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Diamer Bhasha Dam: World Bank, not ADB, presses for seeking Indian NOC

Makes sense to me, but try explaining this to the ill-informed segment of Pakistani society who see a Zionist hand everywhere.

I also hope that people can see that China has been a true friend in many respects, but our over-dependence will turn it away from us eventually. There's nothing more disgraceful than to have lost a friend simply because we were too lazy to clean our mess.

And before people pounce on this post and say that China will never abandon us no matter what... remember the Arabs ?? or the Americans ??

I don't know if I will disappoint anyone if I say that not ALL of Pakistan's problems can be attributed to evil Zionists or Amreekans or Hindoos!

And definitely not in relationship to the Diamer Bhasha Project. It will be a real tragedy if the average Pakistani Jaani continues to believe in such absurd notions.

Just to add another point: India faced a similar problem wrt a Hydro-Electric project that was planned in Arunachal Pradesh. The ADB hesitated to extend a line of credit since that area is disputed with China and suggested some similar NOC stuff.
India promptly reworked the project; found funds elsewhere and commenced work. So as far as I know, work has commenced there.
I don't know if I will disappoint anyone if I say that not ALL of Pakistan's problems can be attributed to evil Zionists or Amreekans or Hindoos!

And definitely not in relationship to the Diamer Bhasha Project. It will be a real tragedy if the average Pakistani Jaani continues to believe in such absurd notions.

Just to add another point: India faced a similar problem wrt a Hydro-Electric project that was planned in Arunachal Pradesh. The ADB hesitated to extend a line of credit since that area is disputed with China and suggested some similar NOC stuff.
India promptly reworked the project; found funds elsewhere and commenced work. So as far as I know, work has commenced there.

Most of our problems stem from our habit of blaming others for everything. This is exactly why even our well-founded claims and saner opinions find no ears.

Organizations like the ADB and others need to walk a thin line of being unbiased. Hence the whole cautious approach towards mega projects. India managed to find the necessary funding but I don't know about Pakistan's case. We are already heavily indebted with a dubious economic future.
Most of our problems stem from our habit of blaming others for everything. This is exactly why even our well-founded claims and saner opinions find no ears.

Organizations like the ADB and others need to walk a thin line of being unbiased. Hence the whole cautious approach towards mega projects. India managed to find the necessary funding but I don't know about Pakistan's case. We are already heavily indebted with a dubious economic future.

Hopefully; Pakistan will be able to tide over that problem. In the meantime let us wish that Pakistan is able to overcome the mismanagement issue. That will be "half the problem gone"!
The contract should be given to China & Bhasha Dam should be made, the anti Pakistani lobbies are doing whatever they can to stop developmental programs in Pakistan & India is leading all this. These dams are for Pakistan & we don't need permission from the enemies.

Why don't you give the whole country to china to run. You have already tested this formula with US. With this kind of thinking only god can save pakistan, if there is one.
Why don't you give the whole country to china to run. You have already tested this formula with US. With this kind of thinking only god can save pakistan, if there is one.

And you've done it !!! I now hereby invite all trolls to devour the thread.
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