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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

Screenshot 2020-04-21 at 22.56.38.png
That area has been under LNA control since January 1st at least.
30% of the crew of the Charles de Gaulle carrier now has the covid19. It was headed for Libya but now it's forced to stay at Toulon. France has now just one FREMM on alert for the Irini operation. Our 4 Gabyas are for now safe
LNA has launched a massive counterattack on the North Tarhuna front. They have advanced and are close to reaching the Mediterranean. If they succeed the link between Misrata and Tripoli will be cut.

This is serious.

The situation is extremely critical.

Haftar has also amassed huge forces at the Sirte front, preparing for an offensive there. Turkey might have to escalate considerably to save GNA.
Will you people stop putting propaganda twitter to the forum. Just sit and wait, the achievement GNA made is clear! No need to panic like a kid.

Haftar making a convoy of 350 vehicles... how many bayrakter do gna have to deal with those ?

It would be a mistake not dealing with those, even if they use civilian shield in them.
I am pretty sure the Turkish High Command is very sensitive to the civilian casualties. Campaign in Libya may be delayed, but cost to the civilian casualties is way higher....

Will you people stop putting propaganda twitter to the forum. Just sit and wait, the achievement GNA made is clear! No need to panic like a kid.
Folks don’t understand war is a marathon race, especially from
Sabr and Shukr points of view!! I was watching the serial Gallipoli made by the Australians. What a test of Sabr and Shukr....
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