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Diego Garcia US Navy base near South Asia

What I meant w bu asking the range was to say that it is not a very big threat for Pakistan and India as any of these ccountries can cause a lot of damage to this facility by using their ballistic Missiles. and 2500 km or 1800 doesnt matter. Pakistan can reach much further.

I don't really care for a "what if" scenario but... If Pakistan were to launch ballistic missiles at Diego Garcia, hopefully you will be wearing sun tan lotion and dark glasses. It will be a mighty HOT day in Islamabad! :pop:
I don't really care for a "what if" scenario but... If Pakistan were to launch ballistic missiles at Diego Garcia, hopefully you will be wearing sun tan lotion and dark glasses. It will be a mighty HOT day in Islamabad! :pop:

Ofcourse it will be HOT, thats why missiles will be fired!
The original population of Diego Garcia have been removed to form a military base their. that's the limit of western policies, totally intolerable.
The original population of Diego Garcia have been removed to form a military base their. that's the limit of western policies, totally intolerable.
Then why don't you invade the damn place, throw the Yanks out and rehabitate the aborigins? Too busy for that?
Say what you want against U.S.A. (and mostly they deserve it) but you must admit that they are very clever...their foreign policy never changed (Obama Change is just a silly joke) and obviously they dam care about anyone else, important to them are only American interests!:rolleyes:

So the rest of the world must take the appropriate measures to safe guard their @ss!:bunny:

I think it is more the realities of the situation. It was easy to make lots of promises trying to get elected without any first hand knowledge of what was really going on. Now as president he is privy to the realities. People loved to bash Bush who did make mistakes but not all his policies are as evil as some would have you believe. Gitmo is one case in point.
diego garcia is one of those few issues that have soured the Indo-Us relationship for a long time now...we've always been skeptical of a military base so close.

lol.......Since When? Anyone else heard of Indo-US relations being soured over Diego Garcia?
Its myth u can't trust America. It was never ur friend nor with india in future. Its a oppurtunist country.:usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag:

Every country in the world has it's own agenda. Including your own country of India. It's funny though how when countries get in trouble they usually come to the U.S. asking for help.
diego garcia is one of those few issues that have soured the Indo-Us relationship for a long time now...we've always been skeptical of a military base so close.

I guess that was a long time ago and i don't think there is any problem now , Diego Garcia is a cold war relic and it is going to stay an an important military base.
I don't really care for a "what if" scenario but... If Pakistan were to launch ballistic missiles at Diego Garcia, hopefully you will be wearing sun tan lotion and dark glasses. It will be a mighty HOT day in Islamabad! :pop:

Its going to quite a day because you will break your backbone with one short war we'll free Afganistan and Iraq your 40,000 soliders are a no match and Taliban ohh man i hope your ready for this babur cruise Missiles hitting US bases the US presence will be unknown in 2hrs that US ever exist just wait and watch our Generals and ISI arent sitting ducks we know how well to defend our country for any agreesor for you to retalite from Japan and the Gulf if those countries help you which is obiviously "not" because they should be ready for a Nuclear Winter the same threat goes to Israel "we are silent doesnt mean we are dead" we will be prepare for the consequences the question is your economic recession could handle a war ? you've spent 80Bln$ in Afganistan just staying there not fighting no Taliban just imagine fighting the 6th Largest Army in the world who has fought 3X larger than force himself ? how many troops would you need i would say India,Israel and US will need a joint venture to destroy Pakistan around 3 Million troops Israel and India will have history Nuclear winter in South-Asia will mean Global Warming i wonder how to stop that after XXXX Trillions dollars spent on this war and in the end everyone say it was sucidal and its "Impossible" that US capturing Pakistan's Nuclear weapons "We live for nothing but die for Allah" we are no African-American's,vietnames,Koreans nor Japanesse who will get nuked and will be a slave of American afterwards.....i wonder what politicians has come to.:pakistan:

1 day as a Lion is better than the 100 days of Jackal that we are living right now.
It's pretty high on the Russian's strategic target list. Back in the good ole days they used to have at least boomers patrolling that area. Last I checked the UK was still using crown veto over the Chagossian(sp?) peoples right to return to the islands.
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