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Did Nawaz Sharif actually pay for PM House expenses? Evidence suggests otherwise


Feb 7, 2013
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United Kingdom
Biggest joke of the year.
Nawaz Sharif's total declared assets according to 2013 nomination paper's were Rs.1.87 Billion.
PM house has total expenditure of around Rs.800 to Rs.900 Million per year and then more than Rs.2 Billion for foreign tours. So can we get the money trail of where did he get that kind of money to pay these expenses.
Jali Sahafi Saleem Safi according to whom PTI would be in 3rd position in KPK he claimed before elections has put his master in further trouble.
Now lets see him prove this or Ganju might get extra jail time.
Marvi sarmad, Asma Shirazi

Just read their tweets.
bhai you will see a lot more Lifafa Sahafis in coming days. The only way to deal with them is to expose their corruption. It will be a big blunder on IK's part if he does not touch them as they will provide cover to these corrupt patwaris present in every walk of life from bureaucracy to media, politics, business etc ...These sahafis have become billionaires while they are not worth a 25k per month salary. Also add Waseem Badami, Arshad Saleem... CIA and other agencies will launch an onslaught of disinformation and many gullible will start abusing Imran Khan... So we need to be vigilant.
bhai you will see a lot more Lifafa Sahafis in coming days. The only way to deal with them is to expose their corruption. It will be a big blunder on IK's part if he does not touch them as they will provide cover to these corrupt patwaris present in every walk of life from bureaucracy to media, politics, business etc ...These sahafis have become billionaires while they are not worth a 25k per month salary. Also add Waseem Badami, Arshad Saleem... CIA and other agencies will launch an onslaught of disinformation and many gullible will start abusing Imran Khan... So we need to be vigilant.
Bhai almost every anchor/analyst is supporting these corrupt politicians, I agree, accountability of this media mafia should be the no.1 priority for new government.
Bhai almost every anchor/analyst is supporting these corrupt politicians, I agree, accountability of this media mafia should be the no.1 priority for new government.
CIA + RAW have huge funds so IK has to do accountability or he will loose in this media war. He needs to learn a lesson or two from Erdogan. Do you see how patwaris have started to target me...
They have lost their mind might be because of Khota khori

The annual budget of PM house is Rs. 2.876 billion (link mouthpiece of PML-N)
While for the Prime Minister Office, Rs986 million (Rs986,000,000) for the fiscal year of 2018-19 has been allocated. Interesting aspect of the budget is that for the foreign tours of PM during the coming fiscal year of 2018-19, an allocation of Rs1.89 billion will be made. Rs70. million will be given to Prime Minister Inspection Commission. In total, daily expense of Prime Minister Office, household and foreign tours would be Rs3360.64 million daily for the coming next financial year.

second link [another mouthpiece of PML-N]
The estimated expenses of the President House and Prime Minister Office were increased by 3 to 10 per cent for the year 2014-15. The budget of the Prime Minister Office for the year 2014-15 was Rs779 million.

His declared worth in 2016 (link)
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif retained the status of a billionaire he gained just before assuming the office of the country’s chief executive, with the worth of his declared assets standing at Rs1.84 billion in 2016, details released by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) showed on Thursday.

And we need to believe that NS has paid the expanses of PM house personally just because Saleem Safi is saying this. One should not question that ow could this be possible DECLARED networt of NS is below the annual budget of PM house
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NAB now should open another reference against Nawaz Shareef to investigate the source of income for these massive PM house expenses which runs into millions and also if he paid tax on amount he spend.
incredible disinformation, misinformation is now happening. It's all the old dogs and bitches.

@Tameem you missed this anecdote that mian paid for PM house from his own boja!!

Clearly the next phase of the war is to create disinformation and misinformation.
Now MNS will be asked to provide another money trail. Where this money came from, which was used for PM house expenses LOL
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