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Your spinning is lame, China did not once violates any country's territorial water. I challenge your land grabbing comment. As I said I care less for your personal opinion so bring me facts instead of these outlandish insinuation.

Mischief reef.
Mischief reef.

It belong to China or at least on China's perspective. (last off topic post)

It belong to China or at least on China's perspective. (last off topic post)


Can you post China's basis of ownership of Mischief reef??? They first build a hut there and told us it's a shelter for Chinese fishermen, now it's a Chinese garrison.

Mischief Reef
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1994, the PRC built the initial structures on stilts here while the Philippine Navy was not patrolling the area due to a monsoon season. Since the reef is just 130 miles (209 km) away from Palawan, well inside the Philippines' EEZ, the Philippines immediately protested this action. However, China rejected the protest and stressed that the structures were shelter for fishermen. In 1999, another wave of protests from Manila occurred when China added more structures to Mischief Reef which resembled military installations more closely than shelters for fishermen.[2]

Mischief Reef - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Abe is not going to be more hawkish when he's elected and all these bellicosity are simply election time rhetoric. When a person of an open society assumes power he has to tame down and do what's best for the country. (see Obama)

One hypothetical question: What would Japan do if China signs off the future claim of Okinawa, would Japan gives up the Diaoyu claim in a hurry if there's a face saving way to do it?

We will see after election, if it is just rhetoric. Abe has some nice ideas how to increase the strength of country defence, and last but not least how to revive the economy. Personally I support him.

Claim of Okinawa? You are joking! forget this.
If China claims Okinawa, you will see another row of tension with Japan. China should know that like Vietnam, Japan is not an easy meal.
Nationalist Strains Echo on Japan Campaign Trail


Be careful what you wish for. US officials have long urged Japan to loosen limits on its military, bear more of the burden of its own defense and play a more prominent global role.

Now, Japanese politicians gearing up for a Dec. 16 parliamentary election are promising to do just that — but with a strain of strident nationalism that could give not only Asian neighbors but also Washington cause for concern.

“Who can protect Japan’s beautiful seas? Who can protect our territory and our people’s lives?” asked former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, standing before a huge Japanese national flag as he blasted the current government’s handling of a territorial row with China in a recent speech.

“The crisis is before our very eyes ... We will take back our country, our nation.”

Opinion polls suggest Abe’s opposition Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) will win the most seats in parliament’s lower house, putting the hawkish lawmaker in pole position to become Japan’s seventh prime minister in six years. He abruptly quit the job in 2007, when the LDP was in power, after a troubled year in office.

Parts of Abe’s agenda, including calls to drop Japan’s self-imposed ban on exercising its right of collective self-defense, or defending an ally under attack, and to boost defense spending after years of decline, would be welcome in Washington.

Abe also wants to revise Japan’s US-drafted constitution, never altered since it was adopted after World War Two. US officials have indicated in the past that they would like to see Tokyo loosen constitutional restraints on its military to allow a bigger global security role.

But other aspects, such as an aggressive stance toward China that risks aggravating an already tense territorial row, and a desire to rewrite what conservatives see as overly apologetic accounts of Japan’s wartime past, would not only upset China and South Korea but the United States as well.

“The United States has been welcoming, even encouraging nationalist politicians as long as they are keen on reform and that Japan should share more burden in the security arrangement,” said Sophia University professor Koichi Nakano.

“But maybe they are beginning to realize that the Japanese right is going too far and setting Japan on a collision course with China that might require American involvement.”

Abe, a 58-year-old political blue-blood, is hardly alone in his hawkish stance.

Popular Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto’s Japan Restoration Party, officially headed by former Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara, an outspoken nationalist and China critic, comes in second in some recent opinion polls — ahead of Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda’s Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ).

Islands Row

Ishihara sparked the row with China over tiny islands claimed by both countries by floating a plan for the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to buy them from private owners, which pushed the central government to purchase them instead.

The 80-year-old Ishihara has also called for Japan, the only country to suffer an atomic bombing, to consider nuclear arms.

How far such hawkish rhetoric resonates with ordinary voters in a country that has prided itself on its peaceful path since its defeat in World War Two is hard to gauge.

A Kyodo news agency survey in mid-November put pensions and the economy at the top of voters’ election concerns and an analysis of election-related tweets published by the Asahi newspaper showed comments about nuclear power — a key public concern after last year’s Fukushima radiation disaster — far outstripped remarks about diplomacy and the constitution.

Still, China’s growing assertiveness in maritime feuds is compounding Japanese concerns about its neighbor’s rising military and economic clout. Flag-waving and expressions of patriotism are no longer the taboo they once were in Japan.

News that North Korea is planning a long-range missile test this month is also likely to give fresh impetus to calls for Japan to have stronger defenses and could give an election boost to Abe, known for his tough stance toward Pyongyang.

Waseda University Professor Masaru Kohno said his recent Internet surveys show younger Japanese increasingly keen to see the government take a tough stance toward Beijing and Seoul.

“The phenomena [territorial rows] are not entirely new, but the reaction is extraordinary so maybe you have to think the mood of the nation is tied to something like economic conditions or being politically fed up,” Kohno said. “It’s not like an ideological surge to the right, it’s more like frustration.”

Some fear that such frustration is translating into a longing for a strong leader, regardless of policy content.

“Fundamentally, the Japanese people are looking for leadership with a clear sense of direction,” said a former US diplomat. “Abe’s way of addressing this is to project strong views associated with nationalism.”

Some pundits and political sources predict Abe, who quickly moved to repair chilly ties with China as premier in 2006, would again tack to the center if he takes office, not least because the LDP will probably need its long-time and more moderate coalition partner, the New Komeito, to form a government.

Others say pressure from Hashimoto’s Restoration Party on the right means shifting gears would not be easy.

“There could be cause for concern if the level of rhetoric is sustained and there isn’t an effort to deal with things in a practical way in Asia,” the former US diplomat said. “At the end of the day, what really counts is after the campaign.”

Nationalist Strains Echo on Japan Campaign Trail | The Jakarta Globe

Very interesting, let see how Abe will lead the nation into this path: "We will take back our country, our nation."
It belong to China or at least on China's perspective. (last off topic post)

Your spinning is lame, China did not once violates any country's territorial water. I challenge your land grabbing comment. As I said I care less for your personal opinion so bring me facts instead of these outlandish insinuation.

Hahaha, precisely. That's the guy you love to use so much to prove your point. Little did you know his opinion about the Filipinos.:lol:

Sorry guy, you have weird thought. So, if china claim something ( like other's EEZ), then it will belong to china !? And china will not violates anything, right!? :lol:
Sorry guy, you have weird thought. So, if china claim something ( like other's EEZ), then it will belong to china !? And china will not violates anything, right!? :lol:

not that i want to comment but what ahfatzia said in this instant is right.

Your spinning is lame, China did not once violates any country's territorial water. I challenge your land grabbing comment. As I said I care less for your personal opinion so bring me facts instead of these outlandish insinuation.

EEZ is not territorial water. Teritorial water ended 12 nautical mile outside your land based coast line. EEZ is the area within 200 Nautical mile. It does not have territorial right for an country, only economic right. Having Foreign Warship within someone EEZ is allowed as per freedom of navigation rules under UNCLOS.

EEZ only gave the country's owning the EEZ power to board commerical shipping, anything other than commercial shipping is fair game. Unless you accuse the Chinese Military vessel doing business deal in your EEZ..........
Sorry guy, you have weird thought. So, if china claim something ( like other's EEZ), then it will belong to china !? And china will not violates anything, right!? :lol:

So how do you explain Vietnam occupies 40 islands, 18 of them are within Philippines' EEZ, in SCS? Didn't your country claim properties that belong to others and took them without permissions?
Be careful what you wish for. US officials have long urged Japan to loosen limits on its military, bear more of the burden of its own defense and play a more prominent global role.

Now, Japanese politicians gearing up for a Dec. 16 parliamentary election are promising to do just that — but with a strain of strident nationalism that could give not only Asian neighbors but also Washington cause for concern.
What America wants is an ally that is eager to pull trigger, not some useless pacifist that won't fight.

The US would be happy to see an aggressive militarized Japan eager to go to war with China because such Japan is an asset in the US strategy planning around the world, not a reliability that needs to be defended right now.

The US can send two carrier battle groups into the South China Sea at any given moment. That strength being matched by two Japanese carrier battle groups means doubling of the power that the US can utilize.
What America wants is an ally that is eager to pull trigger, not some useless pacifist that won't fight.

The US would be happy to see an aggressive militarized Japan eager to go to war with China because such Japan is an asset in the US strategy planning around the world, not a reliability that needs to be defended right now.

The US can send two carrier battle groups into the South China Sea at any given moment. That strength being matched by two Japanese carrier battle groups means doubling of the power that the US can utilize.

Such wishful thinking. What the US is going to do, invade China with the help of a re-militarized Japan? WWII all over again? Don't forget, Dokdo is the only Japan's perceived territory that's under foreign occupation. If Japan wants to take back the country and the nation, as Abe said, Dokdo will be the first target.

As for China, she'll just sit back and enjoy the show (of breaking up) while patrolling the Diaoyu's littoral water on a regular basis.
Such wishful thinking. What the US is going to do, invade China with the help of a re-militarized Japan?

No, just contain China via the AirSea battle concept, where the control of the sea around China is critical.

Dokdo is the only Japan's perceived territory that's under foreign occupation.
And the Kurils.

But as you have seen, the US backs Korean position on the Liancourt Rocks, and will ensure nothing happens there, both diplomatically and militarily. This is why the US backs going to ICJ for all of island disputes in the South China Sea, Diaoyudai, and Kurils, but OPPOSES the Liancourt rocks settlement at the ICJ.
No, just contain China via the AirSea battle concept, where the control of the sea around China is critical.

And the Kurils.

But as you have seen, the US backs Korean position on the Liancourt Rocks, and will ensure nothing happens there, both diplomatically and militarily. This is why the US backs going to ICJ for all of island disputes in the South China Sea, Diaoyudai, and Kurils, but OPPOSES the Liancourt rocks settlement at the ICJ.

When a country is meant to rise nothing will contain it and besides China has plenty of time because she doesn't have tons of bills to pay.

Yeah, I forgot Kuril Islands and it's getting more interesting for China and Korea but more headaches for the other duos.

So Korea is the favorite after all. Poor Japan as she doesn't have enough on her plate already and now, thanks to your logic, she's the one being isolated.
When a country is meant to rise nothing will contain it and besides China has plenty of time because she doesn't have tons of bills to pay.
Surely China does. China's massive aging population coming into retirement. China's becoming an old-age country even before it can break $10K GDP per capita.
So how do you explain Vietnam occupies 40 islands, 18 of them are within Philippines' EEZ, in SCS? Didn't your country claim properties that belong to others and took them without permissions?

You still have the link to the map with those islands? You should circle these 18 islands occupied by Vietnam and let these Vietcongs explain.
So how do you explain Vietnam occupies 40 islands, 18 of them are within Philippines' EEZ, in SCS? Didn't your country claim properties that belong to others and took them without permissions?
Sorry guy, You misunderstand about situation, Vietnam claim the Islands under the sovereignty of the vietnam and occupies it, only that, Vietnam do not claim Philippines' EEZ is territorial water of Vietnam. Vietnam don't violate UNCLOS.

China claim over 80% SCS by nine *** line belong to her, but how to claim it!? And China take Islands from other by forces, do more provocative actions to other country, claim everyting belong to her. I just want to ask: What is real of nine *** lines!?
not that i want to comment but what ahfatzia said in this instant is right.

EEZ is not territorial water. Teritorial water ended 12 nautical mile outside your land based coast line. EEZ is the area within 200 Nautical mile. It does not have territorial right for an country, only economic right. Having Foreign Warship within someone EEZ is allowed as per freedom of navigation rules under UNCLOS.

EEZ only gave the country's owning the EEZ power to board commerical shipping, anything other than commercial shipping is fair game. Unless you accuse the Chinese Military vessel doing business deal in your EEZ..........
I know that. I say it with intentionally. EEZ is not territorial water, but China even claim over 80% SCS and say the other violates her territorial water and sovereignty.
Chinese Military vessel doing many thing provocative in the nine *** lines draw by herself.

I stop here, because off topic.
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