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Dhaka University cuts off all educational ties with Pakistan

hasina family background shows her true intentions 4 BD and its relationship with Pak. just wish BD people kick this half hindu indian out of BD if they want peace.
These are supposedly Pakistani textile experts who are specialists in various textile manufacturing and finishing processes like cotton carding, air-jet/water-jet looms, dyeing etc. Pakistani textile processing goes farther back than Bangladesh because we never grew good quality cotton locally, OTOH Pakistan did...so naturally they had value addition processes built long ago.

Ok figures.

Now Bangladesh has enough of its own experts +value added these days right to not be affected by cancelling such visas right?

just wish BD people kick this half hindu indian out of BD if they want peace.

And what do you plan to do to disrupt the peace if they dont?
These are supposedly Pakistani textile experts who are specialists in various textile manufacturing and finishing processes like cotton carding, air-jet/water-jet looms, dyeing etc. Pakistani textile processing goes farther back than Bangladesh because we never grew good quality cotton locally, OTOH Pakistan did...so naturally they had value addition processes built long ago.
I am sure Bangladesh today can give training to the local people to make them experts as well. I don't think it will take much time.

Ok figures.

Now Bangladesh has enough of its own experts +value added these days right to not be affected by cancelling such visas right?

And what do you plan to do to disrupt the peace if they dont?
What a day it would be the day Bangladesh surpasses Pakistan in GDP per capita.
I think I might just have champagne that day.

A couple of decades at maximum. Though hopefully in another decade - ie by 2025.
I am sure Bangladesh today can give training to the local people to make them experts as well. I don't think it will take much time.

What a day it would be the day Bangladesh surpasses Pakistan in GDP per capita.
I think I might just have champagne that day.

A couple of decades at maximum. Though hopefully in another decade - ie by 2025.

I have a good feeling they will surpass around 2020 itself. This is because of the really low GFCF in Pakistan compared to Bangladesh for quite a few decades now.

For a GFCF rate of below 20% of GDP, you have to go back to 1995 for Bangladesh and 1983 for India. So 80's (and before) up to about mid 90s....Pakistan was investing in hard assets to some appreciable level compared to India and Bangladesh.

But they have always been stuck at that level since then and actually seen it decline (it never went above 18% any year and is now at 13% in most recent years) whereas Bangladesh and India have comfortably pushed it to around 30% (India even got it around 35% a few years).

This is the main reason why Bangladesh gets 5% assured real growth rate and can add 1 - 2% with little effort each year (depending on other factors + reforms).

Pakistan never put in that sort of leverage, even during the relatively high growth Musharraf years (where it hit the peak of 18% GFCF a couple times). They for some reason doggedly remain a consumption by year economy....that does not invest enough.

Investment really is super-important to long term base growth rate....and now they are putting all their eggs in the CPEC basket. Even if that all goes exactly to plan, my estimate is that will at most get their GFCF to around 20% level from now to 2018....they need to get much much more going domestically investment wise to stand a chance of getting a decent long term growth rate like Bangladesh.

That's why 2020 is not a bad guess for when Bangladesh will surpass Pakistan per capita wise...because I tend to only estimate with worst case scenario with just a bit of balance/optimism thrown in.
I have a good feeling they will surpass around 2020 itself. This is because of the really low GFCF in Pakistan compared to Bangladesh for quite a few decades now.

For a GFCF rate of below 20% of GDP, you have to go back to 1995 for Bangladesh and 1983 for India. So 80's (and before) up to about mid 90s....Pakistan was investing in hard assets to some appreciable level compared to India and Bangladesh.

But they have always been stuck at that level since then and actually seen it decline (it never went above 18% any year and is now at 13% in most recent years) whereas Bangladesh and India have comfortably pushed it to around 30% (India even got it around 35% a few years).

This is the main reason why Bangladesh gets 5% assured real growth rate and can add 1 - 2% with little effort each year (depending on other factors + reforms).

Pakistan never put in that sort of leverage, even during the relatively high growth Musharraf years (where it hit the peak of 18% GFCF a couple times). They for some reason doggedly remain a consumption by year economy....that does not invest enough.

Investment really is super-important to long term base growth rate....and now they are putting all their eggs in the CPEC basket. Even if that all goes exactly to plan, my estimate is that will at most get their GFCF to around 20% level from now to 2018....they need to get much much more going domestically investment wise to stand a chance of getting a decent long term growth rate like Bangladesh.

That's why 2020 is not a bad guess for when Bangladesh will surpass Pakistan per capita wise...because I tend to only estimate with worst case scenario with just a bit of balance/optimism thrown in.
What can I say except - Inshallah :D

That said, you underestimate Pakistan, they are able to wrangle out dole from US and China which is used for investment purposes.
That said, you underestimate Pakistan, they are able to wrangle out dole from US and China which is used for investment purposes.

US is not going to invest in them economically in any appreciable way. That I can guarantee. You can check the recent FDI figures yourself, it is getting more and more skewed to China-sourced FDI. Anyone thats not China is losing interest.

What China does is for strategic reasons only. CPEC alone is not going to push GFCF past 20%. At most there may be a spurt of around 6% growth for a few years, then it will drop back down unless Pakistan fundamentally brings in land owner + tax reform to create real hard assets from the money that is being stashed away illegally/tax evaded/sitting around doing nothing. Then to really get the growth to where it should be they also need to bring in better skilled labour. Both of these are not happening (they should have done it years ago, they arent doing it even today and are hoping somehow Chinese will do it).

You cannot rely on CPEC to change these fundamental basic necessities to empower local people, especially entrepreneurs. India and Bangladesh are on this journey too, but they have at least firmly started....so they are not reliant on one or two countries bringing in investment....in fact they are not even all that reliant on FDI in the first place (its just an extra bonus).
Lol Pakistanis don't care, BD has no significant geopolitical importance nor it is in our region, please keep thinking about us !!!
It is not about your next generation..it is about the deteriorating relations between BD and Pakistan. You were one country just 40 years ago....I always reckon why religion could not keep BD and Pakistan united.

It was never viable even Pakistan Resolution 1940 called for more than one muslim state. Ch Rehmat Ali & Iqbal envisioned an autonomous muslim majority state in Northwest, Pakistan is an acronym with each letter representing its provinces, it was introduced in 1933 by Ch rehmat ali, there is no "B" for bengal. It were the british who never gave the option of creating a third muslim majority state in Bengal
Indians are pretending to care about Bangladeshis yet BSF kills Bangladeshi farmers and cattle herders on a daily basis and Indians don't shed a tear.
Lol Pakistanis don't care, BD has no significant geopolitical importance nor it is in our region, please keep thinking about us !!!

And soon there will be no Bangladesh either too on the map. The area will be called the Bay of Bengal.
What a day it would be the day Bangladesh surpasses Pakistan in GDP per capita.
I think I might just have champagne that day.

A couple of decades at maximum. Though hopefully in another decade - ie by 2025.

So what is wrong if Bangladesh surpass Pakistan in GDP per capita?I mean seriously do you think we are in competition with bangladesh?

We have many other problems to worry about other than economy and sorry we are not in competition with Bangladesh on any term and if the surpass us,i will be happy for them
hasina family background shows her true intentions 4 BD and its relationship with Pak. just wish BD people kick this half hindu indian out of BD if they want peace.

Hatred for Hasina from Pakistanis will give more support from Bangladeshis for her. :coffee:
Move to snap DU-Pakistan ties

  • 11_Memory+Eternal_DU_141215_0003.jpg

A proposal to have Dhaka University sever its ties with Pakistani educational institutions is being moved in the university Syndicate.


The vice-chancellor said, “We think the time has come to snap relations with Pakistan because its army committed the mass killings in ’71 and yet Pakistan has denied the truth.
Dhaka University Vice-Chancellor AAMS Arefin Siddique said the proposal would be placed at a Syndicate meeting on Monday afternoon to mark the Martyred Intellectuals Day.

He told bdnews24.com: “A decision will be made following discussions on the memoranda of understanding between Dhaka University and different Pakistani universities and DU’s relations with them.”

Prof Siddique, who is the chairman of the Syndicate, made it clear that Bengalees would never forget the devilish murders of the country’s intellectuals committed at the fag end of the 1971 Liberation War.

He said, “The demand for the trial of those involved in these murders is a demand of the people of the country, the demand of the Dhaka University family and of the families of the martyrs.”

The nation is observing Martyred Intellectuals Day on Monday in memory of the intellectuals who had fallen victims to the brutal Pakistani military regime and its local quislings on the eve of victory in 1971.

On December 14, 1971, the Pakistani occupation forces and their accomplices, in a pre-meditated orgy of violence, killed university teachers, doctors, artists, writers, journalists and other eminent Bengalis after picking them up from their homes in Dhaka.


“In such a situation, we don’t want to maintain any relations with Pakistan. We’re thinking of severing all ties between Dhaka University and Pakistan.”

Earlier on Dec 1, Siddique had announced at a function in the capital that Dhaka University would not maintain any ties with Pakistan. “No more students of the (Dhaka) university will go to Pakistan,” he said.

Proposal to snap DU ties with Pakistan to be moved in Syndicate -

1971 Dhaka University massacre

Black night of 25 March 1971

The Pakistani army convoy that attacked Dhaka University on 25 March 1971 included 18 Panjabi, 22 Pashtun, 32 Panjabi regiment and several battalions. Armed with heavy weapons such as tanks, automatic rifles, rocket launchers, heavy mortar, light machine gun, they encircled Dhaka University from east (unit 41), from south (unit 88) and from north (unit 26).[1]

Massacre of teachers

Martyred Intellectuals' Memorial at Rayerbazar, Dhaka.

At the beginning of Operation Searchlight 10 teachers of Dhaka University were killed.[2]

Professor Fajllur Rahman and his two relatives were killed at building 23 situated at Nilkhet. Professor Rahman’s wife escaped because she was not in the country. Pakistani army also attacked the house of Professor Anwar Pasha and Professor Rashidul Hassan (English Department). Both of them survived by hiding under beds, but were killed later on the verge of war by Al-Badar militia.[3] Professor Rafiqul Islam of Bangla literature department was at building 24. Two wounded women with their children stayed in the entrance of the building for some time. When the army came they found blood on the stairs and, surmising that other groups had done the massacre, left. This way Professor Rafiqul escaped. Later he stated that there had been one East Pakistani professor at that building, who left home before 25 March. All other non-Bengali families did the same without informing others.[4]

At Number 12 Fuller Road, the army called on Sayed Ali Noki (Professor Social Science). They allowed him to go but killed Professor Abdul Muktadir (Geology) who was a resident of the same building. His body was found at Jahurul Huq Hall (then Iqbal Hall). He was buried at Paltan by his relatives. Professor K. M. Munim (English Literature), the house tutor of Salimullah Student Hall, was injured at Salimullah Hall. Professors A R Khan Khadim and Sharafat Ali of Mathematics department were killed in Dhaka Hall. At Jagannath Hall they attacked teachers' residence and harassed Professor Mirja Huda (Economics) and Professor Mofijullah Kabir (History).

When Jagannath Hall, a student dormitory for minority Hindu students, was attacked, university staff quarters were also affected. The army killed Ex-Provost and famous professor of philosophy Dr Gobindra Chandra Dev with his Muslim adopted daughter’s husband. They attacked and killed Dr. A.N.M. Manirujjaman, Professor of Statistics, along with his son and two relatives. Professor Jyotirmoy Guhathakurta the provost of Jagannath Hall was severely injured by army attack and died in the hospital later.[5] Dormitory electrician Chitrabali and eye witness Rajkumari Devi state that the doctors of Dhaka Medical College Hospital recognized Dr. Guhathakurta and buried him under a tree near Dhaka Medical College morgue.

Assistant house tutor Anudoipayon Bhattacharja was also killed at that dorm.[6] This information was taken from the novel “Riffel Roti Awrat” (Rifle, Bread, Women) by Professor Anwar Pasha who was later killed in December. Professor Pasha wrote this famous Bengali novel during the nine-month war period of 1971.

Killing of students

The Non-cooperation movement was organized under the banner of “Independent Bangladesh Students Movement Council” from Jahrul Hoque hall of Dhaka University. The first target of Operation Searchlight was this student hall. By 25 March all leaders of Chhatra League had left the hall. According to Professor Dr. K.M. Munim around 200 students were killed at this dorm.

After 12 o’clock the army entered Jagannath Hall and initially attacked the hall with mortar and began non-stop firing. They entered through north and south gate and killed students non-selectively from each room. Around 34 students were killed at that time. Some students of Jagannath Hall were resident of Ramna Kali Bari. So, around 5-6 were killed there. Among them only the name of Ramonimohon Bhattacharjee is known. Many guests of students who were at those dorms were also killed. Including Helal of Bhairab college

, Babul Paul of Bajitpur College, Baddruddojha of Jagannath Hall, Jibon Sarkar, Mostaq, Bacchu and Amar of Netrokona.[3] Archer Blood, the then consul general of US at Dhaka, wrote in his book The Cruel Birth of Bangladesh, "Fire was started at Rokeya Hall (girls' dormitory) and, when the students tried to escape, the military started firing. From the conversation of military control room and army unit 88, a total of 300 students death was estimated."[7]

1971 Dhaka University massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As if we care....somethings never change.

My previous got mixed with my corrected posts.The one with improper quotes is reported for deletion, not the proper quote with the post. Thank. I am unable to do so for some reasons. Thank in advance for taking care of this issues.

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