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"Diaoyu Islands, The Truth" - told by a US director


Feb 21, 2012
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Hollywood documentary brings Diaoyu Islands truth to new audience
(Xinhua) 20:58, March 12, 2014

LOS ANGELES, March 12 -- Hollywood writer and director Chris D. Nebe screened a newdocumentary about the Diaoyu Islands at the REAL D Theater on Tuesday, saying hehopes to show Americans the truth about the territory.

"Diaoyu Islands, The Truth" is produced by Monarex Hollywood Corporation and is one oftwelve documentaries in Nebe's "Mysterious China" series introducing Chinese history,culture and rapid development to the world.

The debut attracted nearly 100 viewers, who learned from the 40-minute film that theDiaoyu Islands have been Chinese territory since ancient times, and that Imperial Japanannexed the Diaoyu Islands from China in 1895 after the First Sino-Japanese War.

The short feature holds the view that "the real Diaoyu Islands conflict goes from the so-called administrative rights of the United States. After the Second World War, instead ofreturning the islands to China, the United States claimed 'administrative rights.' In 1971,America gave the islands back to Japan, ignoring China's long-standing claim."

In the last part of the film, Nebe asserts that "America can quell the tension byencouraging his Japanese ally to return the Diaoyu Islands to China and apologize toChinese people for the war crimes of Imperial Japan."

"My view point is that... the truth about Diaoyu Islands issues are completely wrong toldby Western media. I hope the movie will change it. We are pushing to help Americansknow the truth of Diaoyu Islands," Nebe said.

Japan should do the right thing and give the islands back to China, while Japanese PrimeMinister Shinzo Abe should go to Nanjing to apologize to China for the war crimes ofImperial Japan. These islands should not be a case for disrupting peace and harmonybetween China and Japan, he added.

Klaus Schmitt came to see the film with his wife. "Very little of my friends know DiaoyuIslands, only if you who are politically active or interested in history, but most people don'tknow it," he said.

He believed that the film gave him a neutral overall view on the issue.

Audience member Lynn Crandall, who works at the University of Southern California, saidthe documentary encouraged peace.
"The film is a strong statement for us to try to findpeace, we must find a way to share the world in brotherhood. I believe we should beneutral. I think we are too much on the side of Japan, I think we should work for peace, notfor divide."

Anthony D. Ross, a lawyer who said he did not previously know about the conflict betweenChina and Japan over the Diaoyu Islands, told Xinhua, "It tells a lot that I did not know."

"Diaoyu Islands, The Truth" will be broadcast on American public television and is alsoavailable on the Internet, according to Monarex.

(Editor:KongDefang、Yao Chun)

Hollywood documentary brings Diaoyu Islands truth to new audience - People's Daily Online
I need to thank American idiots for revealing the truth to me as well. I was just a student that knew little about international politics 10 years ago but American savagery was enough to convince me of the rightness of many of China's viewpoints. I don't believe anyone who isn't an idiot and studies the issue impartially can help but sympathize with China, the Chinese people and the other victims of USA-led terror. So many young, educated Taiwanese and other overseas Chinese are learning the truth.
I need to thank American idiots for revealing the truth to me as well. I was just a student that knew little about international politics 10 years ago but American savagery was enough to convince me of the rightness of many of China's viewpoints. I don't believe anyone who isn't an idiot and studies the issue impartially can help but sympathize with China, the Chinese people and the other victims of USA-led terror. So many young, educated Taiwanese and other overseas Chinese are learning the truth.

Many hawkish US medias are urging to fight China right now, otherwise it will be too late for them.
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oh crap, do not do that.

Diaoyu island means nothing, without this tension we won't be in the driver's seat.

Right now we have the option of war or peace. If the Japanese gives it back, then it's just peace, frankly, that prize is underwhelming. While it would give America the choice of war. This is about the worst scenario for China.

Even if these islands are given to us we are not strong enough to assert the type of dominance over them anyways. I believe in dragging this out, over time, we will reassess our options. I believe any time before 2025, a war is not going to yield the desire results, and getting these islands will be a meaningless gesture.

For we want to push the Americans out, not getting some rocks.

But reading American reaction, they are super nationalistic right now, so they won't do that, so we will still be in the driver's seat, with war or peace in our hands.
oh crap, do not do that.

Diaoyu island means nothing, without this tension we won't be in the driver's seat.

Right now we have the option of war or peace. If the Japanese gives it back, then it's just peace, frankly, that prize is underwhelming. While it would give America the choice of war. This is about the worst scenario for China.

Even if these islands are given to us we are not strong enough to assert the type of dominance over them anyways. I believe in dragging this out, over time, we will reassess our options. I believe any time before 2025, a war is not going to yield the desire results, and getting these islands will be a meaningless gesture.

For we want to push the Americans out, not getting some rocks.

But reading American reaction, they are super nationalistic right now, so they won't do that, so we will still be in the driver's seat, with war or peace in our hands.

OMG you are so lost!
The islands stand alone will mean nothing other than barren rocks
But the sovereignty, strategic location and political message that bring along with them are enormous, let alone the area of EEZ!
OMG you are so lost!
The islands stand alone will mean nothing other than barren rocks
But the sovereignty, strategic location and political message that bring along with them are enormous, let alone the area of EEZ!

Oh I understand those meanings, but at this point which one can we achieve?

Sovereignty? The US can make sure we don't get recognized, Japan is not Philippines, they are by themselves a great power.

Strategic location? The US has 11 carriers, we can have a base in Hawaii and within hours it's still dust.

Political message? What's the message? That we defeated Japan and US? Hardly, not unless we have the strength to back it up. For all that talk we still haven't pass the US in nominal GDP yet.

So my statement still stands. 枪杆子里出政权, all political power comes from the barrel of a gun, and at this moment, it's smaller than theirs.
Oh I understand those meanings, but at this point which one can we achieve?

I dont think you know all those sigficance
A step forward in gaining pubilicity towards the truth

Sovereignty? The US can make sure we don't get recognized, Japan is not Philippines, they are by themselves a great power.

I bet it is just you or another handful and confusing lot who let them (jap and the yanks) proliferate the confuscation of their wrong doings

Strategic location? The US has 11 carriers, we can have a base in Hawaii and within hours it's still dust.

The islands are unsinkable aircraft carriers!
It is a fine strategic location for building a base there
Look at the map if you still dont know where the island are!

Political message? What's the message? That we defeated Japan and US? Hardly, not unless we have the strength to back it up. For all that talk we still haven't pass the US in nominal GDP yet.

OMG you are just myopic!
That vid plus all other sources historical and otherwise are strong testaments for us claiming the islands

So my statement still stands. 枪杆子里出政权, all political power comes from the barrel of a gun, and at this moment, it's smaller than theirs.

枪杆子里出政is one kind of power
Do you know other "power" too?
You are much more backward thinking than I have thought

ps I am trying to grap some food leave a posting here if you have comments that are worthy of my reply
I dont think you know all those sigficance
A step forward in gaining pubilicity towards the truth

I bet it is just you or another handful and confusing lot who let them (jap and the yanks) proliferate the confuscation of their wrong doings

The islands are unsinkable aircraft carriers!
It is a fine strategic location for building a base there
Look at the map if you still dont know where the island are!

OMG you are just myopic!
That vid plus all other sources historical and otherwise are strong testaments for us claiming the islands

枪杆子里出政is one kind of power
Do you know other "power" too?
You are much more backward thinking than I have thought

ps I am trying to grap some food leave a posting here if you have comments that are worthy of my reply

I'm backward thinking? You are too idealistic.

Did we not have a case when the West burned our capital? Did we not have a case when Hong Kong was taken? Did we not have a case when Japanese invaded our land? Opium, wars, and humiliation, we were all righteous, but in the world of international politics, it doesn't matter.

Of course Diaoyu is ours, but so is a lot of things.

If Diaoyu was returned, right now, we would have no cause for war. While the US and Japan has a claim for war, however illegitimate it is, it hardly matters when the fighting starts. Most of the World is American allies.

Building a base is good, but one American carrier has 75-90 aircrafts, we have a total of 700 fourth gen aircrafts and no operational 5th gen. We are weaker right now, that's a fact, but if we wait, we can shorten that distance, by 2025, our 5th gen fighters will dominate the Asian skies and our navy will have no equal in Asia. We may have three carriers and the first one to be of similar standards to the Americans. That's political statement and strategic location rolled into one.

And for the first time in a long time, when we say sovereignty it means something.

Getting the island back the hard way proves our power, being given the island makes us look like someone who needs the pity of the US.
I'm backward thinking? You are too idealistic.

Did we not have a case when the West burned our capital? Did we not have a case when Hong Kong was taken? Did we not have a case when Japanese invaded our land? Opium, wars, and humiliation, we were all righteous, but in the world of international politics, it doesn't matter.

Of course Diaoyu is ours, but so is a lot of things.

If Diaoyu was returned, right now, we would have no cause for war. While the US and Japan has a claim for war, however illegitimate it is, it hardly matters when the fighting starts. Most of the World is American allies.

Building a base is good, but one American carrier has 75-90 aircrafts, we have a total of 700 fourth gen aircrafts and no operational 5th gen. We are weaker right now, that's a fact, but if we wait, we can shorten that distance, by 2025, our 5th gen fighters will dominate the Asian skies and our navy will have no equal in Asia. We may have three carriers and the first one to be of similar standards to the Americans. That's political statement and strategic location rolled into one.

And for the first time in a long time, when we say sovereignty it means something.

Getting the island back the hard way proves our power, being given the island makes us look like someone who needs the pity of the US.

You are very delusional about this. Daiyou is an important island for China and all its benefits as mentioned by Shutter in previous posts.

Those events you listed happened because we didn't have big modern guns at that time.
If other countries think they can steal our territory and it would be okay because they have their western friends backing them up, they are in for a big surprise. We are not going to give any inches of our territorial integrity. That is an assurance.

Diaoyu will remain in our eyes, heart, and soul. The fact we are willing to accept Diaoyu as a "dispute" show our compromise and resolve to settle it peacefully and diplomatically. But if the Japanese think there is "no dispute", I'm afraid we will have to go to war with them when we are powerful enough to deter the US from involvement, like the case of Russia currently. We need to reach Russia' military power to deter the US and her NATO from direct engagement.
You are very delusional about this. Daiyou is an important island for China and all its benefits as mentioned by Shutter in previous posts.

Those events you listed happened because we didn't have big modern guns at that time.

What is it you want to achieve? Getting back the Islands or getting back Asia? Cause if we somehow take the islands back now, all we will have is a few islands with no real change in status quo.

You might think Internationally it makes us look strong, but no it doesn't. The US is not the super power for nothing, the developed world is their alliance. They can spin this however they want, as long as we don't do anything definitive.

You think strategically it makes us look strong, forget the fact that these islands are not big enough or fit to be bases, when has American ever thought Chinese waters let's not go in, it's always, I will go in and you are just going to take it. Just taking the Islands without pushing the Americans out, nothing will change.
What is it you want to achieve? Getting back the Islands or getting back Asia? Cause if we somehow take the islands back now, all we will have is a few islands with no real change in status quo.

You might think Internationally it makes us look strong, but no it doesn't. The US is not the super power for nothing, the developed world is their alliance. They can spin this however they want, as long as we don't do anything definitive.

You think strategically it makes us look strong, forget the fact that these islands are not big enough or fit to be bases, when has American ever thought Chinese waters let's not go in, it's always, I will go in and you are just going to take it. Just taking the Islands without pushing the Americans out, nothing will change.

Smaller countries want to be allies with US because:
1. #1 world economy
2. #1 in military
3. As countermeasure to China's influence in the region.

You don't get it. The islands is strategic to China's interests and I won't list the reasons again as its already mentioned. You bring up strange ideologies with very limited ways of achieving it.

How do you get developed white countries and yellow lap dog countries to side with China? By begging, be nice and play by the US drafted international rules?
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