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Did I Say Pakistani? I meant Indian - Dr Sabreena Razaq Hussain

the author has inferiority complex....nothing more,,,,she should consult a psychologist ......cause she is now having hallucinations ....she is a slave of charles just like mirza masroor qadiani and a british subject and is talking on behalf of Pakistanis....what a retard
British Born are British not Pakistanis.

You have to be born and raised in Pakistan to call yourself 'a Pakistani'. Those who are born and raised in other countries are not Pakistanis but have 'Pakistani ancestry'.

Very well written piece though.
@Pakistani Exile

Now u understand! This was what i was earlier talking about.
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this, by a member of Imran Khan's PTI, who if the natives on this forum are to be believed, is the rightful successor to Jinnah, a big deal for a pakistani, I suppose

they are a few misguided bunch of burger people, elections proved that even though pakistanis adore imran as a cricket achiever they dont give two hoots about his politics

PTI is gonna die down very fast if they dont change their confused policies or at least their leadership
being at a university, i have met my fair share of pakistanis. I've seen the accounting professor mention during a speech that he is from "south asia" instead of pakistan. or another one say she is from the UK, instead of karachi.
but I've seen others who have no issues saying they are from pakistan.

From my personal experience, it seems the level of education and the size of audience pushes some to hide the pakistani roots.
And it is understandable to an extent given how pakistan is viewed by the average joes around here, the media doesn't exactly paint a rosy picture of PK.
Once during my university in Manchester, I met this beautiful girl from Lebanon. While we were talking, she asked me if I was from Pakistan and I was surprised on her guessing it right.

When I asked her about it, she said you look like a South Asian but too fair to be an Indian, a Bangladeshi or a Sirilankan. I blushed a little and smiled. :cheesy:

Then to my surprise she asked and I quote " Is that a compliment"? And I at once said, Sure it is!

True story.
Not a big Question if someone does not want to be called a Pakistani, no Problem S/He call her/his self wht ever s/He wants... every one has right of freedom of association...( Kashimiris too).

If a few dozan or even thousand want to shed the Identity heritage, thy should be welcomed rather than be used as a tool to discredit or malign a state.

Simply Put: many Million of Kashmiris are saying same thing in and outside India since decades. Does that discredit India as a State?
Why are you Pakistanis running around claiming you people are Indian in the first place?

I just don't see the humor in hiding your original identity.

Contrary to the perception of many in this thread, and in the entire forum in general, the Pakistanis that try to pass themselves as Indians do so not out of embarrassment but out of fear that they may be suspected as extremist Muslims by outsiders, esp westerners.

Had they been really embarrassed at their being ethnic Pakistanis, they would have rather mentioned their citizenship and not ethnicity.

If given a chance, people would rather like being called a British/American than an Indian. They just fear discrimination and needless suspicion at the hands of others if they were to disclose their ethnic origin.
This is an occurrence which I find quite common in many countries which I visit. On many occasions I find Pakistanis or people of Pakistani origin trying to pass themselves off as Indians. It just amazes me that people of a nation which India cannot tolerate will be so brazen about it
Bharatis get of your high horses, it funny so many of them claiming this is common occurance. Never seen anyone say that he is Indian. Indians stick out like sore tumb. I have only confused few clean shaved Indian punjabis, till they open the mouth and start speaking.
Contrary to the perception of many in this thread, and in the entire forum in general, the Pakistanis that try to pass themselves as Indians do so not out of embarrassment but out of fear that they may be suspected as extremist Muslims by outsiders, esp westerners.

Had they been really embarrassed at their being ethnic Pakistanis, they would have rather mentioned their citizenship and not ethnicity.

If given a chance, people would rather like being called a British/American than an Indian. They just fear discrimination and needless suspicion at the hands of others if they were to disclose their ethnic origin.

I wasn't asking him a serious question. I was just messing with the dude for mocking Indians.

Par chalo, let's treat it as an actual question.

How would you classify the woman described in the article as? She wasn't under any real danger that prompted her to label herself as Indian. Why did she do so anyway?
Anyway most Pakistanis I meet in Africa are generally a dirty bunch of refugees who can easily be mistaken for Bangladeshis. Perhaps we should start a concentrated drive to impress upon Pakistanis to claim that they are Bangladeshis when abroad :D
I was roaming around with my bangladeshi friends .. somebody asked us a lighter.. and while lighting his cigaretter asked where are you guys from.. bangladesh..I said.. while rest of them said India.... :lol:

Are you Bengali ?

P.S- Uptil now I thought only US Pakistanis used to do this.

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