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Did punjabi musalman supported ranjeet singh?


Apr 2, 2014
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Though sikhs make such claims but there are no historical evidences which support their claims. If there are any neutral sources, they are welcome to share it. If you ask any punjabi muslim he would tell you that his ancestors or caste fought bravely against sikhs. Their claims might not be true but it reflects the fact that punjabi musalmans were unhappy with sikh rule and resented their domination.
May be some muslim mercenaries have joined sikh army but overall sikhs didnt entertain muslim presence in their army. They used to stab any muslim who even dared to think of eating beef. During ranjeet singh rule, many restrictions and bans were imposed on muslims. It was routine for sikhs to hang muslims in chowks to keep them subjugated and terrorized.
- Azaan was banned for muslims
- Cow slaughter was banned, it was punishable by death.
- Many mosques were demolished, tombs and buildings of mughals were plundered
- Sikhs were particularly harsh on mullahs, many of them were caught and hanged.
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Though sikhs make such claims but there are no historical evidences which support their claims. If there are any neutral sources, they are welcome to share it. If you ask any punjabi muslim he would tell you that his ancestors or caste fought bravely against sikhs. Their claims might not be true but it reflects the fact that punjabi musalmans were unhappy with sikh rule and resented their domination.
May be some muslim mercenaries have joined sikh army but overall sikhs didnt entertain muslim presence in their army. They used to stab any muslim who even dared to think of eating beef. During ranjeet singh rule, many restrictions and bans were imposed on muslims. It was routine for sikhs to hang muslims in chowks to keep them subjugated and terrorized.

they didnt have much choice ;)
ranjeet singh is a mixed bag. yes he did some pathetic and condemnable things, like the well known horse stable in badshahi masjid. but later he tried to unite punjabi muslim, hindus, and sikhs under one banner. he was fairly successful at this, hence why the kingdom reached its zenith during his rule. his only problem was he foolishly tried to equate muslims of punjab with abdali's hordes, who committed massacres on sikhs and tore down their gold temple (their mecca). he didn't understand muslims themselves were looted by abdali heavily esp. around lahore and depalpur, despite muslims of punjab supporting abdali's campaign as fellow muslims. problem with some afghans and pakhtuns back then was they don't care if local population supports them or not, they see everything as war booty to rape, loot and plunder, and end up alienating people who would otherwise see them as heroes. i've heard stories from a kashmiri friend passed down by his great grand uncle of what went on during those times before they migrated to Pakistan.

so in all, you can say ranjeet singh was the first punjabi nationalist kingdom/empire, like durrani was the first afghan nationalist one. his anti-muslim bias was his biggest draw back, so it would have been much better if punjabi muslims would have understood dynamics then and rose up themselves to create a muslim empire that united punjab.
What's the Indian's obsession with rangeet singh?

Though sikhs make such claims but there are no historical evidences which support their claims. If there are any neutral sources, they are welcome to share it. If you ask any punjabi muslim he would tell you that his ancestors or caste fought bravely against sikhs. Their claims might not be true but it reflects the fact that punjabi musalmans were unhappy with sikh rule and resented their domination.
May be some muslim mercenaries have joined sikh army but overall sikhs didnt entertain muslim presence in their army. They used to stab any muslim who even dared to think of eating beef. During ranjeet singh rule, many restrictions and bans were imposed on muslims. It was routine for sikhs to hang muslims in chowks to keep them subjugated and terrorized.
ranjeet singh is a mixed bag. yes he did some pathetic and condemnable things, like the well known horse stable in badshahi masjid. but later he tried to unite punjabi muslim, hindus, and sikhs under one banner. he was fairly successful at this, hence why the kingdom reached its zenith during his rule. his only problem was he foolishly tried to equate muslims of punjab with abdali's hordes, who committed massacres on sikhs and tore down their gold temple (their mecca). he didn't understand muslims themselves were looted by abdali heavily esp. around lahore and depalpur, despite muslims of punjab supporting abdali's campaign as fellow muslims. problem with some afghans and pakhtuns back then was they don't care if local population supports them or not, they see everything as war booty to rape, loot and plunder, and end up alienating people who would otherwise see them as heroes. i've heard stories from a kashmiri friend passed down by his great grand uncle of what went on during those times before they migrated to Pakistan.

so in all, you can say ranjeet singh was the first punjabi nationalist kingdom/empire, like durrani was the first afghan nationalist one. his anti-muslim bias was his biggest draw back, so it would have been much better if punjabi muslims would have understood dynamics then and rose up themselves to create a muslim empire that united punjab.
Lol sikhs didnt misunderstood punjabi musalman as afghan hordes as you are implying, it is a pathetic excuse. Sikhs are punjabi themeselves, they knew that punjabi muslims are not responsible for actions of afghans and mughals but they still decided to punish them as they had noticed that afghans used to spare punjabi muslims while loot hindus and sikhs.
Before ranjeet singh there were sikh misls, the warring bands, all over punjab. They used to attack muslim punjabi populations, killed, raped and pillaged them. Thats why suffering punjabi muslims gladly welcomed their afghan rescuers. Ranjeet singh put stop to this bloodshed but still treated punjabi muslims like dirt.
Though sikhs make such claims but there are no historical evidences which support their claims. If there are any neutral sources, they are welcome to share it. If you ask any punjabi muslim he would tell you that his ancestors or caste fought bravely against sikhs. Their claims might not be true but it reflects the fact that punjabi musalmans were unhappy with sikh rule and resented their domination.
May be some muslim mercenaries have joined sikh army but overall sikhs didnt entertain muslim presence in their army. They used to stab any muslim who even dared to think of eating beef. During ranjeet singh rule, many restrictions and bans were imposed on muslims. It was routine for sikhs to hang muslims in chowks to keep them subjugated and terrorized.
- Azaan was banned for muslims
- Cow slaughter was banned, it was punishable by death.
- Many mosques were demolished, tombs and buildings of mughals were plundered
- Sikhs were particularly harsh on mullahs, many of them were caught and hanged.

So much lies you spread. The Azaan was not banned during Ranjit Singh's era. This happened very briefly during the misl period and it was in response to when Darbar Sahib was destroyed(blown up brick to brick with gun powder) and all the Gurdwaras of Punjab were demolished or converted to mosques. Ranjit Singh's era came much later and he did no such thing. He had Muslims in his army and even as ministers in the Lahore Durbar. He was a secular person to the core who gave generously to Masjids, Mandirs like he gave to Gurdwaras.

There is even a recorded incident of a Muslim writing the Quran in golden ink. It was a very valuable work. He went all over India including the Hydrabad state and even the Mughal Durbar in Delhi in order to sell this valuable Quran. None bought it. In the end he came to Lahore and showed it to Ranjit Singh who first lowered his forehead touching the Quran in respect and gave him any price he asked. Right before he died, he gave untold amounts of money to Mandirs, Masjids as he did to Gurdwaras without distinction. How could a man who was this secular do the things you claim. You got your history all mixed up.

And exactly which Mullah was killed? The only known Mullah that was killed was a Wahabi fanatic named Syad Ahmad Barelvi who declared himself as Amir Ul Monineen and Khalifa and his Mullah right hand man Shah Ismail the grand son of Shah Waliullah. And he along with his leader Syad Ahmad Barelvi too died while fighting the Lahore Durbar forces in the battle of Balakot. They were both from UP who came to the NW Frontier provoking the religious sentiments of the innocent minded Pashtuns to fight against the Lahore Durbar. They planned on taking over all of Ranjit Singh's territories and implementing strict Sharia according to Wahabism. If their plan had succeeded, they would have tried use that as a launching pad to make further conquest of British India. Whether you like to admit it or not but you can clearly see the parallels of the Wahabi insurgency that Lahore Durbar had to face and today's Pakistan's situation where the Pak army is battling Deobandi fanatics of TTP in the NW Frontier who want to implement strict Sharia all across the country.
What's the Indian's obsession with rangeet singh?
Just because Pakistan has never had indigenous kings and always named there missiles after foreign invaders. unlike India which has had hundreds of thousands of rulers and Empires.
Pak-one change thread title because later on RS army even had pathans in it lol Bigot like you will not understand. As i said RS was clever he first united sikh misl and later punjabi muslims and hindus. And towards the end he even had pathans in his army.

Just like after Abdali there was no competent leader left for Afghans, same thing happened after Ranjeet Singh death.

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