciting Indian farmers, India's future was doomed.

All the industrial countries that emerged after the colonial era, such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and China, all were able to industrialize only after the land reform.
Just curious, if you had to summarize these land reforms, what would you say they would be. Distributing land from large land owners to lots of poor people that don’t have the access to capital to modernize the farming practices is also problematic.

Also, which countries land reforms worked best to increase yields and and Warner he government the most in tax revenue and as well as growing the economy?
When western countries blocked modi's agricultural reform by inciting Indian farmers, India's future was doomed.

All the industrial countries that emerged after the colonial era, such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and China, all were able to industrialize only after the land reform.

It'll never happen in India.

The vested Interests of the brahmin and other upper castes exploiting the lower castes is too well-entrenched.

I have heard that whatever bad happens in a village, be it theft, rape, murder or even lack of rain, they find a way to blame it on the lower castes. It is just very, very sad. exploitation of the most bizarre variety, just to keep them down. They are denied a proper education and any good jobs, so the cycle of poverty persists. These poor people remain subsistence farmers and remain forever in debt borrowing money from usurious lenders.

Deep down, this is the failing that will keep India as an unequal society, keep its lower castes down and like you said, ultimately doom its future.

A few million back office jobs earning better wages does nothing for the poor.

That is why their nominal GDP per capita remains even lower than Bangladesh.
Why is this lungideshi so desperate? Do you want me to post the condition of your railway system which is worse than any subsaharan sh!thole? Posting selective pics of suburban rails won’t change the fact that Indian railway is miles ahead of any country in the subcontinent and is getting modernised at a rapid pace. And it’s going much beyond. Still better than the 1950s freight trains Asian Tigers are using. I mean just look at this crap.

Ofcourse Sanghis can’t match the world class Biloldeshi infra

Nor can we match this

While Asian Tigers are yet to see their first metro train which we Indians are having since 1984. This is something India has for decades while biloldesh struggles to build its first and only 20km metro :lol:.
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Just curious, if you had to summarize these land reforms, what would you say they would be. Distributing land from large land owners to lots of poor people that don’t have the access to capital to modernize the farming practices is also problematic.

Also, which countries land reforms worked best to increase yields and and Warner he government the most in tax revenue and as well as growing the economy?
The land reform in each region is different, even in the opposite direction. For example, China forcibly confiscates the land of the big landlords and distributes it equally to the peasants. Japan, South Korea and Taiwan also use various means to distribute land equally to farmers.

European countries such as Britain and Germany forcibly drive out all farmers(Enclosure) and concentrate the land in the hands of large farmers.

No matter what kind of land reform, its purpose is to improve agricultural efficiency and accumulate the original capital and human resources for industrial development.

What a BS thread on a non-issue. It would be an issue if Indian train commuters were actually hallucinating that they are riding on magic carpets while the Chinese are getting spinal cord injuries on a bullock cart. We Indians have no delusions about where our rail infrastructure lies. We know we are way behind China.

The point is that why will rail infra be massively detached from the realities of other government managed sectors? What is so different about its fundamentals that it should progress rapidly while the rest of the government sectors trundle on?

I am a frequent rail traveller because of my love for railways in general and because I believe in using mass transit systems from an environment perspective. The progress in cleanliness and quality of coaches has largely been slow over the decades. On the positive side I appreciate the network density and relative improvements in punctuality and safety. We have a very dense network and on scale. Other south Asian countries do not even come close on this front.
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