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Did Qasab even write this letter?!


May 24, 2007
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Did ‘Kasab’ even write this letter?!

JANG has revealed some interesting facts about the letter handed over to Pakistan by India, allegedly written by Ajmal Amir Kasab (Qasab/Kasav/Ajmal Amin/Mohammad Ajmal).

Indian diplomatic staff in Pakistan distributed copies of the letter to selected journalists, and requested them to ‘try and prove that Ajmal belongs to Pakistan’. Some of these journalists have had close links with Indian missions in Pakistan and abroad.

The letter itself is dated ‘December 19th’ - which is weird considering the Indian media had been reporting about this letter since as early as December 13th. (We have been able to locate this news report from the 15th talking about the letter)

Additionally, the letter (written in Urdu script) contains atleast 3 words which are Hindi.

Sources say there are a few other interesting mistakes in the letter which will be revelaed ‘at the appropriate time’.

Jang also reports that Pakistan plans to take a strong position internationally and discredit Indian claims by revealing the contents of this letter.


Despite repeated requests, India has FAILED to provide ANY real evidence linking any Pakistan national to the attacks in Mumbai. Could it be because there isn’t any to begin with?

Their attempt to attribute a confessional letter to the captured terrorist has fallen on its arse. Not to forget the letter wouldn’t have stood in any court anywhere in the world as evidence anyway.

Is this another case of Hindu Extremists carrying out mass murder and pointing the finger at Pakistan, as they did with Samjhauta Express and Malegaon? Both of those were initially blamed on Lashkar-e-Taiba and the ISI. Wonder where the ATS chief who investigated both of terrorist attacks is now.

Oh thats right, he was conveniently shot dead along with his team as soon as the Mumbai drama began. But that is something you can’t dare question in the Great Indian Democracy™.

Afterall, Hindu Terrorism is a myth, don’t you know?

Mumbai Terror: The Story of a Faked Letter Pak Alert Press
I think that the Lahore Police has found a personal letter of instructions signed by Indian PM Manmohan Singh and a receipt for the explosives signed by Pranab MukherJee in the wreckage of the car bomb this morning at GOR-II. The hand writing on the found letters matches that of the one written by Ajmal Kasab to Pakistan. Further investigations are afoot! :-)
He is going to be in live in TV soon .. and then also you guys will disagree and ask for more proof....i think you guys need his passport. even if he has one it may be at his home at faridakot..may be you can confirm it with Dawn reporter who visited his village or sharif.
He is going to be in live in TV soon .. and then also you guys will disagree and ask for more proof....i think you guys need his passport. even if he has one it may be at his home at faridakot..may be you can confirm it with Dawn reporter who visited his village or sharif.

I am sure RAW can provide him with fake passport. This is how they have smuggled terrorist in the past
another scapegoat for india's problems
once again terrorists dont compromise!!!
that is y they are terrorists!!!
this proves how stupid the indian government covers its own problems
india should taking stupid moves and accept its internal problems than blaming pakistan for everything
From this, I have concluded that Indians have a strange idea of what constitutes proof.
I’m not going to insult your intelligence by explaining why AR Antulay is wrong when he says that a conspiracy led to the death of Bombay Anti-Terrorist Squad chief Hemant Karkare and two other officers. If you’re the sort of person who reads this column, then you’ll know that this conspiracy theory is utter rubbish. (But if you do have the odd lingering doubt, then I can refer you to an excellent piece on the subject by my colleague Sujata Anandan in Friday’s HT)

Most conspiracy theories can be divided into three categories. The first consists of those that are merely absurd. For instance, many people believe that the 1969 moon landing was a hoax with the footage of Neil Armstrong landing on lunar soil faked in a Hollywood studio. Some trashy American tabloids made millions by suggesting, for over a decade after his death, that Elvis Presley was still alive. More recently, it has been suggested that the man they executed in Baghdad was Saddam Hussein’s double. The real Saddam is alive and well and living in South America. Similarly, it used to be suggested that the man the South African government released from prison was not really Nelson Mandela. (Which would explain why he looked nothing like the photographs of the young Mandela.)

According to this theory, the real Mandela died in jail and a more accommodating double was asked to play the role.

Then there’s the kind of conspiracy theory that is spread by interested parties or by people with their own axes to grind. The most notable of these theories is the view espoused by many fascists about Hitler’s slaughter of the Jews. According to assorted anti-Semites and neo-Nazis (and these days, Arab extremists) the Holocaust never really happened. The Jews were not killed. The whole story was Jewish propaganda.

Arab fundamentalists have taken this a step further. It is now routine to say, on the Arab main street, that poor Osama bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11. It was done by Mossad so that the peace-loving hermits of al-Qaeda would get a bad name. Another version of the theory casts the Americans as villains, eagerly murdering their own people only so that they had an excuse to defame blameless Islamic organisations.

The hallmark of an intelligent democracy is skepticism. All politicians lie. It is our duty to constantly question them...Now, various Pakistani TV channels are following the Arab example. In the aftermath of the Bombay attacks, they insisted that we had engineered them ourselves only to ensure that Pakistan gets a bad reputation. (As though Pakistan needs any help from us on that score.)

Other versions of this theory had those all-purpose villains, the evil geniuses of Mossad, arriving in India to help the perfidious R&AW organise terror attacks against our own civilians.

Some of this theorising stems from a guilty conscience. At some level, the fascists must know that Hitler did kill the Jews. Even those who blame Mossad for 9/11 must be aware of the identities of the Arab perpetrators. And all Pakistanis are not stupid enough to believe that we would attack ourselves. (Though, if they get so panic-stricken when a man pretending to be Pranab Mukherjee calls up Asif Zardari and gives him a tongue-lashing, I’m not so sure about IQ levels in the higher echelons of the Pakistani government.)

But many conspiracy theories spread by interested parties emerge from wishful thinking. The people who believe that the Taj Mahal was a Hindu palace and that Fatehpur Sikri was a Hindu city are incapable of accepting that Muslims could ever have done anything good or built anything beautiful. That quality is reserved for Hindus.

There is also a complete reluctance on the part of many communities to believe that their members could be involved in terrorism. For much of the 1980s, many otherwise intelligent Sikhs kept insisting that no Sikhs were involved in acts of violence and terrorism. It was all done by others and blamed on the Sikhs, they said.

Many Muslims have reacted the same way over the last decade. They deny that any Muslims played any role in terrorist incidents and claim that all those accused were framed by the police. When you point out that yes, some people were probably framed, but that it is quite impossible that no Muslim has ever been correctly accused, they refuse to listen.

One other area where conspiracy theories flourish is assassinations. Many members of the Sangh Parivar claimed that Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri had been murdered in the Soviet Union after signing the Tashkent Agreement in 1966. Other disaffected members of the Parivar say that the true killers of Deen Dayal Upadhyaya, their former leader who was murdered in a train, have never been apprehended.

The Congress is not immune to this disease. For months after Sanjay Gandhi’s death, many of his supporters refused to believe that a man on the cusp of achieving great power could throw his life away in such a pointless manner. He must have been murdered, they claimed.

The trouble with conspiracy theories that emanate from interested parties is that they are hardly ever based on any solid evidence. For this kind of theorist, motive alone is evidence enough.

But there’s a third category of conspiracy theory and that is the one that is the most problematic.

Whether we like it or not, there are conspiracies, cover-ups, abuses of power by authorities and unexplained assassinations. Just as it is quite wrong to say that everything that happens is caused by a secret conspiracy, it is as foolish to claim that nothing is ever the result of a conspiracy.

Take the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Even though there were many unexplained factors — the exact motive of Lee Harvey Oswald, the assassin; the convenient shooting of Oswald in custody; the inconsistencies of the forensic evidence, etc. — those who smelt a conspiracy were denounced and referred to the report of the Warren Commission that concluded that Oswald had acted alone.

We know now that the conspiracy theorists were right to be suspicious. Even those who still believe that Oswald was the killer now concede that they may have been a larger conspiracy behind the assassination.

While on the subject of JFK, what about the mysterious death of Marilyn Monroe? In the 70s, many writers suggested that she was having a clandestine affair with JFK and had to be bumped off. These suggestions were pooh-poohed by know-it-alls. In fact, we now have proof that Monroe was definitely having an affair with JFK. And while the evidence that friends of the Kennedys bumped her off is less than conclusive, there is a certainly a good case to be made.

That’s the problem with dismissing conspiracy theories. Once you say that all such theories are humbug, you effectively deny people the right to be curious, to ask questions and to refuse to believe what they are told by their governments.

The hallmark of an intelligent democracy is skepticism. All politicians lie. It is our duty to constantly question them, to not accept everything we are told and to find out the truth.

That’s why I’m so annoyed by A.R. Antulay’s irresponsible claims about Hemant Karkare’s death. By making such absurd allegations, Antulay has discredited all those who want to ask serious and genuine questions about the police force and the way it functions.

The truth is that many encounters are bogus, that many cases are concocted, and many innocent people go to jail unjustly. A free society is one that questions the official version and fights for justice in every case.

But when an influential figure like Antulay reduces the process of genuine inquiry to political grandstanding, he makes it difficult for anybody to ever again ask the questions that need to be asked. Antulay’s rhetoric is aimed at pleasing his Muslim constituency. But in fact, he has damaged the credibility of every Muslim who feels that his community is being unfairly targeted. Now, genuine doubts will be lumped with Antulay’s nonsense.

That’s Antulay’s real crime. Not that he’s been irresponsible (which of course he has been); but that he has damaged the credentials of everybody who wants to be responsible.

If there’s one thing that the conspiracy theorists are right about, it is this: all politicians lie when it suits them.

As Antulay has just demonstrated.

w w w . h i n d u s t a n t i m e s . c om/StoryPage/StoryPage.aspx?sectionName=HomePage&id=e175e62f-9936-459a-be24-4ebfb3279d79&MatchID1=4856&TeamID1=6&TeamID2=2&MatchType1=1&SeriesID1=1223&MatchID2=4873&TeamID3=1&TeamID4=3&MatchType2=1&SeriesID2=1229&PrimaryID=4856&Headline=The+Antulay+conspiracy]The Antulay conspiracy- Hindustan Times
Then there’s the kind of conspiracy theory that is spread by interested parties or by people with their own axes to grind. The most notable of these theories is the view espoused by many fascists about Hitler’s slaughter of the Jews. According to assorted anti-Semites and neo-Nazis (and these days, Arab extremists) the Holocaust never really happened. The Jews were not killed. The whole story was Jewish propaganda .......

The writer is full of it! Ironically, he considers the JFK assasination a conspiracy because it has inconsistencies and ignores all the inconsistencies that have emerged in the aftermath of the Mumbai drama or in 9/11 (in this case factual inaccuracies) ... Wao! Mumbai was a worse job than 9/11. Raw is very amature in doing "Inside jobs-blaming Pakistan" thing.

And this article was published in a newspaper? :lol:
The writer is full of it!

he considers the JFK assasination a conspiracy because it has inconsistencies
the JFK conspiracy is not something new. the writer expressed views that are right down to the middle. the views are not his.

and ignores all the inconsistencies that have emerged in the aftermath of the Mumbai drama or in 9/11 (in this case factual inaccuracies) ... Wao! Mumbai was a worse job than 9/11.
welcome to conspiracy central ladies and gentlemen. :?

Raw is very amature in doing "Inside jobs-blaming Pakistan" thing.
like the writer says...
In the aftermath of the Bombay attacks, they insisted that we had engineered them ourselves only to ensure that Pakistan gets a bad reputation. (As though Pakistan needs any help from us on that score.)

And this article was published in a newspaper?
yup. a very good article indeed.
I would say this to India.

1 lie leads to another lie and that leads to another 1 until you , are trapped in a web of lies and you cant get out of it.
Fist of all the Question is:
He is going to be in live in TV soon .. and then also you guys will disagree and ask for more proof....i think you guys need his passport. even if he has one it may be at his home at faridakot..may be you can confirm it with Dawn reporter who visited his village or sharif.

We people better know interrogation,one will say, I come from the Mars, I was trained on the Moon, by the Pluto people.
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