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Forever is also a long time.

Until pebbles
grow into boulders
lush with moss.

China government can easily encourage Chinese to stand in the island with China flag raise above their head. This island China consider it a dispute, China want to escalate the situation can easily done.

It is ours. Forever will be ours. China may dispute all she wants, it does not change the fact that we Administer it. It is ours. Period. :)
And 15 seconds is enough to render the population of earth insolvent. Best leave the status quo to stand than seek the alternative.

Forever is a long time, and change will come, but who can say with any certainty that Japan will make the move? What about China? Perhaps North Korea will. Or the US... Yeah, I like that:usflag:.

who can say for certain? Easy, China only needs to continue to grow, Japan cannot grow anymore, even at best they match and exceed US per capita, which they won't, they still won't have a GDP and spending near what either China nor US can put out there.

Ali vs Liston dude. Just because one seems intimidating against third rate powers, doesn't mean they can take on a real P4P HOF.
This island will remain there till the end of time, this island not large enough to stop any invasion force to take over the island. Better settle this dispute in a manner acceptable to both japan and China. In no way Japan can physically defense the island from China invasion without US military fighting along side of Japan.
Hey, @Nihonjin1051 - Those are very beautiful islands, why not turn them into a joint Japanese-Chinese resort destination? I know the resource issues is the main sticking point behind said islands, but can a jointly run operation or business venture help sooth the dispute? Japan wouldn't need to absolve its claims to the island, just allow China to be part of the development and prosperity on the islands, while Japan retains the deeds.

Or how about joint development of resources:what:.

I'd vacation there:yahoo:... well, assuming you don't take us up on our offer to nuke the whole place8-).

I don't know, like you I'm just tired of this whole dispute.

I agree. Japan should develop the islands -- completely. Joint development of the islands? No, not likely. We should invite Chinese tourists after we develop it tho. :)
I agree. Japan should develop the islands -- completely. Joint development of the islands? No, not likely. We should invite Chinese tourists after we develop it tho. :)
so no more working together? 8-)

excellent, I was getting tired of that anyways, now it's you, it's me, it's Japan, and it's China for the undisputed heavy weight champion of the world.

but you might want to put on a few pounds to get into that ring.
who can say for certain? Easy, China only needs to continue to grow, Japan cannot grow anymore, even at best they match and exceed US per capita, which they won't, they still won't have a GDP and spending near what either China nor US can put out there.

Ali vs Liston dude. Just because one seems intimidating against third rate powers, doesn't mean they can take on a real P4P HOF.

Doesnt change anything, buddy. We have it, trying to get Senkaku is like cutting in front of Black guy in a buffet line. It ain't happening.
Doesnt change anything, buddy. We have it, trying to get Senkaku is like cutting in front of Black guy in a buffet line. It ain't happening.
sure it is, I done it, nothing scare about a black man, and that's racist dude.
so no more working together? 8-)

excellent, I was getting tired of that anyways, now it's you, it's me, it's Japan, and it's China for the undisputed heavy weight champion of the world.

but you might want to put on a few pounds to get into that ring.


Buddy, Genny, come on. Why you so mad? Listen, we still trade, we do business, we cooperate. Its just --- not good to discuss about Senkaku, know what i mean? You call it Diaoyutai, we call it Senakaku Shoto. Let's just not talk about it -- and everything will be okay.

Know what a i mean, playa? Aight, hope you game wid it.
Doesnt change anything, buddy. We have it, trying to get Senkaku is like cutting in front of Black guy in a buffet line. It ain't happening.

China build up their navy in the future if need be will be use to solve the dispute by force, I don't see how China will back down any confrontation with Japan over the dispute if the condition demand it to be so.

Buddy, Genny, come on. Why you so mad? Listen, we still trade, we do business, we cooperate. Its just --- not good to discuss about Senkaku, know what i mean? You call it Diaoyutai, we call it Senakaku Shoto. Let's just not talk about it -- and everything will be okay.

Know what a i mean, playa? Aight, hope you game wid it.
dude, I ain't from Jersey, ?playa?

It's good to talk about it, when you get into the real corporate world, which I think you said you want to, everything is on the table, people fight, people work together, but most importantly, people win.

Feelings can be hurt, don't worry, I'm a big boy, I can handle it.
dude, I ain't from Jersey, ?playa?

It's good to talk about it, when you get into the real corporate world, which I think you said you want to, everything is on the table, people fight, people work together, but most importantly, people win.

Feelings can be hurt, don't worry, I'm a big boy, I can handle it.

I know, man. Japan and China are big economies, we want bigger pie pieces. It's not worth fighting over such a small little island.

China build up their navy in the future if need be will be use to solve the dispute by force, I don't see how China will back down any confrontation with Japan over the dispute if the condition demand it to be so.

Hey Angolan dude, worry about Angola. Northeast Asia isn't something you should be concerned about.

I know, man. Japan and China are big economies, we want bigger pie pieces. It's not worth fighting over such a small little island.

It's so worth it man, cause you know what's more fun than money? Getting back at people, though most of the time it's the same thing, added bonus.
I know, man. Japan and China are big economies, we want bigger pie pieces. It's not worth fighting over such a small little island.

Hey Angolan dude, worry about Angola. Northeast Asia isn't something you should be concerned about.


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